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Sunday, September 12, 2021



“When does Preezy Idiot Boy face MURDER charges!”

Well now, as I’ve said repeatedly, it only gets worse each day /  week / month that

goes by with Preezy Idiot Boy at the helm … this was quite the 9/11 weekend

anniversary wasn’t it? … let’s check the “highlights” … 1) we found out just how

utterly incompetent U.S. intelligence is, how morally bankrupt the military brass is,

as a large family of Afghans are MURDERED in a U.S. drone strike … first, the

Pentagon tries to claim it was a terrorist strike cuz the secondary blasts tell us

that the guy they targeted had bombs to go off, and that was proven as a BIG,

BOLD FACED LIE … I guess it’s OK to lie about murder if the U.S. does it, right?

… where’s Preezy Idiot Boy in this “chain of command”, and when do those

responsible for this act of murder by the U.S. military brass face charges?

… “don’t hold your fucking breath”! … oh wait, I forgot, the U.S. are the “good

guys”, so it’s OK, amirite or amirite? … meanwhile the aid worker, women, and

children die from a FUBAR led by U.S. intelligence, the biggest oxymoron I can

think of, right up there with “honest lawyer” … all under the guidance from a

demented, criminal Doofus, who doesn’t even know what day it is.

2) this guy is so bad, his handlers wouldn’t let him make a 9/11 speech, for fear

he would FUBAR it up, and end up talking about the 11 year old girl he just saw,

or her hair he liked … instead, his handlers “package” him with a trio of LOSERS

named Clinton, Bush, & Obumba … who, for the record, have killed more people

and caused more destruction worldwide, right along with the LOSS OF

FREEDOMS AMERICANS USED TO ENJOY, so that the “Military Industrial

Complex” could make billions … and then he proceeds to pull his mask down

and yell at somebody … later he laments the fact that people everywhere are

chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” and that there are yard signs he’s seeing saying the

same thing … see, it’s 9/11, but it’s all about him … “oh, it’s about you alright

… and my only hope is he, along with some military “genius’s”, end up with

murder charges filed against them! … somebody tell me, why is it OK for this

Afghan guy and his entire family to be killed by the U.S. when he DID NOTHING

BUT HELP THE U.S.? … if this had happened under President Trump, the Libtard

MSM would be apoplectic in their “faux outrage” and demand “justice” … who’s

surprised they are strangely silent now? … complicit, corrupt, and morally

bankrupt defines them, right along with the guy at the top, the intelligence

agencies, and military brass … what a bunch of “fuck ups” … it only gets

worse”! … and quite frankly, this is what “woke” gets you.

And don’t think for a second all of this is just isolated and doesn’t affect

“markets” [cough, bullshit, cough], if you can even call them that … pretty much

everything on the MT4 / MT5 platform is manipulated by central banks, notably 

the FED, via their BFF scumbag LP banks, and everything starts and ends with

the concept of “risk on / risk off” … from that mantra theme, any particular

market reverberates down through the hierarchy of tradeable markets starting

with the SP500, USDJPY direction, and finally who’s long and who’s short, and

how can the most pain be inflicted upon market participants by banks that benefit

them and those they have to pay the “skim”? … if you were somehow thinking of

going to some higher education indoctrination center for a degree in investment

finance, I just saved you 4 years of bullshit and a whole lotta money, cuz this is

how things work … and what did we learn last week from ZH? … well, how about

them FED governors who buy & sell stock and make millions from inside

information of FED decisions? … and that doesn’t even include part of the

Apparatchik “skim” they get for funneling “FED info” to large hedge funds or

scumbag Wall Street banks! … something we know happens cuz in the past some

of them have been caught doing it, but now with crypto wallets and BTC OR ETH,

it’s all silent and nobody knows nuttin’!

For traders, the dilemma we face is enormous … sure, you can always play the

“position game”, but positioning requires “mucho dinero”, and the rate of error

on positions is much higher … with “vig” on rollovers, high bid / offer spreads,

slippage, plus commissions, and markets that mostly don’t trend any longer

[except U.S. “Stock Bellies”], I have never been an advocate of “positioning”

… that doesn’t mean short term trading is all roses, cuz as we have seen since

the EURCHF debacle in January 2015, followed by the FED going to overt

manipulation of futures with their foray into the crude oil market in February

2016, these aren’t the markets you saw before then, and they sure as hell aren’t

the same markets that were “pit traded” before electronic trading started around

the turn of the century … gold / silver got the “Rally Protection Team” [RPT]

starting in the early Spring of 2012, and despite Basel 3 [which is a joke], trading

gold is a nightmare of high spreads and slippage, made that way cuz the

scumbag bullion banks are not gonna allow you to scalp at their expense

… unless you want to go to futures, crude oil always has been and is now a CFD

joke of utterly ridiculous bid / offer spreads most of the time, and if it gets active

slippage becomes a real issue … “Stock Bellies” have always been plagued with

high spreads & slippage as well, but the real issue now is the FED’s

manipulation of VIX and not allowing indices to “trade” … they go one direction

or the other, like the fattest kid in 6th grade walking up a steep hill, where it’s

slow as hell … you’re lucky if you can get one trade per day!

That leaves FX, where again in the majors it’s “crush VIX” by the central banks

via their scumbag LP bank hyenas … and quite frankly, in some pairs like

EURUSD & USDJPY, VIX has gotten so low they aren’t even tradeable IMHO

… the worst part though, is “IF” they do move and you happen to be on the

wrong side of the ball and take a loss, it’s very difficult to make that money back

anytime soon cuz the market doesn’t move afterwards … Loser Formation here

we come! … It looked like Yen was starting to “wake up” in the last week or two,

but that “wake up” hasn’t helped the Yen crosses cuz the moves in Yen have

been correlated with other major FX pairs … so where’s the benefit? … right,

there isn’t any!

In the past, I’ve attempted to move PAMM trading into crosses, like GBPCHF, but

the Swiss manipulate CHF worse than the BOJ and “Peter Pan Kuroda” do the

Yen … and what still “frosts my cupcake”, after studying GBPCHF for weeks

and seeing a relatively decent market trade with about a 1 PIP spread, I wake up

one day and the spread [for no reason I can see] is now 2 - 2 ½ PIPS and it

hasn’t backed off that since … well, that’s a “deal killer”, cuz the 20 Day Range

MA currently sits around 76 PIPS, and that isn’t good enough.

What we need to see in FX pairs is 1) at a MINIMUM a 20 Day Range MA of 70+

PIPS, the higher the better, 2) LOW BID /OFFER SPREAD, ideally UNDER 1 PIP,

BUT NO WORSE THAN ABOUT 1.5 PIPS, and 3) most importantly, a denominator

FX pair that has decent VIX and moves! … up & until it changes, if it ever does,

that NIXES the Yen crosses, and NIXES the CHF crosses … no cross has EUR

in the denominator, and there’s only one cross that has Cable in the denominator

and that’s EURGBP, but the ranges here border on utterly pathetic, and I’m being

kind … current 20 Day Range MA = 34.6 PIPS, and that ain’t cuttin’ any mustard!

… that leaves AUD, NZD, & CAD … only EURAUD of the AUD denominator

crosses can be considered acceptable, and that’s marginal at best … all of the

NZD denominator crosses have too high of a spread just for starters … that

leaves CAD, where EURCAD IS THE CLEAR WINNER … the rest of the CAD

denominator crosses either have too high of a spread [GBPCAD, NZDCAD], or

the 20 Day Range MA’s are historically weak [AUDCAD].

And although some might want to consider the MXN [Mexican Peso] as a

secondary major pair, it’s spreads are ridiculous no matter where you match it

up, straight up versus the dollar or in a cross … this gives EURCAD the single

advantage of spanning both European & North American [U.S.] sessions for

wider moves over a longer time frame, not simply the European session … and

looking at the 20 Day Range MA of USDCAD, it’s right around 99 PIPS [see below],

better than any pair out there … it’s spread most of the day is around 1.5 PIPS,

and most importantly, back testing the algorithm against EURCAD yields great

results … so, why stick with Yen crosses going nowhere when there’s this

puppy? … and it’s why I’m switching over to EURCAD.

Directly below the 20 Day Range MA’s for selected market pairs.

click on table to enlarge

Onto the week … outta here … “the future looks so bright, I need sunglasses”! 😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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