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Thursday, October 31, 2019


“If only somebody had known the ChiComs are weasel rats!”

I mean, nobody could have ever seen this coming … the ChiComs now say
overnight, that they aren’t sure a “deal” can be reached with Trump … well, Que
the orchestra in first class, get the deck chairs lined up properly, and away we go
Titanic! … that was quick wasn’t it? … after sucking in some sideline sitters with
Facebook’s earnings last night, the DOW30 took a 100+ index point “Thelma &
Louise”, on the “surprise” news from the ChiComs … EXIT QUESTION: “How
many SP500 futures were XI & his cronies short before they released the news
via one of their state sponsored rags of propaganda”? … hell, Hitler & his
henchmen, if they only knew the possibilities of personal wealth available to
them via MSM headline manipulation, they could have financed WWII if SP500
futures had been around back then … if only … born too soon.

And so, see my shockingly shocked face, that is in total shock, over the
ChiComs latest antics … let’s face some brutal facts here, shall we? … the
bogus “China trade deal” is nothing more than the newest & latest currency
scam, brought to you by POLS & Apparatchiks worldwide, in their effort to rig
the “risk on / risk off”, $7 TRILLION DOLLAR PER DAY financial casino … the
currency is the “news”, bought and sold every time we get the  “we’re gonna get
one, oh wait, the deal is off” bullshit that rocks markets almost every day … add
this one to the “BREXIT” clusterfark, and why would anyone in power want to
see anything change? … you don’t think the ChiComs need to replenish the
mistress funds?

As I’ve said many times, anybody that buys into the “China trade deal” is a stone
cold idiot … there ain’t ever gonna be a REAL “China trade deal” that is either
1) a real deal with major structural reforms, and/or 2) has verification that terms
are being met … you can forget it … the ChiComs are fucking ChiComs, meaning
they do what dictators & thugs always do … they agree to stuff when it benefits
them, and walk away when it doesn’t, and if you think communist killers can be
trusted, then you got other issues that need solving.

And like every currency, it gets traded up/down every day by a derivatives
obsessed world that looks to bet and make money on anything and everything
… we simply get “happy talk” one day and DOW30 futures & CFD’s go mini melt
up, and then we get the “oh shit, it’s falling apart” routine … rinse, repeat … who
are the idiots in all of this? … well, it sure as hell ain’t the manipulators and those
that create the news, now is it?

There’s nothing new in any of this from the gambit being played by the Chicoms
... decades ago, I stood in a gold pit and saw weekly the manipulations of the
Ruskies, where the former KGB thugs “traded” gold … day one: large Wall Street
brokerage house buying 5,000 - 10,000 gold contracts, 100 contracts at a time
throughout the day, rumor swirling that it’s the KGB … day two: Soviets move
troops to the Czech or Polish border cuz they say they feel threatened … as
tensions mount, gold goes up $15 - $20 … day three: same brokerage house that
bought 2 days ago is now selling into rising public buying cuz of the tensions
mounting in Eastern Europe … day four: Soviets pull troops back after some
“show meetings” at the U.N., and gold drops back … day five: Vlad & crew at the
KGB book about $50 - $75 million dollars in profit, and laugh their way to
Switzerland, incredulous at how easy it is to dupe idiot futures traders … so yea,
I’ve seen this kind of horseshit before, and the only difference now is that it’s
happening on electronic trading platforms instead of in pits, and the names have

In the last few days, I’ve gotten some emails from clients asking me if I can keep
the PAMM / MAM running at Turnkey, cuz they trade their personal accounts there
in other markets, and don’t want to switch to FX CHOICE. I’ve thought about it,
and don’t see why not … hey, it’s your money, and if you want to stay at Turnkey,
that’s fine with me … I think it’s a bucket shop that has some of the worst
customer service going, and I no longer have any money there, but if you’re
comfortable there, then so be it … so, starting tomorrow, November 1, I’ll trade
both the Turnkey & FX CHOICE PAMM’s … having said this though, be aware that
the Turnkey DOW30 CFD can’t be traded away from NYSE hours, cuz the bid/offer
spread is about 10 - 15 index points wide, meaning of course if there’s decent
trading in either Asia or European sessions cuz of news, I simply can’t in good
conscience trade something that is a complete and utter ripoff … by comparison,
the FX CHOICE DOW30 CFD has an approximate 2 index point spread all night
and day. And, if crude oil ever gets its act together again, it’s the same story in
this complex as well, with FX CHOICE having a solid 3 cent bid/offer spread all
day and night versus Turnkey, which is all over the place from 3 - 10 cents
depending on how badly they’re looking to screw you … you simply can’t trade
crude at Turnkey unless you want to give money away

So while I’ll keep it running for those already in it, I’m not accepting any new
clients at Turnkey … if you want to be a part of the FX CHOICE PAMM /MAM,
simply follow the link in the header and join … for what I want to trade, and where
my trading priorities lie, FX CHOICE is clearly better than Turnkey, especially in
my priority markets DOW30, DAX30, & Crude Oil … gold is simply untradeable,
no matter where you go to trade it, and it is by far the market with the biggest
logistical problems going … those problems being 1) erratic and large bid/offer
spreads, 2) spikes from hell via the scumbag bullion dealer banks that rape stops
daily, and 3) horrific slippage on market fills and/or any stops, that makes risk
unknown and not quantifiable … and from what I’ve seen over these last months,
gold is only getting worse not better, and that does not bode well into the future
for this market, as it’s being “silverized” by government into a third rate trading
vehicle like its cousin silver has been … silver used to be one of the most
popularly traded futures markets on earth … who trades silver today? Fact is,
there are far better trading vehicles for profit than gold, either futures or CFD’s,
that have light years better liquidity, volumes, and fills. Sure, physical gold
belongs in everybody’s plans, and you can easily do that via Bullion Star, my
recommended secure place for safe offshore storage … click the link up near
the website header and visit them if you haven’t already, and get some physical
metal … but as a trading vehicle, gold is terrible … no worse, it’s criminal.

It’s about an hour before the NYSE open, and just to give you an idea of what
conditions look like, Turnkey right now has a 14 index point bid/offer spread in
their DOW30 CFD, and FX CHOICE has a 2.2 index point bid/offer spread in their
DOW30 CFD … it is what it is, but if there was a trade here, I’d do it at FX CHOICE,
and obviously not at Turnkey. So, when I report trade results based on
percentages, there are going to be differences … I just want people to be aware
of this … NYSE open now for the last 10 minutes, and Turnkey still has a DOW30
spread of over 10+ index points … just one of the many reasons why I’m not
there anymore.

One algorithm buy signal today … new PAMM / MAM @ FX CHOICE UP
approximately 0.4%.

For those that have ordered the “Traders Course” [TC], you can see clearly
@16:06 server time [10:06 AM EST] in the DOW30 CFD, the aggressive scalpers
buy signal discussed at length in Chapter 6 of the TC … I couldn’t have drawn it
up any better if I controlled the market … this is a “classic” aggressive scalpers
trade that has a very high statistical probability of success for profit, one of three
I write about in Chapter 6 … everything I wrote about, along with the setup is here
today in this trade … quite frankly, this is no different than a great scalp in the old
futures pit … what you see on the screen is simply the electronic version decades

Another buy signal came later off the bottom low for the day [so far], but the
dynamics here were different than the first signal … more risk in this trade,
although there were some positive factors going for it … even if I had taken it, the
trading action after the low wasn’t that great … sure, you can look back in
hindsight and say, “oh wow man, I shoulda hung on”, but that’s a fool’s errand in
hindsight, not in real time … what I’m looking for are aggressive scalps, with very
little statistical risk … IMHO we got that on the first one, but not on the second
… you just live with the consequences and move on, cuz there’s no shortage of
buy signals over time in the DOW30, it’s simply being patient enough and having
the proper discipline to wait for them … and btw THIS IS WHY MOST PEOPLE
FAIL! … they aren’t disciplined enough to wait, cuz they want it now … well, hate
to be the bearer of bad news for ya, but even manipulated markets love to give
you the middle finger.

Of course, you have to have the proper conditions in the market you’re trading to
take advantage and profit … we get that @ FX CHOICE in DOW30, DAX30, & crude
oil … unfortunately today, that doesn’t describe Turnkey and their scumbag LP
banks, who’ve decided today that the DOW30 bid/offer spread should be blown
out for no fucking reason whatsoever besides pure greed … on the other hand, FX
CHOICE has had an approximate 2 - 2 ½ index point bid/offer spread all night and
all day in the DOW30 CFD … it is what it is, and who knows when the morons at
Turnkey wake the hell up and get it right … 5 minutes from now or next week?
… who knows, and quite frankly, they don’t care, cuz you’re the one pushing the
buy/sell buttons, not them … they’re just there in Mauritius now, sitting around
collecting commissions and doing NADA and splitting off market fills with their
favored LP [which they probably own or have partner interest] and haven’t a care
in the world, least of all you and spreads … but what is greatly frustrating is
having the algorithm for profit and not being able to trade like you want without
getting held up at gunpoint by the scumbag LP bank & brokerage house … ditto
for gold, although it doesn’t matter where you’re at, the LBMA front running crooks
in London where XAUUSD is based & traded, will make doubly sure you get hosed
there as well.

Afternoon in New York, and with a 300+ index point range, unless I see as good a
setup from the TC as I saw on our first trade today, the first trade will be the only

Well, what do criminal New York banks do the best? … of course, chop, chop, and
more chop for the DOW30, now that Europe is closed for the day, and they can
reap the whirlwind from the chop … nice work if you can get it … I’m pulling the
plug on the rest of this crap today, there’s nothing here now but trouble, and the
20 Day Range MA has been essentially hit, only a few dozen points from this
week’s current MA … in other words, from a probability perspective, unless
something newsworthy hits the market, which is a definite possibility, this day is
over by NOON EST, unless they can take the low out [maybe?].

Well, now after 1 PM EST, you’ve seen what has happened since I wrote earlier
… nothing but a basket of 50 index point shit, spiking up/down/up/down as the
DOW30 chops around and makes banks rich, and then the sudden
“Thelma & Louise” to a new low … oophf! … there goes the Spicoli “put” … who
knows where this stuff is gonna stop now in the afternoon with price hitting new
all time highs in the SP500 just last night … the start of a big reversal unfolding
today? … in any event, be back at it tomorrow, and if … a very big “IF” … if the
Turnkey morons can get their scumbag LP’s to cooperate and off the greed
complex, I’ll trade the DOW30 there as well using the TC algorithm ... I simply
have no idea if that’s gonna work, but I refuse to get ripped off by these
assclowns when trading … so, we’ll see what happens tomorrow come the NYSE

Until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!  


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