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Tuesday, June 30, 2020


“Understand it, or the lack of it, or it kills you!”

You can’t make money trading with no IVIX [intraday volatility] … and so few of
you reading this have any clue how important it actually is … you spend
countless hours analyzing “price”, but without proper IVIX, it’s all meaningless
… and in today’s different piles of manipulated horseshit, a/k/a “markets”, or
what’s left of them, our options to trade anything meaningful grow smaller by the
month … FX most days a complete boring mess … gold a joke cuz of the
“traders tax” being shoved down our throats … “Stock Bellies” offer opportunity,
but the risks are exponential … and it all hinges on manipulator’s control over

Most days, they still control FX, including gold, but the “Genie” is out of the bottle
in “Stock Bellies”, and IMHO she isn’t going back in anytime soon … and as I
have said before, it’s a “negative feedback loop”, where the more things go out of
control, bat shit crazy, the more they become bat shit crazy cuz liquidity &
volumes shrink … over the last few years, each crisis gets worse, the FED’s
response gets more insane, and markets thus react more violently … there comes
a point, when the “gig” is up.

Your trading model must address IVIX, and you had better understand its
“limitations”, or they carry your ass out toes up … most of you follow indicators
and rely on shit the banks have made famous for “fading” … feel manipulated yet?
… does your model have “real time” indicators that can’t be manipulated by
anyone, or does it just rely on “lagging” bullshit, which is like driving a car via
the rear view mirror? … “it’s all champagne & strawberries until you hit that first
curve at high speed, and then can’t figure out why 30% of your capital is gone”.

Today is end of quarter … the Asian session dead, meaning the “Chuckleheads”
checks haven’t cleared yet … Europe comatose as usual lately, wanting no part
in anything except “chop” … and again, as I wrote about days ago with Bank of
America head FX “pooh bah”, lamenting the fact nothing means nothing anymore
except what the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] does with U.S. stocks, how can
you trade FX when nothing means anything anymore? … bottom line? … nothing in
FX will move today until “Stock Bellies” decide to go one way or the other after
the NYSE session opens … “Yup, fucking pathetic … this is what you get with
government intervention in everything, as normal markets are bastardized into
“zombie” piles of shit that only attract flies”!

There’s a reason I trade at PRIMEXBT and why I’m starting a PAMM program there,
with or without reader support … it’s called “instantaneous fills with no slippage,
tight bid/offer spreads, and acceptable round turn commissions”, where the
priceless trading algorithm can “do it’s thing” and money flows like water from a
spring … that’s the cupcake … the icing on this cupcake is everything else
PRIMEXBT offers … NO KYC [privacy, security, anonymity], lowest margins
anywhere, account balance in the world’s most valuable currency Bitcoin
[BTCUSD], and availability & diversity of markets I can trade.

There’s a reason the trading algorithm is priced very high [currently 0.10 BTCUSD,
but will go much higher shortly] … “I don’t really want you to have it, and in order
for you to get it, pay up if you’re serious … otherwise, go chase a moving average
crossover”! … thousands of hours put into its development, and most of you
despite it’s brilliance, would only fuck it up with useless bullshit from losing
strategies anyway … and what you learn when you’re in this “great game” of
trading, is that when you give away ideas for free or very little cost, you attract
the absolute worst elements of human nature.

And despite having said that, it can all be “taken away” by the banks with their
“robbery schemes” they institute daily … when they front run corporate orders,
and their illegal prop desks spike the market … the complete bullshit “mystery
ticks” on bid/offers … and of course, the “slippage meter” getting set on their
HAL9000 computer systems, where every market order gets mugged, then raped,
and you get your fill off the market by a not insignificant amount … and the
bigger your volumes, the more important it is to minimize this “highway robbery”
and put an end to it … and unless you have the ability to get fills like you want
[instantaneous], the scumbag LP banks are guaranteed to rip your head off and
shit down your throat AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.

And while I don’t know this for 100% certainty, my guess is PRIMEXBT has no
American banks on their “liquidity provider” list … and in fact, also uses the 3
largest hedge funds and/or HFT’s on earth [BlackRock, Citadel, & Virtu] as LP’s
… with nanosecond capabilities, filling orders in a handful of milliseconds for
brokerage house accounts is child’s play … but for us, it’s 50X - 80X+ FASTER
than shitbox houses that could care less the LP’s are holding your order to screw
it … “shall I mention names, or do you get the drift”? And nowhere is this more
important than in today’s manipulated markets … it’s the scumbag banks major
source of income, and quite frankly I don’t want to contribute!

Sure, if everyday FX pairs had consistent 100+ PIP ranges, and IVIX was stable at
higher levels, most people could overlook the stealing the banks do … BUT WE
DON’T HAVE THESE CONDITIONS, at least not consistently in FX … it’s 160 PIPS
one day, and 55 the next … only in “Stock Bellies” do you get the kind of IVIX, FX
needs to see on a daily basis … but in order to be there, you need “bullet proof”
risk control … I can get that at PRIMEXBT, but I can’t get that at COINEXX OR
TURNKEY … and if you’re paying a high price to trade anything in the crypto
space, these last 2 weeks of “nothing burger ranges”, it’s gonna  hurt … throw in
terrible IVIX lately in GBPUSD, and given what I have just written about, it
shouldn’t be any mystery why the trading algorithm hasn’t done much or
returned much in Cable over the last few weeks … what good does it do if it
moves while you’re asleep and puts in a decent range, then you come along and
turn your screen on and it’s “death on a stick” for the next 9 hours, muddling
about in worthless bullshit chop? … or it moves at the “speed of light” and you’re
either forced to do nothing or buy rallies and/or sell breaks? … yea, no thanks.

So here we are, the last day of Q2 2020, and 15+ hours into the day Cable doesn’t
even have a 60 PIP range … so far, another bucket of shit trading day in FX … ho
hum, nothing unusual about that … but then “Stock Bellies” open and it’s a whole
different story, cuz now FX wakes up and from near the low, it’s a straight up the
fucking wall ramp that leaves no prisoners … no algo buy signals cuz there aren’t
any corrections, and “no Skippy 6 - 8 PIPS isn’t a correction … nobody knows why,
but I can tell you why … quarter end flows that made institutions around the world
scramble on the last day of the quarter and banks made them pay up as all of their
shit got front runned … and of course once it’s done, goodbye & goodnight cuz
there won’t be any more the rest of the day cuz it’s “sleepfest” time with the
criminal New York banks … welcome to FX.

Meanwhile, unless something happens towards the NYSE close, the DOW30 set to
have its worst range day since February 19, a full 60% under it’s 20 Day Range MA
… “Stock Bellies” not participating in the FX buy orgasm for fiat … and so I’m left
sitting here and just chuckling, cuz if you don’t laugh at all of this manipulative
horseshit, it will drive you insane with rage.

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

No trades cuz no signals … before the NYSE open, Cable hadn’t even hit my
minimum threshold for market IVIX before I trade it … once stocks opened, it’s a
flat out race to the top for the next 90 minutes into the European close, and the
last hour pure chop bullshit … there’s the day … and unless you buy rallies, you
sit … I don’t buy rallies.

Again today, while waiting for Cable to do somethin, I traded the DOW30 at
PRIMEXBT… bid/offer spread excellent, and the commissions a “tad” high, but the
way this puppy moves, and the range it usually puts in, fractions of an index point
or even 1 - 2 index points isn’t gonna make any difference … at Turnkey you’d
suffer that in MINIMUM slippage guaranteed, so what’s the difference really, you’re
still better off? … and once the PAMM is up and running, I’ll be trading some
DOW30 cuz I can manage risk at PRIMEXBT, cuz It’s a pure PAMM, and I don’t have
to worry about trade allocation with small accounts.

Outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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