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Monday, June 15, 2020


“Social, cultural, & financial … your life aptly depicted in one picture!”

It just keeps getting better doesn’t it? … over the weekend in Atlanta, a Wendy’s
gets torched cuz a black guy got shot by cops, who I might add stole a taser,
wouldn’t put it down when asked to do so, then tried to use it on the cops, and
then started fleeing … he got shot … well see, if he had been in “CHAZ” ["Capitol
Hill Autonomous Zone”] in Seattle, this wouldn’t have happened … AND! … he
could have demanded that each of the white cops give him $10 for slavery
reparations … nothing like Libtard solutions, huh? … I also noticed that real
estate listings in the Minneapolis area are up almost 20% since the burn down of
the city began … gosh, I wonder why that is? … DEAR LIBTARDS: you voted
these shit weasels into office, now deal with it!

Amazing coincidence, that every one of these blue, Utopian, Leftist run
shitboxes, used to be known as cities that have seen continuous rule by one
party well in excess of 50+ years running, are the very cities where the “inmates”
are rebelling … “inmates” cuz you voted them into office so they could erect
and install their idiotic policies that drove productive people out, and allowed
the Grifters to stay … all the while, the POLS looted the local treasury, raised
taxes, and are up to their eyeballs in corruption … where have we seen this
before? … Detroit, the most prosperous & highest per capita income city in
1960, now a complete shitbox nobody in their right mind would even visit let
alone live in … and it’s only beginning, and you ain’t gonna like what happens

The warning flags up the flagpole for all to see are there, if only your eyes could
see, and your ears could hear … it gets worse by the week / month, and next they
come for your wealth … simply look at the Leftist Grifters in “CHAZ” … how long
did it take the shit weasels inside that delusional hippy community to start asking
for money from those they perceive got the moola? … and wherever you are,
you’re next! … “I can put donkeys in front of water, but I can’t make said donkeys

Coronavirus cases skyrocketing again! … oh, that’s bad for markets … but no
fear, your FED via the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] & the Swiss National Bank
SNB] are busy little beavers while the world mostly sleeps … first they allow the
Chuckleheads in Asia to sell, and when they’re done … Bingo!, Bango!, Boom!,
it’s straight up the fucking wall for the “Spoos”, wrecking havoc among the
shorts! … it sure is nice to be a gangsta, isn’t it? … never mind the billions they
spend each day protecting stocks for the 0.0001%, cuz it’s only your kids &
grand kids who end up paying the consequences down the road, and besides
“billions” now is the new “rounding error” for government work, so what does it
matter? … of course, soon enough that will be “trillions”, and from there
“quadrillions” just like Japan, but no worries it’s just your standard of living they
are sending down the proverbial river to make sure the elites of the world don’t
suffer any pain via stock losses … “here’s a check, now STFU and go back to
watching reruns on Netflix”!

Meanwhile in the political arena it’s so surreal as to be laughable … I cut the
cable cord long ago, so I don’t watch TV, I got better things to do than listen to
hacks with an agenda … it’s an election year of course, so that means the
rhetoric goes up to “11” on a scale from 1 - 10, but the sad reality is it can also
affect markets.

Here just before the NYSE open, the “Spoos East of the Pond”, a/k/a Cable, a/k/a
GBPUSD, putting in another pathetic trading day, where the action so far today
half way through the European session, is pretty much all screwing over the
Chuckleheads in Asia … since Europe has come in it’s extremely thin, with any
movement we have seen limited to what the “Spoos” are doing, and running
subsequent stops in the process … welcome to Monday.

Live by correlation, die by correlation … and suddenly about an hour before
Cable mercifully closes in Europe for the day, “Stock Bellies” gains don’t
produce spikes higher in Cable any longer … “oh, did they forget to email you
about that”? … Outside of one market, which is Bitcoin [BTCUSD], everything
else is inside the “manipulation matrix” scam that gets run almost everyday by
central banks to benefit the scumbag LP banks … today no different, but at least
on Friday there was some trading action … today sees nothing but the
“insta-spike”, somewhere between 3 to as many as 7 PIPS in the blink of an
eye, thank you very much “Spoos”, and then it trades sideways for minutes on
end until the next “panic attack”, happening most likely in 3 … 2 … 1 … what
utter bullshit! … I came into the dayt right around 4:30 AM EST, and Cable was
at approximately 1.25380 bid … 7 ½ hours later at the European close, it’s at
1.25390, with panic trips up on panic SP500 buying, and panic trips down on
SP500 selling … “Excuse Me Europe! … hello? … can you run a fucking market
by yourselves, or do we just turn it over to the Chuckleheads in Asia? … asking
for a friend”.

And by the way, spreads in all of the stock indices at Turnkey, blown to shit by
about 400% - 500% higher than early last week … remember the DOW30 at 0 - 1
index points? … yea, now at 5 - 8 index points in the middle of the day … SP500
at 0.2 index points? … yea, now at a full 1 index point … what happened?
… EASY PEEZEE: “when IVIX picks up the scumbag LP banks don’t want you
picking them off with scalp trades, so to solve this problem from the banks
perspective, the spread gets raised inside the computer system, and you’re
fucked! … what would you say today, you EURUSD OR USDJPY traders, if you
came into today and the spreads in these 2 were 2 ½ - 3 PIPS? … would you be
dumb enough to trade ‘em, or tell the brokerage house to go pound sand? … at
the end of the day, all they understand is the loss of trading revenue
… everything else is meaningless to them”.

Only one algorithm buy signal in Cable today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM

One signal early, and I was in the spread for what seemed like half my life … fuck
this … I scratched the trade and said adios! … then when the SP500 got
somewhat frantic, and noticing Cable was following it “tick-for-tick”, I backed off
cuz I know what this correlation game is all about, and want no part of it
… broadly correlating is no problem, but when a market like Cable today, which
has ZILCH going for it, starts to mirror exactly the moves in “Spoos”, it always
ends badly for whoever takes the bait from the banks … I’ve been at this
correlation rodeo before, and it’s a fucking nightmare to deal with, no matter
the 2 markets correlating … and when the banks “pull the plug”, they don’t
email you to let you know … “so sorry, we fuck you now OK”? 

Not that the correlations mattered much, cuz the ugly truth about today is simple
… it moves quick and then dies … rinse, repeat, and then the day is over … just
another “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] day like millions before, where it’s
up/down inside a tiny range of about ± 30 PIPS of pure bullshit movements
… spikes from hell everywhere, and thanks I’ll pass on the bullshit … algorithm
parameters sitting on top of each other for about 99% of the European day, so
where’s the trade? … good grief what a bucket of shit!

And as I said last week, how many billions do the asshats at the faculty lounge
spend each day protecting the “Spoos” via the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT]?
… and they’ll continue to bankrupt the country defending the 3000 level in the
SP500, cuz that’s all that matters to the global elites whom they serve … trillions
upon trillions of dollars monetized, pretty soon we’ll be into the quadrillions
… you think I’m joking but I’m not, so when does bread cost $100 a loaf?

Of course they toasted the Chuckleheads overnight in “Spoos” … get ‘em to sell,
then when they’re done, here comes the PPT to skyrocket shit to new highs for
the day before you know what hit you … quite frankly, I don’t know where they
get all the money to lose each week, cuz they are the markets “Chumps”.

Now we’re into the New York afternoon, and if you don't know by now, it’s time to
learn … unless there’s a very good & solid reason to trade in the New York
afternoon, don’t! … and greed isn’t a good reason … with Europe closed, it’s the
criminal element of the Wall Street banks in charge, and they aren’t your friends
… no bigger group of scumbag crooks exist anywhere than these lowlife pieces
of shit, who I guarantee will be handing out MAX slippage on fills cuz nobody in
their right mind trades with these assholes unless they have to … so, don’t have

Outta here before I hit something … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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