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Thursday, June 25, 2020


“Remember Sheeple, CNTRL-P SOLVES EVERYTHING … we’re here to help!”

We’ve at that point in societal evolution, where just about everything is
government led propaganda … can’t escape it in sports, music, movies, and for
sure can’t escape it in financial trading … today’s exercise comes from the ECB,
where at the start of the European session of trading, here comes more bullshit
QE … “Stock Bellies” & FX pairs soar, cuz of course MOAR! free money for
scumbag banks … and back & forth we go on the “kill the longs, kill the shorts,
rinse / repeat, oh it’s good to be a gangsta LP bank”! … cuz all that really matters
is that the corrupt “system” of central bank intervention & control via the banks,
where every nickel traded each day, to the tune of $7 trillion dollars notional, is
“skimmed” like a mob controlled Las Vegas casino.

If I hear “risk on / risk off” one more time, I may puke for a week … this is such a
line of horseshit, and it’s so intellectually lazy, it’s true intention among the
multitude of “talking heads” is to mask the real goings on in trading finance
… and that true aim, and what must be maintained AT ALL COSTS, is that the
“skim” the banks impose on all of us who trade, continues unabated for the
benefit of the “Grifter Class” of POLS, Apparatchiks, regulators, exchange
“Pooh Bahs”, & brokerage house execs, and that it never ever stops for a
minute … cash or Bitcoin, we don’t care!

And who knew? … that CNTRL-P cures coronavirus,,arthritis, headaches, &
depression … cuz nothing says “we got it covered” like a free check from the
government that does nothing but create more problems than it solves … “but
hey, we’re from the government and we’re here to help”! … and while they inflate
the fiat toilet paper out of existence, and rival Weimar Germany and/or Venezuela
in keeping the “Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” of the CNTRL-P machine going, they still
insist on keeping a lid on gold / silver cuz they’re just “barbarous relics”
… Bitcoin [BTCUSD] brings the delusion into focus.

Which brings me straight away to the “NEW” PAMM I’m forming at PRIMEXBT
… NO KYC to open an account, and everything [deposit / withdrawal / margin] in
Bitcoin … quite frankly, and I am being totally upfront here with my readers,
attempting to trade any of the Crude Oil CFD’s at any brokerage house is a
“fool’s errand” … ditto right now with London Spot Gold [XAUUSD] cuz the
spreads still have the “traders tax” … hopefully someday conditions will return
to normal, but right now PRIMEXBT is in the same boat as every other brokerage
house on earth, KYC or NO KYC, and it’s an untradeable mess … both spaces a
complete joke no matter where you go … if the bid/offer spreads don’t kill you, it’s
the commissions, or at some places it’s both … throw in slippage and it’s a horror
show … after doing some “back of the envelope math”, some of the “Stock
Bellies” can be traded at PRIMEXBT with competitive conditions, and I’ll kind of
“play it by ear” after the fund is up and running, whether or not I think it’s to our
advantage to trade in that space … however, FX & crypto is a completely different

FX is as good as it gets, with spreads excellent & RT commissions super low, and
PRIMEXBT is as good as anybody else claims to be … what separates them from
others, like COINEXX and especially Turnkey, is their latency on fills … 50X faster
than COINEXX and a staggering 80X faster than Turnkey … my market buy/sell
fills are there simultaneous with me clicking the button … my senses too slow to
pick up the fragments of milliseconds it took to fill the order [usually between
8 - 13 milliseconds], and that means very little if any slippage cuz I know my order
wasn’t fucked with and manipulated by some scumbag LP … I got the bid when
selling, or the offer when buying, and if there is slippage it’s measured in 1 or 2
tenths of a PIP at most in GBPUSD, and not the “all too often”  horseshit of being
filled 1 - 2 full PIPS off the market at places like Turnkey … and when you’re
scalping or day trading, seconds matter and so does slippage.

One thing I very much like about PRIMEXBT is account balances are kept in
Bitcoin, and when profits on a trade are booked, that profit is immediately placed
into your account at the present value of BTCUSD … and what it means for you,
is that as BTC increases in value over the months / years into the future, the profit
you earned today from trading CONTINUES TO BECOME MORE VALUABLE
… well, what if Bitcoin goes down in value? … I don’t care, cuz it means money I
make in a trade gets me MOAR! Bitcoin, and when it goes up, it’s even more
valuable to my account than before it dropped … “so Bitcoin, if you want to go
down, be my guest … it only means I get to HODL MOAR! from a trade that goes
into my account”! 

Three things I want to touch on today with the new PAMM … 1) it’s a true PAMM,
2) participation and any fees, and 3) FX & crypto markets … first [1] it’s a true
PAMM, and while that may not seem important, it really is for very small fund
participants, cuz it means all P / L is prorated based on percentage allocation of
your funds in the master pool’s total … it isn’t “trade allocated”, it’s purely
“money allocated”, and so for example if I have 1 person with $100,000 in the
fund, and 1 person with $50, it’s pretty easy to see that if I made a trade and
profited $100, the small account would get 0.0005 of $100, or $0.05 … the larger
account gets $99.95 … where this becomes increasingly important is when I
want to “scale” into trades with different volumes … if I’m forced to do “trade
allocated” basis trading, some small accounts might not get allocated anything
… in a true PAMM, no matter how much or little you have represented in the
master pool, you get that percentage to the penny.

Second [2], is participation … the lowest amount that can participate is 0.001
BTC, currently valued at approximately $9.30 as I write … remember, everything
is in Bitcoin … if BTC goes to $50,000 per 1 BTC, that minimum would be $50,
still a ridiculously low amount, but on the other hand there isn’t a person alive
not living under an interstate highway bridge that can’t afford to be in this
… when you factor in profits + appreciation value of BTC going forward, this is
a complete no-brainer participation event for every single person reading this!
… the other issue is fees, and while I haven’t 100% decided upon everything
under this umbrella, I can tell you now that my incentive fee for managing the
fund will be UNDER 10% OF PROFITS … I haven’t yet decided on the exact
percentage, but under 10% for sure, and this is highly probable, the LOWEST in
the world that you’ll find of anybody that’s legitimate … the reason is simple and
twofold … 1) I get paid in Bitcoin, and 2) my money is in this thing as well [throw
in the dog & the Mrs. as well … so you know, no pressure or anything.] … trust
me, I’ll get amply rewarded as Bitcoin appreciates over time, and I don’t want to
take away from your performance in achieving your goals … in any event, by this
upcoming Sunday’s blog update, I’ll have finalized everything and report then
… there is no MAX amount limit, so if you want to put in “whatever”, it’s “A-OK”.

Third [3] is markets I’ll be trading … FX, most of the time GBPUSD, and gold if
that market can ever get its act together and get back to reasonable bid/offer
spreads … PRIMEXBT offers XAUUSD and it trades almost exactly the same as
COINEXX, and currently the spread is at about $0.30 - $0.80, which is outrageous
… nothing we can do here until the thieving billion banks get their shit together
… crypto also, but more likely not BTCUSD trading cuz it’s “pricey”, but rather
ETHUSD [Ethereum], LTCUSD [Litecoin], XRPUSD [Ripple], and EOSUSD [Eos]
… total costs [spread + commissions]  to trade ETHUSD at PRIMEXBT are only
about 5 - 7 cents per 1 ETH more than at COINEXX … when you consider that in
the scheme of things where ETH has ranges of $12+ each day on average, and
yesterday it was $18, it isn’t going to affect profitability one way or the other
except for a few pennies per coin … big whoop … that’s not the case in BTCUSD,
where the cost disadvantages are much higher. For the others I mentioned above,
they are commensurate with COINEXX, and have excellent LOW spreads and
reasonable commissions … not sayin’ I’m gonna trade them, but they are there
for consideration if SHTF and markets start moving, and when BTC starts
moving towards $20K and beyond … finally, PRIMEXBT as mentioned above
has some world stock indices that are competitively attractive as well
… depending on risk levels, and total overall VIX, I may trade them, but most
likely I’ll leave them alone … so, a lot of options of markets to trade via the
trading algorithm.

So, the PAMM fund will have FX, some crypto pairs, & maybe some selected
stock indices exposure, and overall considering everything [NO KYC, anonymity
for fund participants, complete 100% transparency & CONTROL over your BTC
funds, balance in Bitcoin, lowest fund participation minimum you will EVER SEE,
and the LOWEST FEES ANYWHERE ON EARTH], it’s the very best option for the
most people I can offer with the guidelines that are important to me the manager
… the only thing that would make it “COMPLETELY PERFECT” would be if BTC
was priced like ETH, AND funds could be withdrawn to a Bitcoin debit card
… we don’t have the last two yet, but the way worldwide industry trends are
going, look for these two to come onboard either later in 2020 or in 2021 … it’s
taken a very long time to get to this point in trading evolution, but for the most
part [about 99%] I finally have “floor conditions” with cheaper costs, and the
privacy & anonymity I think most people very desperately want, along with cutting
the fucking banks out of the equation and putting more money into your pocket
… “hey, I’m not just the manager, I’m in this as well”!

Looking at today’s Cable trade … well so far, it’s ugly with no range out of Asia,
and Europe comatose as well … this is pathetic, and I’m sorry “pathetic” for
insulting you … what a bag of shit so far … I’m only guessing, but it seems to
me everything [markets] is now waiting for the “Flu Lottery” numbers to come in,
another scam of epic proportions foisted upon traders so the banks can ripoff
traders on spikes from hell & slippage for the numbskulls who trade off of shit
like this … so far a completely different trading story from yesterday.

“Flu Lottery” numbers awful for markets, but who cares when you have the
“Plunge Protection Team” [PPT], corporate buy backs with bailout money, and of
course the SNB … buy MOAR! worthless NASDAQ stocks Robinhood Millennials!
… and since Cable is nothing more than a volatile Banana Republic currency,
that ebbs & flows with it’s new BFF, the SP500, that “bag of shit” I mentioned
earlier only got “more stinky” … Cable with one of its worst non Holiday trading
days in memory … and if it wasn’t for the complete “shitshow circus” at the NYSE
open for those thinkin’ stocks have to go lower cuz CHICOM WUHAN KUNG FU
FLU cases are skyrocketing, so let’s sell stocks and get short, Cable wouldn’t
have even had a 50 PIP European range today … as it was, sell stops get tripped
at the even century mark [1.24000], and good luck with that sell fill all the way
down to 1.23885 for some, and the 3 second trip back up to over 1.24000 … “did
you enjoy the nightmare roller coaster ride”? … and that’s it, that’s the whole
fucking day! … good grief, I coulda watched “Brady Bunch” reruns and been
better served than this shit.

Of course, what makes it all the more special is that when conditions get like
this, they don’t improve, they deteriorate … mystery ticks, & spikes from hell the
norm with ZERO follow through to anywhere … and slippage gets worse as well,
cuz the banks have got to make money somehow, and that somehow is filling your
order off the market … but NOT AT PRIMEXBT, cuz when you get filled
instantaneously you get the bid when selling or the offer when buying.

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

No trades cuz ZERO algorithm buy signals over the entire 8 hour period I was at
my screen … some very close, but no cigar … in order to get a buy/sell signal,
ALL algorithm parameters have to be in sync, and with today’s pathetic action
getting that was next to impossible … the scumbag LP banks pulled rabbits out
of their hats all day long keeping this shit in an extremely tight range, and they
simply would not allow it to move … that low of the day right after the NYSE open
saw no buy signal … generally speaking, “V” bottoms rarely meet all algorithm
parameters to buy, so not all bottoms of course get buy signals … and after that
‘till the European close at Noon EST, it wasn’t just a “bag of shit”, it was a “bag
of shit on fire”! … do anything buy/sell, and most likely you’re regretting it quickly …
it simply is what it is … yesterday, I get 15 buy signals, today I get none … but
yesterday had a European range of 122 PIPS, and today it’s 76 PIPS, with 99% of
the time more like 40 PIPS … and once the NYSE opened, not even 30 PIPS from
the edges ‘till the close … pathetic, but whaddaya gonna do?

More info on the PRIMEXBT PAMM coming tomorrow… until then mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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