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Monday, May 31, 2021



“I got just one question!”

With all of the dead from wars over the last 2 centuries, does their sacrifice,

which we honor with today’s Holiday, mean that life today inside the “U.S. of

China” is “better” than before? … I think I could argue “Hell NO it ain’t better”!

… sure, advances in technology have made certain things more convenient,

but it has come at a heavy price … the insidious & evil growth of the

“Deep State” and their attendant alphabet soup Apparatchik agencies, like the

CIA, NSA, FBI, just to name the most obvious Gestapo “wannabes”, have

fostered loss of privacy, political persecutions, and a “quasi police state” right

under your nose.

The real question worth asking is simply this … “if somehow, some way all the

dead could come back for an hour to survey the current state of things in the

U.S., would they come to the conclusion of, “if I knew then what I know now”

before I died in battle, was my sacrifice worth it or did I die for nothing”? 

It’s not an easy critical thought experiment question to entertain … much easier

to skip over it when barbecuing burgers later today and indulging in the “bread &

circuses” life of ordinary Sheeple … IMHO, excluding the few years preceding the

Civil War some 160 years ago, the country has NEVER been in worse shape in so

many ways … political leadership is a disgusting, pathetic joke … financially, the

U.S. is simply Venezuela with a larger Visa card spending limit … morally? … sick

and getting sicker by the minute, and has never ever been worse … rotting cities

coast to coast … political corruption & greed that knows no bounds, wrapped in

the pretty paper of hypocrisy at every turn … loss of freedoms, PC & SJW woke

bullshit corrupting everything it touches, while promoting communism,

socialism, and pure anarchy … would you offer up your service TODAY with the

very real potential to die to preserve this rotting corpse of a country? … a

country being led by the most corrupt Dopes ever born? … in succession for

the last almost 30 years, the Clinton Crime Family, the Bush Family cabal whose

patriarch Preston Bush [G.H.W. Bush’s father] got his bank shut down by FDR

for funding the Nazi’s, then the 8 years of Preezy Empty Suit and continued loss

of personal freedoms, the 4 years of Trump’s non stop persecution by the Deep

State, and now Preezy Depends & his “Manchurian Candidate” VP to

permanently destroy the U.S. and turn you into a Serf … indeed, a lot to think

about on this saddest of Holidays. 

Holiday markets today, with both the U.K. & the U.S. closed, but there isn’t

much difference between today and a “normal” day … unless the manipulators

are manipulating and the Apparatchik’s Pie Holes moving & passing word salad,

there isn’t a reason in the world to do anything … just like a regular day!

Crypto disappointing many, cuz quite a few people were looking forward to

another meltdown of crypto prices across the board from a frenzied 3 day

weekend … so far a bust on that front … the ChiComs must be so disappointed,

cuz their overt efforts recently to “bust” crypto to dust, to hide their own

embarrassing rollout of the digital Yuan, isn’t providing the distraction they

thought it would bring … and color me cynical, but it wouldn’t surprise me to

find out someday that both the FED & ECB gave their “blessing” to the ChiComs

efforts and provided some kind of help to get crypto to go lower … their hubris

knows no bounds, right along with their deceptive, deceitful nature of nurturing

the 0.0001% global elitists who call the shots … we live in a very sick world.

As I said yesterday, the algorithm will be released this upcoming Sunday … look

for the blog to become the “Continuing Education Course” for the algorithm at

certain times, most notably when markets throw us curve balls.

Nothing to really do today, it’s a completely wasted day on the trading front

… the Asian session was very quiet, not unanticipated to be sure, and crypto is

quiet as well, just meandering around in thin volumes … gold & “Stock Bellies”

a little soft, but those moves are meaningless … outta here, until tomorrow

… “the future’s so “GOLD”-en bright I need sunglasses”! 😎

… Onward & Upward!! 


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