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Tuesday, June 22, 2021



“What the Faculty Lounge Lizards at the FED don’t understand!”

Yesterday was a coordinated attack on financial markets, that started in Asia

with the BOJ buying up ETF’s and working its way through U.S. “markets”

[cough, bullshit, cough], that ended up with Wall Street banks getting bailed out

again after days in a row of non stop selling … and once again I’ll repeat, “the

“Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] isn’t there to sop up selling … they’ll let you sell

and drive price lower … but when the scumbag banks tell them that the selling

pressure has abated, they come in and destroy the market on the upside, thus

bailing out the banks that bought all of the shit all of the way down ...somebody

tell me why this is legal? … explain please why printing money out of thin air and

thus causing inflation that hurts everyone not part of the global elitist empire, is

OK to bail out scumbag banks and prop “Stonks”? … why? 

Of course, there is no answer that is satisfactory … you’re simply supposed to

STFU and believe that the Dopes who created the problem are the perfect

candidates to solve the problem … top to bottom worldwide, governments are

immoral & corrupt and people know it … there wouldn’t need to be crypto if

these asshats did their job, but they don’t and won’t cuz they’re corrupt to the

core, and yesterday’s clusterfark rocket ride to the upside in “Stock Bellies”

proves it.

And so here we are the day after, and “Stock Bellies” are drifting … of course

they are, cuz that tidal wave of hot money is waiting for more manipulation from

the FED … CNTRL-P & QE are all that matters, right along with the level of the

SP500, where the other day I said the FED would defend the SP500 at 4150 with a

passion … yesterday’s low was approximately 4139 before the buying frenzy

festivities got underway and the rocket took off to the upside … gold for its part,

is most likely dead money until the start of next week and Basel 3 … volumes are

pathetic and another batch of specs learn the lessons of gold the hard way

joining generations before them in thinking gold is a one-way street … all that

matters of course is that the bullion banks, most notably JPM, are bailed out of

their massive short positions by the FED right on cue.

In any kind of “normal” free market, there would be follow through overnight to

the upside … but not “Stock Bellies”, cuz there is no “normal” here … and each

passing week / month it gets worse, cuz the FED has gotten itself trapped inside

a failing financial system that needs more & more manipulation to sustain itself

… lies built upon lies that get papered with money fresh from the CNTRL-P

machine and sent straight to the banks via manipulated bond buying of treasury

securities that guarantee risk free profit … just checking, have they offered you

that deal? … NO? … hmm, I wonder why not? … oh, wait a sec I forgot, you don’t

send any “skim” back to ‘em! … BOOM!, there I solved it for ya.

Spicoli gives a speech today, along with a gaggle of other Lounge Lizards, where

it’s the usual preening & prancing before cameras to sound like there’s a “there”

there, and so don’t let any small children listen to this bullshit [climate change?]

cuz it will stunt their development and lead to the belief that lying through your

teeth every second of every day is acceptable … you want your kid to grow up

and be like a POL or Apparatchik? … didn’t think so.

Since PATREON is no longer an option for us cuz they think I’m divulging “ state

secrets” or some such bullshit and I’ve been banned, and I was going to release

to those who signed up, I’m simply going to release my research & development

here on the blog and in pdf documents when appropriate … if it’s valuable to you

then donate … there, I solved it for you! … myself and my staff [mainly the dog

who simply sits and eats deli roast beef] have run many, many simulations on

various algorithms with varying parameter changes … and while my network

system can’t rival JPM or Squid, it doesn’t need to for it to be effective … quite

frankly, it’s difficult to break down algorithms for trading cuz you need to see

them fail first so you know what caused the problem, and quite often that isn’t as

obvious as you might think … and even then, many times the difference between

one versus another is so slim you really don’t know which is best … having said

that, if you’re a trader that above all else wants SIMPLE, then I have SIMPLE I’m

gonna share with you … from my perspective it works very well in all markets,

and for those of you that “just have to trade FX” for whatever reason, I seriously

can’t find anything much better!

On the M1, HULL MA COLOR, period 13 [use other parameters in the algorithm

pdf in Download Links to get it and install], and a “smoothed” MA period 4 LOW

… at the crossovers get long / short WITH CONFIRMATION, and let the pony ride

… use spikes in your profit direction or when price stalls to liquidate … that’s it,

pretty simple. When the HULL MA has a “flatish” slope over an extended period

of time 20 - 30+ minutes, leave the market alone until it gets one. I’ll have

examples tomorrow, but there’s nothing stopping you from putting it on an M1 for

any market, along with volume MA, and MFI for added information. For markets

that aren’t particularly volatile, for scalpers it works slightly better than the

algorithm with supertrend … for day traders, the supertrend algorithm works best,

and many times the signals will coincide and neither has an advantage … let me

add, though, that I have not rigorously back tested one against the other over a

long period, only over weeks with different market trends up/down … overall, the

supertrend is ever so slightly better, but if you’re mainly into scalping I think

this configuration using ONLY the M1 is best … more on this tomorrow.

Multiple algorithm buy signals in DOW30 today … TURNKEY PAMM “UNCH’D”.

I’m gonna call this other mostly scalping algo, the “period 4” algo … our first

signal was a “false positive” on the supertrend algo that cost us, and then I

switched to the “period 4” algo and essentially made it back minus commissions

… so basically unch’d. The “period 4” algo most of the time is slightly quicker on

the signal, and that allowed us to take advantage on a slight up move … if I had

switched earlier, we wouldn’t have made the first “false positive” trade … now into

the New York afternoon, slope on the HULL on the M1 is mostly moving sideways,

and has been for the last hour & a half, so I’ve moved to the sidelines ‘til it gets

one … if we get to 3 PM EST with no change, I’ll stop for the day, cuz that’s my

cutoff point … I want no part of the last hour of “scumbaggery” from the usual

suspects in “Stock Bellies” … gold for its part, as I said earlier, is probably gonna

be a minefield until next week’s open and we’re into Basel 3 … until then, it’s a

real crapshoot.

Over the next 5 - 10 days, I’ll post a pdf for the “Period 4” algorithm so it’s in hard

copy, but tomorrow I’ll have more info for everyone … today sees some people

on live chat, but let me remind readers that when you show up give me a few

minutes to reply and/or show up … don’t sign in and then 30 seconds later log

out ... cut me some slack here and give me a few minutes to respond.

Over in crypto, multiple trades in ONTUSDT, and “The Syndicate” is up

approximately 0.15% … until BTC turned around from under 30K, it was a very

rough trade, with not much on the upside … let’s hope there’s more to this

turnaround and the days ahead can produce some good gains on the upside for

the alt-coins … not a lot to cheer about lately in this space.

Outta here … “the future’s so “GOLD”-en bright I need sunglasses”! 😎

… Onward & Upward!! 


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