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Friday, June 4, 2021



“Shared misery! … but the NFP numbers are awesome!”

Well, another “most important evahhhhhhhh!” jobs number on the horizon,

with “whisper” numbers eclipsing 1 million Chili’s & Applebee’s workers … and

if this one disappoints, it could get quite interesting … overnight, the

“Chuckleheads” finally puked oon sell stops being run in the Asian session,

taking gold down into the 1850’s … Welp!, that escalated quickly didn’t it?

… there’s a fast $50+ in hours, as I predicted would happen if the specs didn’t

stop FOMO-ing the shit out of price, and believing every gold bull in sight that

it’s a “slam dunk” to $3,000 in short order … as I’ve said before, over the

decades & centuries of trading, collective human behavior NEVER CHANGES

… only the names change, not the behavior!

Some violent whipsaw action yesterday in the DOW30, as the global elites

“gaslit” a Preezy “Idiot Boy” flip-flop on corporate taxes … and then quite quietly,

the FED announces an end to buying MOAR corporate toilet paper and putting it

on its balance sheet, something “Stock Bellies” traders saw as a “soft tapering”

… wait … WUT? … you mean the FED isn’t gonna buy anymore bonds from

deadbeat corporate types after they float bond issues to do stock buybacks?

… well then, who’s gonna buy these bonds in the first place knowing the FED

isn’t gonna be there to pay PAR for them? … whoopsie, this isn’t gonna help any

of the bubble stocks … and besides, with Amazon’s massive multi-billion dollar

bond offering just a few scant weeks ago, their belly is filled with cheap money to

last a good long while and continue the stock buyback scam to boost stock

options for the elites that sit on that Board, so this isn’t gonna raise a howl from

Bezos or anybody else.

But interestingly enough, what happens eventually when stocks don’t go higher

for any reason, and all the 20 & 30 “somethings” who think bear markets last

about 60 - 90 minutes, and expect bubble stocks to continue to bubble forever,

and they don’t? … that day is coming, and with Basel 3 right around the corner

in less than 4 weeks, I still don’t know if “Stock Bellies” futures will be affected by

this, but what if gold & silver take off and stocks sit or go down? … you wanna

see total panic in the manipulators faces when the inevitable finally happens, and

there isn’t a “Hoover Dam” thing they can do about it, cuz people will scramble to

buy gold & silver and pay for it with stock gains? … or so they think, as an entire

country hits the “sell buttons” to finance spec buys in gold & silver, just like they

did in BTC … this is gonna end badly, and you can thank the Faculty Lounge

Lizards at the FED for all of it … they’ve willingly created it, enabled it, and now

they are trapped!

NFP MISSES to the downside, and here we go with the “speed of light … crickets”

bullshit “markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] have become infamous for … banks

win, specs lose, chalk up another round for the scumbag banks!

Longtime readers know of my complete hatred of NFP Fridays … more often than

not a rigged game where only banks win right after the NFP number, cuz spreads

blow out right along with horrendous slippage … you really have no chance of a

decent fill until about 10 minutes after the numbers … “speed of lights .. crickets”,

and then what am I supposed to do with a $47+ range in gold that finally sees

some corrective activity? … 200%+ the 20 Day Range MA, and I’m supposed to

think there’s still gas in the tank? … please, get real here … not as bad in DOW30,

but it’s on the opposite end of the spectrum, where sitting at NOON EST, it’s got

an approximate 250 index point range, well below its 20 Day Range MA, and the

trading action since the NFP post 10 minutes is downright terrible … stagflation

anyone? … and that’s somehow good for “Stonks”? … yet, the propaganda

spinners are out calling the NFP a “Goldilocks” print … sure, sure it is, anything

to keep the bubble alive and kicking another day.

No trades today in anything, where crypto is simply D.E.A.D., the alt-coins with

very skimpy ranges, and the other markets, especially gold, heading into the PM

of a criminal New York afternoon simply crawling after blowing the order books

out once again … yesterday to the downside, today it’s the shorts turn to get

hosed with a mini-melt up … on a Friday afternoon, where’s any volume or price

movement gonna come from? … geesh, what a “shitshow circus” again, as VIX

is crushed after the numbers release, and it’s chop city … without VIX whaddaya

gonna do?

Sunday sees the algorithm release, along with signup for PATREON … I look

forward to it … outta here, until Sunday’s blog update … “the future’s so

“GOLD”-en bright I need sunglasses”! 😎 … Onward & Upward!! 


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