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Wednesday, May 25, 2022


“A Libtard’s solution to everything is the loss of individual freedoms!”

The Texas school shooter “was” [not is, cuz this is Texas and a border patrol

agent shot the asshole dead] identified as 18 year old Salvador Ramos … well,

there goes the “white kid” from the suburbs who’s entire family are a bunch of

“white supremacists” meme from the usual hacks in the MSM … guaranteed you

won’t hear much if any coverage about that “inconvenient” fact cuz it doesn’t fit

the Libtard narrative … instead, it’s “Plan B” from the DNC / activist Libtard

hacks  playbook, and won’t take but about 3 nanoseconds to seamlessly get the

talking points out to a gleeful and giddy overpaid bunch of hacks who do what

they are told … like stormclouds portending rain in a few minutes, these

Assclowns are just as predictable … quick, send out the gun control Harpies on

MSNBC and other outhouse outlets nobody watches to get your “15 minutes of

fame” in the demented & delusional Libtard universe bubble you live in, and

become the first on your block to utter the obvious … since we can’t blame the

kid or his family cuz they’re non white, 1) it’s obviously Trump’s fault, 2) we need

mandatory gun control everywhere except when Libtard’s private security

protection demands it, and 3) did I mention it’s Trump’s fault?

Then, like day follows night, a bunch of dumb ass POLS will screech from the

Heavens about kids lives, senseless violence, did I mention it’s Trump’s fault?,

and DEMAND ACTION! … all for the cameras of course, cuz it’s all faux outrage

for perceived political convenience and advantage that doesn’t exist … EVERY

major city in the U.S. is run by DEM Libtards, and has been for decades … they

are ALL third world shitboxes worthy of a place in Lebanon or Somalia

… criminal gangs run everything and control everything and act as “muscle” for

Libtards, while the cops and judicial system are bought and paid for by blood

money … “how many people will be shot and killed this week in Chicago? 10?,

20?, more? … who gives a fuck? … are their lives and the suffering of their

families any less important than the tragedy in Texas? … where the Hell is the

bigoted Idiot Libtard Mayor, one Lori Lightfoot? … that’s right, nowhere to be

seen or heard, except to promote SJW bullshit … why can’t they stop the

violence? … EASY PEEZEE: “They don’t want to cuz then the illicit money under

the table dries up, and then what does the entire system built upon graft, bribery,

& corruption do then”? … Libtards have no idea how to solve real world problems,

they seek advantage through “crisis” by demanding more power & money and

give back NOTHING …  as I said yesterday, the Banana Republic known as the

“U.S.” is corrupt top to bottom … the entire government is plagued by hypocrites,

liars, and cutting straight to the bone, pure Satanists … Evil starts at the top and

works it’s way down … and like the Master that Dipshits like Biden work for &

WORSHIP, it all begins with lies … all you’re gonna hear for days running is 1) if

you own a gun, the kids in Texas died cuz of you cuz you’re evil and most likely

support the NRA, which according to Libtards is code for the SS run by Himmler,

2) it’s the gun’s fault so we need to do something about that, and 3) did I mention

it’s Trump’s fault?

There’s a right way to deal with tragedies like this, and then there’s the wrong

way … count on POLS cuz they’re spineless Wimps to be on the wrong side

every single time, aided and abetted by a corrupt hack media  … and while the

pain & suffering is no less intense cuz we’re human [well, some of us are], Christ

reminds us in the Gospel of Luke [Ch. 12 & 13], that the answers you’re seeking

are not found in human Idiot POLS & Apparatchiks [ancient times from Pontius

Pilate to now people like Preezy Idiot Boy, who wouldn’t know truth from Evil if

it bit him in the ass … last night is proof of that!] … Christ’s answer to the

masses gathered before him, when questioned about senseless killings,

massacres, and accidents was to turn to God and become closer to HIM through

prayer, and to repent from your own sins … were any of the victims without sin?

… are you? … the answer to both is NOPE! … but of course, government doesn’t

want any part of this, cuz the agenda & narrative from Libtards is to drive

people away from God towards … wait for it … GOVERNMENT! … “WE’LL

protect you, we’ll give you things, just give us all the power over your life and

everything is Utopia! … ask people in North Korea, China, & Venezuela about

that” … when do we ever free ourselves from 100% ALL THE TIME government

propaganda from these delusional Dimwits?

Turning to today’s casino financial markets [right next to the penny slot machines

if you get lost] … operation “Save Japan” from financial ruin is in full effect by the

FED, so yesterday sees a shipload of USDJPY longs get slaughtered as the 127

level gave way to the 6 handle … wouldn’t at all be surprised to learn the FED is

actively buying the 10 YR. Treasury “off RADAR”, in order to keep the yield

below 3%, and thus buy some time in the hopes inflation cools before the entire

world financial system goes “TILT”!

I attack the day right near the European open, and what do I get logging in?

… “404 SERVER ERROR! … please contact IT tech support” … OK, WTF is this

about? … apparently something somewhere got the FUBAR bug … I get on chat,

and am told the IT guy for institutional support comes in later and he’ll contact

me via email so we can live chat … 10 hours later, here around 1:30 PM EST it

gets fixed … not sure what the Hell happened, but it’s too late in the day to trade,

with Europe closed now for over 2+ hours … all that’s left is the “Plunge

Protection Team [PPT] manipulators in “Stock Bellies” [if they show up] to move

FX price, and no thanks … yea, I coulda went back on the old MT4 setup but

screw that … not interested in shit fills and terrible latency … and from what I

see that happened during the down time, there were some good scalping

opportunities the algorithm identified in all 3 dollar majors [EUR, GBP, & JPY],

but Cable would have shown the best results, as one of the key algorithm setups

for FX trades served up some great GBPUSD long scalps … a little miffed cuz

some good opportunities saw me sitting here wondering when the Hell does

anybody there show up for work? … not anybody’s fault, though, it simply is

what it is in this highly complicated world of network communications where

about a billion things can go wrong in a heartbeat … as the Mrs. says, put on

your “big girl panties” and deal with it! … how do you argue with that? … in the

other 2, neither really outshined the other, and it was to be quite frank, a pretty

mundane day in FX, as a whole, as everybody waits to see when [NOT “IF”!]

Spicoli & the other Lounge Lizards at the FED finally fold and go full retard

basket of kittens on meth back to QE FOREVER ON STEROIDS … MY GUESS

IS IT’S SOONER THAN YOU THINK! … they won’t say so, but the main reason is

to save Japan, cuz if that shitbox goes tapioca, who’s got a few MULTIPLE


Onto tomorrow … outta here  … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of

sunglasses”!! 😎😎 … Onward & Upward!!



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