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Sunday, April 25, 2021



“Butch has been waiting a long time … he’s packed & ready to go!”

They don’t ring bells & or whistles at the tops & bottoms of any market & when

government, no matter how secretive, pernicious, & evil they are, changes the

rules of the trading game, they don’t send out emails either … they just make shit

up as they go along, hell bent on destroying specs of all kinds … cuz make no

mistake, Apparatchiks in government or other evil institutions [hello FED!!] hate

your guts with a passion bordering on psychotic … “oh, they’ll take the “skim”

from the scumbag bank LP’s, but that money pales in comparison to the

importance of destroying you”!

Modern day financial derivatives trading began in the mid - late 1970’s

… gold / silver, interest rate futures, and major FX Dollar pairs introduced after

Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard in 1971 … then came “Stock Bellies”

futures [SP500] in April 1982 … and from there, it’s been a true parabolic descent

into hell … for approximately the first 10 - 15 years [mid 70’s to October 1987]

nothing really changed except light technological change … the crash of ‘87

brought to bear the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] … however, in addition to

government interference becoming a real possibility, the changes to the

business of “trading” changed dramatically … this 21 year historical clusterfark,

from 1987 - 2008, to be kind, was tumultuous! … 1) first the crash of ‘87, 2) LTCM

bankruptcy & the rise of very large hedge funds, 2) 1999 sees the EURO come

onto the scene, 3) 2008 sees the great financial crisis & collapse of housing, and

4) this 21 year period sees the GREATEST TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE THE

WORLD HAS EVER WITNESSED! … no internet to high speed internet, pit trading

goes “buh bye” in favor of bank controlled electronic trading, and interest rates

collapse to ZERO worldwide on massive central bank intervention into world

economies … but this is just the beginning!

Now, from 2008 - present, we’re in the 13th year of government controlled

markets … it really got started in the early Spring of 2012, with the “Rally

Protection Team” [RPT] being formed, the primary purpose being to manipulate

gold & silver lower by smashing futures prices with unheard of size, onto the

market, anywhere from 20,000 - 50,000 contracts being sold at the market, either

in “off hours” or near the New York session open … the manipulations began in

earnest in other financial markets [“Stock Bellies”, FX, bonds, crude oil], when in

January 2015 the EURCHF debacle occurred, ushering in central bank heavy

manipulation of FX prices daily … then in February 2016, the FED saved the oil

industry from collapse by buying oil futures … and since then, it’s been massive

QE, CNTRL-P machine printing of money out of thin air to prop asset bubbles

everywhere, especially through a “pandemic hoax”!

From a macro perspective, the period from the mid 1970’s to 2016 - 2017

[46 -47 years], although trading technology evolved, markets pretty much

behaved like they always did … “well, that horse left the barn for good as the

manipulations ramped up, higher & higher with each succeeding week / month

up to the present” … it’s only gotten worse, and there’s no end in sight via

traditional markets, as they ALL are in the iron grip of central bank manipulators

… “and through the last 5 years, trading as professional traders as we knew the

past, became a literal nightmare … so many hedge funds, CTA’s, and others bit

the dust and got buried by market moves that made no sense whatsoever!

… sure, it’s all so easy to see it now, as court cases have been settled and the

“dirty little details of discovery” have been made public … JPM manipulations

in gold / silver, scumbag bank collusion in price fixing FX, and the “spoofing” of

futures by banks to manipulate futures prices … it’s all there to see now, as well

as the utter disgusting lack of regulators to actually put people in jail for these

financial crimes … 2 things you can ALWAYS count on with alphabet soup

regulators … 1) some nobody in junior trading always takes the sword for upper

management, and 2) it’s always “fines”, and “we promise not to do it again”,

which history has proven has a half-life shorter than a Biden promise.

And through it all, we as traders are left to decipher “tea leaves”, and ponder the

ramifications of truly bizarre market movements and why we haven’t seen them

before … in other words, “what used to work for decades, ain’t workin’ NOW!

… help, Mommy, help”! … and when you eventually figure out the game plan of

the “evil doers”, you’re left with 1) how could the world allow this to happen,

2) WTF do I do now to combat this evil force, and 3) should I dust off that resume

I typed up and go work at the circus shoveling reptile shit as a more rewarding

career choice? 

As I have been saying for a while now, the manipulators current tactics in

traditional markets are to 1) reduce any markets volatility, and stretch moves

over world time zones to screw specs, cuz they know full well their BFF bank

buds “pass the trading book” from one time zone to the next, while you the

individual trader, unless you want to become a meth addict and stay up 24/5, are

only going to be trading for at most 10 - 12 hours, and 2) adopt the pricing

premise of any market to “speed of light … crickets”, making sure the banks are

always on the right side of “speed of light”, while also attempting to get specs

caught wrong, and then after it’s over go into the “Loser Formation”, thus

insuring if you got caught and had losses, there wouldn’t be enough volatility to

allow you to make back anything of substance the entire rest of the day … and I

got a news flash for you … “it’s a B. I. Itch making money in this environment!

… and that’s just perfectly fine with them!

And then in 2020 along comes the largest technological change the world HAS

EVER SEEN … the rise of crypto trading and the “open order book” trading

platforms, along with NO KYC trading … AND THE CENTRAL BANK


And most importantly for me as a seasoned professional trader, here since the

beginning of the modern era of trading, SUDDENLY IT’S 1980 ALL OVER AGAIN!

… the reasons are clear … no banks, no government interference in crypto

markets, huge volumes & liquidity, massive moves, and it all means

“fear & greed” return to SOLELY run markets up / down … “the game never

changes, only the names of the participants”! … collective human nature

NEVER CHANGES! … and Bingo!, Bango!, Boom!, volatility is back and the

trading algorithm MODELS price movements in crypto to the barn door!

Sure, maybe traditional markets come back … I mean, there’s always the chance,

and gold / silver are “quasi” crypto pairs, albeit with warts, so all is not lost over

on the MT4 … but if you’re just starting trading and want to make it a career or

make a shipload of money, the only place to be is crypto, especially the alt-coins

… the high bid/offer spreads + “gas fees” [commissions] make BTC & ETH totally

unsuitable for scalping or trading IMHO … there are better alternatives &

opportunities in the alt-coins.

And since my purpose in trading is to make money, why should I care what it’s

in? … “hey, the Mrs. has needs! … you understand me”? … people’s reluctance

to trade crypto is purely illogical & simply downright stupid! … 5 minutes spent

on the “open order book” trading coins like ADA, ONT, or TRX, and you’ll be

saying to yourself, “whoa, why haven’t I been trading this? … wow, look at that

move! … any of these coins move more in 2 hours, than anything in FX has

moved since the start of the frickin’ YEAR! … and it’s the end of April for cryin’

out loud!

The algorithm will be released here shortly, and plenty of people will either read

it online or download it … OK, big whoop … the real question is, are you gonna

do anything about it? … and if you’re looking to “turbocharge” your trading join

my PATREON membership for the whopping price of $5 per month … and no

worries bigshots out there, financing is available 😂😂😂 … so, pack your

trading bags and get ready for a trip … that “trip” will take you to that shipload of

cold hard cash sitting in an undisclosed harbor with your name on it … you can

either “go get it” or leave it sit until the U.S. balances its budget [hell freezes

over] … either way, it’s up to YOU!

Onto the week … “the future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!  😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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