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Wednesday, November 16, 2022


“Oh wait, I was assured everything was Russia’s fault!!”

So now, the bullshit artists that run NATO, and by default that means the Banana

Republic commonly known as the U.S., admit that the missiles that struck inside

Poland came from Ukraine, not the Ruskies … well now, isn’t that an

inconvenient truth, cuz just yesterday senile Biden & his hand picked puppets,

along with the self proclaimed “George Washington of Ukraine”, Zelensky, told us

something entirely different … “I guess the evidence couldn’t be suppressed

from the Europeans, and it was so obvious it came from Ukraine, that they were

forced to eat the “shit sandwich” and backtrack”. … amazing how that

propaganda schtick works when it’s all you do is lie, lie, and then lie some

more … never mind Sheeple, nothing to see here, move along!

Fake retail sales cuz the idiot state of the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia gave

out “stimmy checks” to the masses … and these Dopes wonder why there’s

40 year high inflation? … unreal.

Turning to the casino ,,, if you’re still in bed and wondering whether to get out to

trade, fugetaboutit! … why? … even with the scam that’s retail sales, that was

nothing more than “screw the longs, screw the shorts” across the board, where

the drive by shootings in USDJPY and GBPJPY were particularly ugly … I hate to

sound like a broken record, but seriously … “do I have to move and then live and

trade in frickin’ Thailand?” … cuz markets moving for them, and leaving shit for

us on this side of the globe is starting to unsettle me … today seeing some of the

sickest 10+ hour trading activity known to modern man … more action in a

cemetery on a winter’s day. 

Ranges so low they are seriously significant “sigma” misses from the 20 Day

Range MA’s, both daily and New York session … how many more days is this

bullshit gonna last? … it’s not that the algorithm isn’t giving off signals, cuz it

still does … the problem is once you get in, it doesn’t go anywhere … maybe

you can squeak some PIPS out of USDJPY on some signals, but which ones, cuz

this lack of VIX means quite frankly the number of “false positives” goes up … it

doesn’t mean you automatically get killed, but there isn’t any action in here

where the “Trading Ratio” [TR] makes sense to trade ‘em … as I write, the TR in

USDJPY = approximately 2.6, and GBPJPY = approximately 3.0 … we need to see

at, or very near 4.0, or ideally higher than that … 2.6 and 3.0 ain’t cuttin’ it, and

what it means is simple … 1) you’re in trades far longer than you want to be just

to squeak out a few PIPS, 2) your risk profile on the trade rises dramatically, and

3) if you happen to get hit with a “false positive” cuz of a FED PIE HOLE going

“blah blah, yada yada”, or some other market moving info, A) you won’t know

about it for at least a few minutes, and B) if the spikes are quick and vicious, how

are you gonna make back the trade loser, which is most likely to be much higher

than you thought? … meanwhile, after you get your ears boxed, and hit in the

face with a brick, the day proves to be a “nothingburger” and you’re wondering

in retrospect, why the Hell did I buy myself aggravation like this?

What I want to see is simple enough, and is the most likely the probability event

markets serve up the majority of the time, although of late it makes you wonder,

and that’s move, then correct enough to generate an algorithm signal for a trade

via time and price, and then move some more in the original direction, paying

attention to potential reversals along the way that can lead to regular reversals

and.or double / triple reversals … but this kind of crap only sees moves, then

corrects to the other side of the range, where it stalls, and then like lightning

striking a tree, along comes a spike from Hell taking multiple minutes and

sometime hours away in seconds or a few minutes … rinse, repeat, and you got

the infamous “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD] … nothing to do but wait it out

… No trades today for the reasons given above … it is what it is … the last four

trading days being a real head scratcher, in both USDJPY and GBPJPY

… go figure … onto tomorrow. 

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” πŸ’“!! … Onward & Upward!! 



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