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Friday, October 20, 2023



“Endless war to support power, corruption, bribery, & graft for Elites!!”

And suddenly, all eyes are on the mideast, as war appears imminent [but it won’t

be, just more of the same drawn out bullshit of endless proxy wars so the

weapons systems keep flowing and money is pocketed by the usual suspects]

… ask yourself, though, who really started this and who funded it, and who’s in

political trouble and needs war, and simply follow the money as always … ALL

ROADS lead to Joe Biden and his sycophant crew of Communists, Socialists,

and other assorted parasites draining the U.S. of productivity & freedoms

… think I’m nuts? … OK, but consider that Biden funded the Taliban and literally

gave them over $85 BILLION DOLLARS in military equipment when he botched

Afghanistan … and he just gave $6 BILLION DOLLARS TO IRAN, who funds

Hamas and other terrorist groups … plant the seeds of war, nurture it with plenty

of free dollars to spread around to various nutjob groups, get the CIA and other

alphabet soup agencies involved, and sit back and wait for the fireworks … then

when SHTF, show up as the “white knight” on the white horse to appoint

yourself the one to save the day with more weapons systems and free money

for everybody! … everybody gets free money who can pass a good chunk of it

back to POLS & Apparatchiks in the U.S. through various means set up by

shitweasel lawyers to skirt the law … see how this “Scumbaggery & Fuckery”


And the reason you, some Schlub who lives in ‘Murica doesn’t get Mr. Jack

“Diddly” Squat of any of these free dollars should be obvious … YOU DON’T


keep ALL OF IT FOR YOURSELF IF YOU GOT IT! … in other words, you don’t

play the game right! … rest assured, 1) there are none dirtier in “The Swamp”

than the Biden Crime Family, 2) nobody wants the “gravy train” to end, and

3) endless war is good for ‘Murica and the economy … sure, people die

everywhere where you can’t see it happening, so caught up in NFL bullshit, and

other staged distractions for the masses, you ain’t got time for death &

destruction … or so you think … until that moment when the U.S. can’t borrow

any more money cuz nobody will lend it to ‘em no matter the interest rate

… remember, the Banana Republic is borrowing $1 TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY

6 WEEKS, and my guess is that number has ZERO chance of going down

anytime soon … how long do you think this can last?

Gold ain’t rocketing cuz of war, gold is rocketing cuz the financial endgame of

the Banana Republic is at hand … NOW! … only the Lounge Lizards at the FED

are holding price down, hoping beyond hope they can print enough dollars for

short margins in futures and options to keep gold from going over $2K and

eventually $2100, which will open the floodgates for a sharply higher price

… they are banking on a strategy that has always worked in the past, which is

to “wait out” the longs until they get disappointed and start liquidating

positions cuz price is not rallying like they want … then they step in and

monkey hammer the shit out of price to start a pukefest to the downside, at

which point they cover short positions … and quite frankly, it could work this

time as well! … but in the background is the 800 lb. Gorilla that gets bigger and

stronger by the day / week / month, which is debt, interest service on the debt,

and hyperinflation … other central banks have caught on and are big buyers of

gold on breaks … little sell stop hunts ain’t gonna affect them or their outlook.

As long as gold stays sub $2K, the FED has a chance to keep things in check

… but once that threshold is broken again, and then $2100 goes by the wayside,

we enter a whole new ballgame of panic and worldwide demand that will blow

price up to the stars … ditto for silver as well, perhaps more so in percentage

terms … and when that happens [not if, but when], there isn’t a meter in

existence that will be able to measure the panic meltdown taking place in the

Banana Republic as it dawns on Dipshits like Biden and his ilk, along with all of

the RINOS, that the “free money game” is OVER! … future civil war? … count on

it, as states like Texas want nothing to do with Shithole Libtard Hellholes like

New York & Illinois … none of this spells “downside” for gold, and in fact

supports further upside potential beyond what people think possible … as I’ve

said, IMHO gold trades at a price = Bitcoin, and maybe higher.

The only downside for gold is if government gets its shit together … FAT

FUCKING CHANCE THAT HAPPENS EVER! … no government in the history of

the world has ever paid off national debt … Nope, they all inflate it away to

nothing … just remember, 3,000% inflation since the FED was created in 1913, up

to June 2023 … right on schedule to bankrupt the U.S. in a few lifetimes … and

right as gold is being taken to the launchpad, don’t look now as Bitcoin this

morning has hit $30K again … what happens when the U.S. imposes capital

controls and the public panics? … you won’t be able to take gold with you when

you leave cuz it’ll be confiscated … Bitcoin on the blockchain however can’t be

stopped, and in your new digs, you can resume life as you knew it before the

revolution … and I don’t care if you think I’m nuts … don’t care cuz if I’m wrong

there’s no downside for me … if you’re wrong? … well, you’re fucked, as in

“proper fucked” cuz there will be no recovery for you or your family, as

everything will have been taxed or confiscated [stolen] by government.

Gee, here’s a surprise … Biden’s little talk to the nation hasn’t done anything to

squelch fears of 1) he has any clue to what he’s doing, and 2) he can stop or

prevent anything … but hey, why would he want to? … “where’s my cut?!”

… he’s responsible for all of it, so why would he end it? … relax, it’s just more

of the same proxy war bullshit you’ve come to know and love from POLS &

Apparatchiks over these last decades … along with a meltdown of U.S.

finances, gold and Bitcoin should be well supported on corrective breaks.

Adding to this list of woe for the Banana Republic is China & the ChiComs

… he’ll take Taiwan when Biden looks his weakest and the U.S. is almost dead

broke … selling Treasuries and forcing rates higher, while at the same time

forcing gold higher with massive buy purchases through Shanghai, Moscow, &

Singapore, only strengthens his hand and weakens further any resolve Biden

and his ilk have left … like I said yesterday, the “woke” military can’t even shoot

down a fucking weather balloon over the Dakotas, and in the process lost some

missiles … wait, WUT!? … and you expect them to wage war on 3 fronts?

… GTFO with that! … quite frankly, IMHO Biden will fold and throw Taiwan under

the bus when appropriate, and then see where gold is!

Turning to today’s “Slots-A-Rama” inside the world’s most corrupt casino, while

gold holds steady, Bitcoin takes off to $30K … any vault above 30,500 will see

plenty of buy stops hit … not there yet … meanwhile gold lurches inside a tiny

range, looking for a minute like the low could go, but here come the buyers, and

now it just made a new high for the day up near 1988 … wonder what the FED will

do if it closes above $2K today going into the weekend? … will BIBI start a

ground invasion of Gaza over the weekend while markets are closed? … or do

we start Sunday night with a bloodbath lower on “bigly & yuge” FED selling of

futures? … quite frankly, I’m left a little stunned at the aggressiveness of price

above the 1970 level, especially after the enormous run we’ve seen so far with

ZILCH corrective activity of any significance other than the sell stop hunt

yesterday that took it down about $15, and which it got bought very

aggressively from that level … and here we are at 1990, and I’m wondering who

it is that is sticking their middle finger in the eyes of the FED manipulation

machine? … can only be the ChiComs is the only plausible explanation, and if

that’s the case, fasten seatbelts! … meanwhile, “Stock Bellies” are getting

monkey hammered … what happens if “Stock Bellies” don’t rally for 10 years

and are stuck in a range? … happened in the 70’s with stagflation so don’t tell

me it can’t happen, cuz it sure as Hell can!

And yes, for those wondering, gold is in “The Twilight Zone” now … up just

short of $200 in 10 trading days, blowing through 5 ½ months of trading action

like a chainsaw through a stick of soft butter … round up the usual suspects for

the cause, but it ain’t war in the mideast that’s caught gold’s attention … that’s

just the surface ruse, so when there’s a glimmer of diplomatic hope, gold can get

clobbered lower and the “talking heads” got something to say … and that break

might well be the one to buy for a generational trade … we’ll see … how many

reversals does a market get before people start jumping out of windows? … 4 so

far in gold today, although the roller coaster ride up/down has failed [so far] to

breach the low of the day on several occasions … we’ll see if that holds or if

somebody goes for some sell stops.

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen this kind of sustained buying in gold,

over a 10 day span … the highs in September 2011 come to mind, and we all

know what happened next … however, the world is a very different place than

back 12 years ago … same Idiot Libtard leaders who appease terrorists, but

financially the Banana Republic is far weaker … it will be interesting to see how

this plays out in the days / weeks dead ahead … many potential hazardous

outcomes, and quite frankly these types of conditions are what made me become

a scalper in the first place, cuz day to day I don’t have to worry about what

happens, just react to it … positions over time are for Chumps IMHO cuz so

many different things can happen … remember, “capital is finite, opportunity

is infinite!”

Although there were many buy signals today in gold, I’m not interested in

getting long above 1980 - 1985 without some kind of corrective activity that

makes sense … just too far too “Hoover Dam” fast for my sensibilities as a

trader, with red spike down risk a heavy probability … therefore, there was one

really good signal I took in gold for the PAMM, and we’re UP ABOUT HALF WAY

TO 0.1% … we’ll capture more of these via corrective activity in the days / weeks

ahead, not every 10 day period is gonna be like this I can assure you! … over at

IQCENT, some light volume trades in BTCUSDT and “The Syndicate” is UP

APPROXIMATELY 0.3% … just grinding away for yield is all I’m doing, and in

BTC what we really need to see is movement above 30,500 that holds … that

will bring in volume and plenty of buyers … EURUSD just a chopfest today and I

skipped it … blog update on Sunday … until then mi amigos!

… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,

and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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