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Wednesday, April 21, 2021



“The real pandemic!”

Every facet of society is facing this pandemic … nothing escapes the blight of

idiot Libtards, and the changing goalposts of Libtard logic … safe you may be

today, but what “injustice” are you guilty of that deserves the death penalty

tomorrow? … the ChiComs can unleash the world’s worst bio-terror pandemic,

but 1) they’re ChiComs so it’s “OK”, and 2) spread enough money around and

you can buy all the positive press you want … “wow, what a complete mystery

how this happened, huh”? … another mystery … who in their right mind would

ever want to be a COP, especially today? … why? … let the Libtards who live

behind gated community barriers, with armed security, let them reap what they

have sown … the entire country, top to bottom, is one gigantic propaganda

“shitshow circus”, led by the usual Dopes / Clowns in politics, whose only real

goal is to destroy the U.S. and usher in communist / socialist / authoritarian

control over your life, and more importantly your money … only in that light

does anything make sense … if you can’t see this shitshow unfolding right

before your eyes, you’re not only blind, but you’re unbelievably fucking stupid

beyond belief … go ahead, bask in your delusion for a while longer, but when

they come for YOU, there will be nobody around to even whimper the slightest

objection … quite frankly, you deserve what is coming for you!

Why should it just be limited to society as a whole, when so called financial

“markets” [cough, bullshit, cough] are nothing more than a reflection of the

corrupt & twisted society from which they emanate? … here’s a real mystery

… why does crypto trade 1000X better than sick, manipulated markets on the

MT4? [bonus question: “who’s buried in Lincoln’s tomb”?] … hang onto your

hat Skippy, here comes the shocking answer! … they aren’t “sick & twisted”

and trade FREE from government, Apparatchik, and scumbag bank LP

manipulation that robs you blind and steals your money! … again, see my

shocked face.

“Look over there, a squirrel”! … and with an attention span of a 10 week old

kitten, Sheeple everywhere moved from one story to another to divert attention

away from what’s going on with their freedoms and their lives as they know them,

and given the needed “bread & circuses” to keep their minds busy with bullshit

… and what a great job the financial MSM does in perpetuating complete myths

about what drives markets … cuz quite frankly, if the truth were widely known,

who’s gonna supply the “skim money” banks use to pay off POLS, Apparatchiks,

& regulators the world over? … if not you, then who? “so yea, let’s just pretend

there are “mysterious” forces at work and pretend everything is fine, OK”?

And so here we are, as the sun comes up in the money laundering capital of the

world, New York, and Cable after 14 hours of today’s trading [and counting] has

a … wait for it … a 39 PIP range! … oh how exciting! … throngs and throngs of

traders beating down doors all over the world to trade the mighty FX major dollar

pairs, right? … err, not exactly … last of the 6 people trading, would you please

turn off the lights when you’re done and as you exit? … laughable of course, but

that won’t stop the guru analysts who will tell you that the market is waiting for

“Wales red headed teenager car sales” due later today for Cable to move … ah

yes, completely slipped my mind, of course! … and so the bullshit goes, and

every day the pile gets higher & higher … at what point does the entire world

drown in bullshit? … it seems to me, we’re getting closer than ever … and gold?

… go lie down until that feeling in your leg to trade it has gone away, that’s how

utterly pathetic that market has become, in terms of any “trading” activity

… what a frickin’ joke!

Quite frankly, traders are voting with their wallets, and abandoning traditional

markets in droves, cuz they’re “sick & tired” of being sick & tired of getting

screwed by manipulative, scumbag bank LP’s … who of course, are getting all

of the money they need to do the bidding of central bankers via the CNTRL-P

machine … “give me all the money in the world, and let me borrow it INTEREST

FREE, and see what happens when I have UNLIMITED FUNDS to make a market

go the way I want it to”! … is it all still a mystery to you?

And if you’re a manipulator, what’s the very last thing you want the market

you’re manipulating to do? … right, you don’t want it to MOVE … YOU WANT NO

TRADING ACTIVITY … cuz without that, nobody wants to make a trade if there’s

literally no evidence it will go anywhere to make a profit … doesn’t matter if you

want to be long or short, price won’t move without orders and VOLATILITY, cuz

people see no profit potential … and so, you manipulate volatility via the

CNTRL-P machine to the scumbag banks, and they “Flying Wedge of Death”

[FWD] the shit out of it, keeping their control intact on very little volumes … is

this a mystery to you as well?

Well, there ain’t no mysteries in crypto! … that’s cuz there’s no place for the

CNTRL-P machine, central bankers, or their BFF scumbag LP bank buds

… NEWS FLASH: “you got to own crypto before you can sell it”! … and if they

attempted to manipulate the offshore perpetual futures markets, they would be

immediately doxxed cuz they ain’t trading through JPM, or any of the other

“club members” they visibly control … and that leads to another mystery, right?

… why would traders want a volatile, FREE market? … yes, Libtards everywhere

no doubt scratching their heads wondering, and then waiting for some shitbox

cable show like CNBC to give them the “proper thinking” on the matter, so they

can go SJW & virtue signal themselves into oblivion on why “CHEESE” is

“racy-ist” … “life is trading, trading is life”, nothing new under the sun!

In the eyes of an evil, propagandist state, the TRUTH is seen as terrorism … I’ll

leave it to you to figure out which “state” I’m talkin’ about, but you wouldn’t be

far off the mark including all of ‘em in today’s FUBAR world … but no worries, you

got a “Stimmy” check so all is good, right?

“Stonks” about ready to open in a few minutes, which means we’re 90 minutes

from the “London Fix” … ohh, somebody is gonna get “fixed” alright … just a

little comedy to look forward to as the useless & worthless minutes roll by in

FX … seriously, I can’t even say the word “market” anymore without laughing

to myself.

Welp!, Cable hits a new low of the day, “smashing” that old 39 PIP range, and

the trading action is? … am I at a funeral? … “umm, excuse me Mr. Market, where

the hell is any semblance of actual up/down “trading”? … asking for a friend”

… and for the record, the last 3 - 3 ½ hours Cable has been all straight down,

unless you want to count a few 2 PIP rallies here and there … will they bust 1.39?

… going into the “fix”, is it simply a sell stop hunt? [Hint: probably] … ohh, there

goes 1.39 … oh the humanity! … and right along with it, gold goes straight up

$10 out of nowhere to 1797 … of course it does … no trading, just straight up,

so unless you’re willing to buy the rally, you’re toast … but wait, there’s MOAR!

[free Ginsu knives? … no, simply more aggravation!] … and now gold breaks

and Cable rallies straight back up to near the high … of course they do

… straight … here’s an idea … take 2 M1’s, one of crypto and the other of Cable

and/or gold …. Look at the difference in how they trade … crypto TRADES!

… the others are simply manipulative straight shots, where the turns are where

the banks say they turn, not you or anybody else … what a difference,

manipulative versus free.

And now I’m gonna remind you why all of this is of the utmost IMPORTANCE

… it’s why I’m a scalper and always have been … day to day, I got no worries

… I could care less if Cable is at 1 or 5, and gold at 500 or 5,000 … for that matter,

while I believe crypto has a bright future with the build out of the block chain that

runs the world, who knows? … who inevitably wins and who loses in the coin

wars? … I dunnO, and I don’t care! … what I care about is VOLATILITY AND

HOW COINS TRADE day-to-day … is there enough up/down action to justify

trading, and is there the necessary liquidity and volume to support it … while

others look for their “Moby Dick” trade and they’re the next financial trading

Captain Ahab, who’s gonna turn $1.98 into $40 million in a week [OK, a month],

“thank you very much, I’ll take the surer route and book coin every frickin’ day

until I’m a millionaire”! … wanna see how “easy” it is? … directly below the

future value calculator showing $250 earning 0.5% a day over 5 years

[remember, crypto never closes]. 

“See how your garden grows”!

“And this is EXACTLY what I have told “The Syndicate” participants, who

depending, each put in $250 - $500 … and what the math says is ALMOST $2

MILLION DOLLARS IN 5 YEARS, for each of them! … if you got more, great,

you’ll get there quicker, and if you can consistently do better than ½ a percent

per trading day, you’ll get there quicker”! … and if you’re consistently a hair lower

than ½ a percent a day, it’ll take you a few more days to reach the finish line of

2 Mil … so what, where you goin’ where $250 can get you your financial dreams?

… c’mon WHERE?! … but, there are a number of things that you can’t have

… 1) you can’t have big losing days, 2) you have to have markets that actually

frickin’ TRADE!, cuz that is where you make money, 3) your cost to trade MUST

BE RAZOR THIN, and 4) you need a “Hoover Dam” good algorithm or trading

model! … well guess what Skippy, I got ALL 4! … and if YOU want to, YOU CAN

BE THERE TO! … all you got to do is frickin’ DO IT! … and quite frankly folks,

you ain’t gonna get there trading MT4 markets, cuz they’re too manipulated

… your job according to central banker scum, is to provide the money to the

banks via trading, so they can “skim” part of that back to the POLS, Apparatchiks,

& regulators that don’t see, hear, or do shit when confronted by corruption & pure

theft … well, I got a news flash for Spicoli and all of the other elite scum feeding

like parasites off a world host … see middle fingers of both hands.

And if all of this falls on your blind eyes and you think I’m full of shit, that’s fine

by me … I’m doin’ my part, and that’s all I can do.

We’ve reached the New York afternoon, where markets go to 1) get robbed by

scum banks on Wall Street, and 2) die after they take your money … once again

today, Cable finishing up with a 60-ish PIP range, where it first looked like the

“London Fix” was gonna go after some lows, but in reality it was simply a stop

hunt followed by a sharp rally back near the high of the day where some

corporate folks got “fixed” … and then of course it dies before lightly selling off

into the afternoon … gold was simply gold … doing nothing all day and then

suddenly going straight up $10 before dying … “that’s called the Loser

Formation”. And quite frankly, both markets suffering from no trading, just

straight moves … no give or take, up / down, just straight until the banks say

it’s time to go the other way … and you wonder why nobody is trading this shit?

… sorry, I refuse to participate in markets that don’t trade, cuz all it produces are

losses … you’d have better luck playing Keno in Las Vegas. Trade, and I’ll be

there, but don’t trade and I’m sitting, simple as that.

NO trades today in the Turnkey PAMM.

Over in crypto of course, it’s a completely different story … multiple trades today

in TRXUSDT, and “The Syndicate” is UP APPROXIMATELY 0.32%

One look at the M1 chart for the day, and you won’t be asking how this was

possible … it TRADES folks, what else is there to say? … if gold and/or any of

the FX major pairs traded like TRX does, you’d be doing handstands and jumping

for joy! … sad reality is, THEY USED TO! … not anymore, central bank scum sees

to that … the other reality is, THEY HAVE NO CONTROL OR INFLUENCE OVER

CRYPTO, other than the usual scare tactics trotted out by sycophants in the

financial MSM, who are just as big a bag of whores as the usual state sponsored

MSM … welcome to the new world! 

… outta here, until tomorrow … “the future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!  😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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