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Thursday, February 24, 2022



“He did what?!”

First Chalky Sotero in 2008 with Georgia, then in 2014 with Crimea, now

“Taliban Joe”, first in August of 2021 surrendering to ragheads in Toyota trucks

in Afghanistan, in the most embarrassing defeat the U.S. has ever seen, and now

in February 2022 with parts of the border region with Ukraine … what’s the

common element here? … EASY PEEZEE: “Woke, easily rolled so called

“leaders”, who care more about gay pride parades, and iive in delusional realities

they create for themselves, while ignoring the real world … and the so called

“bad actors” of the world rightly sit up and take notice” … all of this

Russia / Ukraine clusterfark easily predictable after the Afghanistan debacle

orchestrated by General Clueless himself, while the hack, sycophants in the U.S.

MSM sit idly by and pretend everything in “fairyland” is “A-OK” … we still got

our trans pronouns and “safe spaces”, gay pride parades are still on schedule,

and a “woke”, delusional group of complete idiots can’t see reality when it’s

right in front of their stupid faces.

Eisenhower, on his last day of his presidency on January 17, 1961, gave one of

the most accurate futuristic speeches ever given, where he warned of the “military

industrial complex” [MIC] [a/k/a “The Deep State”], and the dangers it presented

the U.S. in the future … the link to this 16 minute speech is directly below.

Listen to his entire speech .., it should leave chills running up and down your

body … as ZH points out today, he also predicted the rise of Technocrats like

Fauci, and the medical Nazi’s he represents … that link is directly below.

Isn’t it amazing, it’s ALWAYS DEMS who get the U.S. involved in wars, except for

the RINO BUSH, who was as close to a Libtard DEM as you can get without

calling himself that … where were the wars under Reagan and/or Trump? … and

quite frankly, you can lay the blame for the current clusterfark with Russia right

squarely at the feet of the U.S. “Deep State” and their sisters in the intelligence

community [an oxymoron if there ever was one], as they are as EVIL & dishonest

as any other country on earth … since 2014, Putin has warned about NATO

expansion to the East, and the fact that it’s not gonna stand … idiots in the U.S.

government, as well as NATO never listened or cared one iota, so happy to be

provided with easy money from FED QE to produce & deliver weapons everybody

in the grifter class can make money from, and that includes a shipload of POLS

… and then comes the “Woke” Preezys from the U.S., and the invitation goes out

to do whatever the fuck you want cuz nobody is gonna stop you … well, it ain’t

gonna stop here! … whaddaya think Xi is thinking in China right now with regards

to Taiwan? … if I was in Taiwan right now, I’d be booking a one-way flight out

before it’s too late! … simply cuz as everybody who lives outside of the U.S.

knows as “truth” since JFK’s assassination 59 years ago in November 1963,

sooner or later if you’re an ally or “friend” of the U.S., they will SHIT ON YOU IN

SPADES and desert you to your enemies for political expediency… how many

examples do you need? … the list is long, very long! … now add to the list the

Kleptocrats in Ukraine who bought into “U.S. protection” with the

Obama / Biden led coup in 2014, that led to a vassal puppet state propped up

by the U.S. to directly antagonize Russia … when the Ruskies do eventually

get ahold of you in the days ahead, good luck “counting on” your supposed

U.S. allies to help you … that call ain’t gonna get answered, just like the

thousands of Americans stuck in Afghanistan ABANDONED by “Taliban Joe”

& THE U.S. GOVERNMENT for the sake of political expediency … if he’s willing

to do it to his own countrymen, what F-ing chance do you have? … I’ll tell you

… Slim & None and Slim is on vacation!  

Russia has been preparing for sanctions and what happened last night for 8

years! … they are in much better position than most people think, thanks to

“Taliban Joe” himself who has “kneecapped” U.S. production of oil & gas at

just the right time to help out Vlad & crew … what a fucking idiot … that’s jobs,

billions upon billions of revenue, and supplies to the rest of the world … but no,

General Clueless has to make the environmental Nazi’s in his own party happy

or they throw a hissy fit … again, living in a delusional reality and hoping

nothing bad happens … yea well, history shows that’s a losing proposition!

But of course, you’re never gonna here any of this from the North Korean news

arm of the MSM in the U.S. … they’re nothing but propaganda hacks, and it’s all

Russia’s fault … poke the bear once too often, and when weak dumbshit Preezy’s

like Biden show up, bad shit is gonna happen sooner or later … first Afghanistan,

now Russia / Ukraine, what the Hell is next in line, cuz we got 3 more years of this

senile Dope, unless he dies, and if that happens it gets even worse cuz that

would mean Kammy is Preezy, and that’s the E.N.D. of the U.S. as you know it

… I warned people when this ticket of nutjobs got elected by stealing the election,

that bad shit was gonna happen … don’t believe me, go back and read the blog

posts … it just keeps coming and never stops, nor will it! … you dumbasses out

there reading this, if you voted for this Moron cuz you didn’t like mean tweets,

how do you like the world now? … you like record inflation, record crime, and a

senile Dope leading the country into oblivion? … man-O-man, you got a lot of

explaining to do!

Turning to markets, the reaction is obvious … I’m somewhat surprised the

scumbag LP’s at Turnkey haven’t blown the spreads out to insane levels … for

some pairs it’s ugly, like the DAX40 which sees a spread of around 5 - 7 index

points, which is ridiculous, and crude oil coming in at 5 - 7 cents for a spread

… again, totally insane if you trade this shit … all it means, is that they won’t let

you scalp the market and take advantage of quick moves … that’s for them, not

for you! … otherwise, FX is stable around normal spreads, and the “Spoos” are

only fractionally higher for a spread … gold as well, maintaining only a slightly

higher spread, but the trading action is pure “nasty”.

And speaking of “nasty”, I turn my attention to the “Spoos” … a great link over

on ZH, with an interview with Jeremy Grantham … his forecast for the “Spoos”

given historical perspectives.

click on the image to enlarge

Read the article and listen to the interview, as we find ourselves in the back “6” of

the “88/6/6” paradigm trading model of U.S. “Stock Bellies” USHERED IN BY THE

FED SINCE 1987 … the pain is just starting, but I’ll remind readers that the biggest

ever rallies in “Spoos” come in bear markets when players kill shorts and we get

“one day wonders” of amazing gains … UP 2% - 4%+!… you don’t see this in bull

markets … but make no mistake, the “Spoos” have turned into a scalping market,

and if the spread can hold at Turnkey [a very big “IF”], will offer us plenty of

great profitable opportunities … the link at ZH directly below.


And I will remind readers again, the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] ain’t around

to sop up selling … they only show up when the selling is done, and they get the

message from the virus scum Wall Street banks when offers go light … then they

will show up and punish the shit out of the sellers, and make them look stupid

… when the PPT is nowhere to be found, it simply means there’s more selling to

come … simple as that, cuz that’s their M.O. since day one in 1987 … if the panic

selling is intense enough, the “Spoos” will bottom with a “V” formation and go

straight up … most of the time though, it will come on tests of a double bottom

and then scream when there isn’t enough selling pressure to push it through

… quite frankly, unless Vlad goes for other parts of Ukraine outside of the

Donbas region, the panic should be mild and sporadic … the real question here

is, “where’s Spicoli’s “FED put”, cuz as we all know the FED only gives a shit

about the level of the SP500 … everything else they “blah blah, yada yada” is

bullshit … when you first start to hear FED PIE HOLES walking back rate hikes,

is when you know we are very close to that level if not right on top of it … and

then expect QE INFINITY to commence with a vengeance, once all of Spicoli’s

buds in the “grifter system” get long … wherever that level is, this is how it gets

played out via a corrupt FED.

The criminal NYSE open sees the PPT come in and flex some freshly minted QE

dollars to prop “Stonks” … not entirely surprised by this, but it would have had

greater effect if they had allowed the “Spoos” to go lower first, sub 4100, and

then come in … now at the “London Fix”, and as Europe closes, a scan of FX

sees disaster all around … if you somehow think the EU and/or the UK is gonna

escape economic hardship as they come down on Russia, think again cuz their

economies are especially vulnerable … and don’t look now, but grains across

the board are “limit up”, meaning inflation is gonna get that much worse for

these two economies already hard pressed to supply their own countries with

crude oil and/or Natty gas … good luck Dopes, you bought into the Green shit,

now live with the consequences ... as for gold, it does what it does best, which

is to kill spec accounts that buy rallies … what a nasty ass market!

Clearly, these are dangerous markets now, and what gets played out next isn’t

gonna be solved over days or weeks, but months and years … a big part of the

problem is that the U.S. is led by a political class of Grifters & hypocrites, who

haven’t a fucking clue how to solve anything … all they know is how to feed off

the tit of government for their own benefit … gaming the system … nowhere is

that more obvious than the weapons industry that supplies arms to puppet states

like Ukraine … the good news for traders is that the “VIX Genie” is out of the

bottle … the bad news is that nobody has a fucking clue how pissed off said

Genie is … we’re in a clusterfark of FED bubble creation, and the consequences

can be deadly violent & serious … nobody in the D.C. “Swamp” right now scares

or has Vlad’s respect, and I’m pretty sure he views them as “Chumps” … and if

“Taliban Joe” doesn’t wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, he’s gonna get

more embarrassed than he already is … I’m not quite sure what lunatic wants to

fuck with Russia and see what happens next, but given the delusional student

council types inhabiting D.C., between raspberry lattes they better come to a

“Jesus moment” and realize who and what they’re fucking with … let’s hope

somebody tells them.

Our only real choice today for trades was in the SP500 … one algorithm buy

signal AFTER the NYSE open to the New York afternoon … TURNKEY PAMM UP

FRACTIONALLY … quite frankly, the action pre NYSE open was far better for

signals and trading, and once the cash market opened it’s been heavily

manipulated by the PPT … now into the mid afternoon of New York, I’m not willing

to take any signals going into the close, cuz quite simply anything & everything

can happen with ZERO time to recover if SHTF … I’m also no longer willing to

wait for the NYSE open to trade, so going forward “Spoos” trades can come at

anytime once Europe opens … volumes have been cut slightly given the

abnormal VIX that’s present, and will rise once calmer ranges and trading take

hold … ranges far in excess of 100+ index points can’t be sustained, so unless

Vlad decides to take the military action outside of the Donbas, I expect VIX to

come in some … this will be to our benefit … this war bullshit, and the hysteria

from western MSM types is laughable … nothing but pure propaganda, as this

“war” has been going on in the Donbas for 8 fucking years, as Ukraine has

waged war on its own population in this region … in any event, only an escalation

will raise VIX even higher … and it’s just one problem “Stock Bellies” have, as

rate increases and skyrocketing inflation are coming and won’t let up … that is,

until Spicoli throws in the towel and it’s QE INFINITY forever … as we find

ourselves in the back end of the “88/6/6” trading paradigm, long positions by

definition are ALL SCALPS … given the VIX we have, and even if it goes lower

some, and if the spread holds in the “Spoos” [a big “IF” at Turnkey], the trading

algorithm is almost unbeatable … and so I trade accordingly …  remember, the

top priority of the trading algorithm when we’re in the back “6” is to NOT GET

WHACKED … having beaten that ugly stick back, now we can entertain making

some coin … some days will be better than others, but the trades are there.

Meanwhile in crypto, it’s “nuclear winter” for the alt-coins … I was looking for

some decent BTC trades today for “The Syndicate”, but they all got blown

through faster than a chainsaw through a stick of soft butter … hopefully

tomorrow is better for crypto.

… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!! 😎😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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