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Wednesday, May 27, 2020


“That’s +163 SP500 index points at “night”, -4.3 index points during the NYSE!”

How obvious & overt is the manipulation of U.S. stocks, particularly the SP500,
when even “Dumbberg” via ‘Zero Hedge’ [ZH] puts somebody on the case to
“check it out” … well, the faculty lounge Twits over at Manipulation HQ, sitting in
one of Hitler’s old bunkers, ain’t gonna like seeing this bit of info made public
… “you’re supposed to be too stupid to know or care" … and quite frankly it
doesn’t matter much to a Sheeple public that gets propaganda in doses even
Germans would find offensive, thrown at them in ever greater quantities with
each passing day.

And this is just the last 16 trading days … remember the historical view of this
going back to 1993? … well, in case you forgot, directly below that chart, which
in case you haven’t figured out, is worse now than ever before!

click on chart to enlarge

Not even counting the last year and a half, it’s +634% at night versus -14% during
the NYSE day … wait, wut? … no shit wut! … gosh, I wonder what could be
responsible for this? … Mrs. Wantanabe & gal pals buying billions upon billions
in stocks? … the rest of the “Chuckleheads” in Asia “bullish” on ‘Murica? … “yea,
me thinks NOT”! … here are the reasons … 1) corporate buy backs of stock,
2) “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT], 3) the Swiss National Bank [SNB], and
4) #2 & #3 done in very thin conditions so they can muscle the market and spend
as little money as possible to achieve their objectives … and then during the
NYSE day, “protect & defend” gains overnight and let the Chumps [public] buy
the tops … rinse & repeat for years & decades on end, and you get the mind
blowing numbers above … there can simply be no other viable explanation for 2
reasons … 1) nobody else has that kind of money, and 2) if markets are “random”
like finance professors, dipshits on CNBC, and other assorted “experts” say it is
with complete confidence, then there’s no way these kind of returns can be that
far apart from each other, where there are magnitudes of “sigma” misses from
the data … it’s a complete disconnect from one session to another, and unless
it’s “RIGGED”, there can be no other explanation.

And of course by proxy, all of their manipulations are greeted by the corporate
buy back crowd as welcome, cuz it simply makes their stock options as directors
ever more valuable … sit there & do nothing, don’t innovate or expand product
lines, simply sit and rot and watch EPS go higher right along with the stock price
… then when you leave the board, you got that nice little nest egg of [pick a high
number] million dollars to ease the pain of retirement … meanwhile, both the
country & the company rots, and nobody gives a shit … and to make sure this
little game continues without any interruption, there’s the inevitable graft &
kickbacks to the political elite … “oh it’s great to be a gangsta”!

So, why should today be any different than the last 27 years? … another
overnight almost 500 DOW30 index point ramp on “vapors” of course … oh yes,
the ECB floated a “trial balloon” for relief that everybody is absolutely giddy over,
and therefore pouring into stocks … just remember, it’s a trial balloon floated by
ECB Apparatchiks to sycophant members of the financial MSM … the purpose
here is clear … “Dear LP Banks & other members of the global elite: We are here
to rescue you and provide unlimited QE for stocks … now, where’s our cut”?
… the message to the world’s middle class is also equally clear … “Dear Middle
Class: Drop fucking dead, you don’t matter … stop whining & get to work

Nowhere is this more clear than in ‘Murica … while Gates, Bezos, Buffett, et al get
richer by the minute to the tune of billions, about 40 million Americans are out of
work, countless millions of small business permanently destroyed, and lives
ruined by corrupt, ineffective, & disastrous POLS & Apparatchiks … but who
fucking cares, stocks are higher? … you got Libtard DEM governors actively
trying to destroy the economies of blue states, all for perceived political purposes
in their delusional belief it will hurt Trump in November, and you have “main
street” America literally dying while the billionaires dance & pop champagne
… and when the bloodshed starts, don’t look around and wonder why.

You can thank this clusterfark day in the DAX30 to the ECB … start the European
day with the ECB bailout news for Grifters in Europe, which saw every Chump
pile into German stocks in minutes, thus causing a melt up … when the dopes
were finally finished buying the rally, next it’s sideways for 5 hours where we
couldn’t move 25 index points to save anybody’s life … this takes us to the NYSE
open, where Chipmunks again got to buy the high cuz it’s what they do … and
then came the leak in the “Hoover Dam” of NASDAQ, and it’s time for some
“Thelma & Louise” panic down to new lows for the day in the SP500 … “I guess
after 10 days of being up about 10% across the board on vaccine & QE bullshit,
somebody got nervous … and when news broke of ChiCom companies listing
shares in Hong Kong, SHTF and down we went” … quite frankly, there are no
rules anymore for indices, as any of them can go down 10, 100, or even 1,000
points and bury your ass … when you see the panic level get dialed up past 10,
you simply back away and let them do “stupid shit” without you.

Two algorithm buy signals today in DAX30 … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP

You don’t get many days like today, where you get both panic up & panic down
in the same session … very rare … the two trades were good signals, but many
others that almost made it, never got the proper setup from the algorithm
parameters, so they obviously didn’t happen … and then at 18:38 server time,
here comes the bank bullshit with a 60 index point spike down, taking out sell
stops with a vengeance, and if you were milking a long position off the bottom
with a stop below, it doesn’t matter where your stop was cuz it got filled at the
bottom … just another reason in a very long list of reasons why I don’t position
trade this shit or anything else, simply cuz the scumbag banks are always on the
lookout for reasons to raid your account and steal money from you via your
orders … is it my imagination, or are trading days getting worse, worser, &
worser-er-er when it comes to crazy shit? … as for tomorrow, if the PIE HOLES
at the ECB, or the Apparatchiks inside Trump’s administration, can simply STFU
and let markets trade, maybe we can get a good trading day, or is that too much
to ask for?

Europe closed now, and that means it’s all over for the DAX30 … outta here
… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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