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Friday, May 15, 2020


“I’d rather die standing up, than live on my knees!”

While all of the modern day Left [a/k/a Libtards] are infatuated with Chicom
authoritarianism, and wish more than anything we all could be complacent Serfs
with them in charge, along comes news this A.M., coincidentally [cough, bullshit,
cough] just as the prop traders for criminal Wall Street banks hit their desks, that
the “done trade deal” with the Chicoms may in fact be dead, as not only did
Trump hint last night there was trouble brewing, but the commerce Dept. now
says Huawei is banned from any and all U.S. high tech … quite frankly, what the
problem is, is that the Chicoms don’t understand that Trump isn’t like the dopes
preceding him in U.S. leadership. 

I mean seriously, Clinton / Bush / Obama? … how much more fucked up could
this country be over 24 years than these 3 Amigos with their collective heads in
the sand [or up their asses]? … remember, Slick Willy got the Chicom ball rolling
with all kinds of tech going to China, and when Ron Brown got suspicious he had
to be “offed”, and so sorry to hear of your [pick ‘em] 1) imminent suicide,
2) drowning, or 3) car or plane accident … take all 3 together and you get
“Arkancide” … then there was Bush, whose bro oversaw security of billions in
gold that disappeared in 9/11 from the vaults below the World Trade Center
… then of course, Preezy Empty Suit, who couldn’t wait to deliver plane loads
filled with cash to terrorists … so of course the ChiComs are gonna think they
can 1) change any rules they want cuz they’re Chicoms, 2) throw bundles of cash
to corrupt POLS and get their way Easy Peezee, and 3) are shocked …. shocked
I say, to find “push back” cuz they decided to pandemic the world in a trial run for
genocide … “Geesh, what’s the world coming to when you can’t get your way

But isn’t it surprising to note [not really], that first all of the dip position holders
have to be sucked in “first”, mostly “Chuckleheads” & retail spec Robinhood
accounts, and that despite Trump last night sounding the warning bell about the
ChiComs, the Unicorn100 paid ZERO attention, and it wasn’t until the scumbag
bank prop traders got to their desks this early A.M., that the news broke from
Dumbberg, and “down goes Frazier”! 

And for the [pick a number] millionth time, another amazing “coincidence” is
gonna leave retail specs with numbing losses … “ I simply can’t tell you how
shocked I am at all of these coincidences always screwing over the retail spec
crowd, while at the same time nobody ever hears of any bank getting in trouble
or even of any of their illegal prop desks … gold & oil? … sure, but that’s different
cuz they’re physical commodities, and as every banker surely knows by now, you
can’t CNTRL-P a gold bar or a barrel of crude, now can you? … but stocks are
different, and especially the darlings of the current investment universe, the
FAANG stocks … money hath no greater love than to be in FAANG stocks! … and
with the CNTRL-P machine on full throttle over at the faculty lounge, there’s no
shortage of free money for the banks [and mega hedge funds like BlackRock] as
they act as middleman for the Ponzi scheme the FED is perpetrating via Treasury
debt … and the “pump & dump” schemes are timed perfectly with the usual
suspects in the financial MSM … put simply Skippy, there are no such things as
accidents or coincidences in modern day manipulation finance.

Today also sees another option expiration on the open, so the “short gamma”
crowd, be it in puts or calls, will be doing their magic as we approach the NYSE
open … meanwhile something got into some of the bullion dealer scumbags
early this morning in Europe, as the bid/offer spread for XAUUSD actually spent
some time in the 20 cent range … be still my beating heart! … but alas, seems
that was a “quirk” of nature, and somebody got a talkin’ to, and Bingo!, Bango!,
Boom!, the spread has ballooned back to the $0.75 - $2.00 range and it’s back to
the “traders tax” … and lest you think there’s anything to gain by watching, or
attempting to trade FX, today’s action in Cable a direct result of more “BREXIT”
bullshit, as the chief E.U. negotiator opens his Pie Hole this A.M., and apparently
needs a refilling of the mistress fund … ahhhh, just like old times! … cuz as we
all know by now, or should know, absolutely nothing moves anywhere without
some POL and/or Apparatchik opining about something that can profit the TBTJ
& TBTF scumbag banks, when they’re positioned to take advantage … except for
crypto of course, where it’s the only place left for a free market POLS &
Apparatchiks can’t destroy, and why every single trading day sees more & more
people trading it and abandoning traditional markets … throw in complete
privacy, security, & anonymity with NO KYC of any kind, and it shouldn’t surprise
anybody that government control freaks at every level have their “big girl
panties” bunched up in a wad so tight they turn purple with rage … cuz what
really frosts their cupcake is that there isn’t anything they can do about it,
except moan & groan about how it hurts policymakers … right, sure, like any of
you have done anything that benefits society in any way, shape, or form.

If today doesn’t convince you that Wall Street, and specifically the array of
indices being “traded”, is nothing more than a collective Ponzi scheme between
the FED & their BFF banks buds on one side, and the Chumps supplying the
money to the game on the other, than nothing I can ever show you will match
today’s clusterfark … a real beauty where for 4 solid hours indices get
pummeled lower on all kinds of negative news, that isn’t one tiny bit positive for
stocks in any way, shape, or form … and then, right as the Chipmunks go on
their daily buying spree at the NYSE open, here comes the “Plunge Protection
Team” [PPT] goosing the living shit out of stocks straight up the wall, so that
the banks can dump the crap they bought earlier on spec sell stops … and when
the PPT backs away? … look out below Skippy cuz here we come! … and now
we’re back down near the lows … checking the scorecard, a very nice “pump &
dump” “Flying Wedge of Death” [FWD], orchestrated by the usual suspects to
fleece the public.

Here at Noon EST in Gotham, it’s the usual bucket of shit market once New York
takes the reins over from the rest of the world … FWD, “pump & dump”, triple
fuck you MAX” slippage, mystery ticks & spikes from hell galore, “welcome, how
can we rob you”? … and trust me, it’s no accident or coincidence, this is the way
the modern day system of trading finance is set up.

Quite frankly, I’m sick & tired of being sick & tired with the daily “shitshow circus”
in indices … it’s a fucking joke, and the way the manipulators are running things,
maybe I get one signal a day, and if I’m lucky I get 2 cuz they didn’t burn up the
“buy fuel” yet … this is horseshit, a stinking pile of manipulative horseshit
… well, and I’m serious here, I can get many more signals, both buy & sell in
EURUSD than I’m getting in the NDX100, and while it doesn’t move the same,
what’s the difference really? … looking at my EURUSD screen, today’s European
session [11:00 - 19:00 server time] yielded 8 algorithm buy signals in EURUSD,
and it looks to me like 7 were clear winners and one was a scratch or slight loser
… I’ll skip Cable, cuz the higher bid/offer spread PLUS slippage isn’t worth it for
the movements the market is putting in, so screw ‘em … BTC I can’t trade cuz
Turnkey doesn’t have their collective shit together yet, and there isn’t any crypto
trading … gold is a fucking mess of corruption and “traders tax” pitfalls I want
no part of, and crude oil isn’t even an option … that leaves FX, and if the
EURUSD dies, so effing be it! … how can it be any worse than this horseshit of
“drip, drip, & more drip” in Unicorn stocks, as the big FAANG stocks are being
propped by the PPT & SNB all day, every day? … the “Tulip Bulb 30”
[a/k/a DOW30]? … slippage from hell and too fat a spread makes this a definite
“NO GO”! … the SP500? … same as the DOW30, and maybe slightly worse if
that’s possible.

So, Sunday night sees me back over in FX, where I’ll be trading EURUSD … and
just for the record, EURUSD performs very well with the updated algorithm I
developed for Bitcoin [BTCUSD] trading, that sees performance gains in FX as
well … at least we’ll have the LOWEST BID/OFFER spread going, and as I have
said before, Turnkey has very good FX LP’s, with almost no slippage and very
fast latency on fills … their CFD’s? … quite frankly, a pile of dog shit … if their
CFD’s matched their FX, I’d be a happy camper, but sadly that isn’t the case … I
can only do what I can, and I can’t make them be honest and fair … complaining
to them falls on deaf ears, and the scumbag banks won’t even respond to their
inquiries … so, since we can’t trade BTCUSD [yet], let’s make the best of it and
take what we can from EURUSD and move forward.

One algorithm buy signal today in the NDX100 … PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.

Again today, right down near the NYSE low we get a buy signal … and on the way
up I liquidate and get taken out back and shot in the head with a “phantom” fill
that should get somebody indicted for robbery … ho hum, whaddaya gonna do?
… and like days past, the rest of the day ahead of us and there should be more
buy signals … but no, can’t have that, cuz that would mean the market is actually
“trading” … manipulators won’t stand for any “trading”, just a slow crawl up that
burns shorts, and if you want to get long you have to “pay up” … and then when
they pull their bids under the FAANG stocks, straight moves down and cleans
out the longs sell stops, and if you want to get short you again have to “pay up”
… rinse & repeat and this is what’s called “trading” these days … quite frankly
folks, I can actually see the day coming where the entire rest of the world tells the
U.S. to GFY, you’re not welcome here and you’re not trading here, GTFO NOW!
… and I wouldn’t blame them one bit, cuz it’s nothing but “financial thuggery”.

Blog update on Sunday ..… until then mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great weekend everybody!


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