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Thursday, February 13, 2020


“That moment when the love affair with stocks changed some!”

Well, who could have seen this coming? … and suddenly, in the wee hours of
Asia, the truth starts to leak out, and “looky here MA! … why the ChiComs just
announced thousands of new cases of the coronavirus along with new deaths”
… EXIT QUESTION: “Did Xi & his crony buds in ChiCom leadership get short
SP500 futures first, or maybe the mistress funds”? … inquiring minds would like
to know … cuz quite frankly, if you can’t make money off of human tragedy that
you’re 100% responsible for cuz you set it up and released it to see just how
effective it was in the real world, then what’s the point of being supreme
dictator? … of course, nobody but nobody in the MSM will ask the question, cuz
to do so only shines the spotlight on every other criminal scam being run in the
financial world, and ultimately shines an unwanted light on the NYSE & Gotham,
which as we all know is the world’s largest money laundering operation for the
global elite we’ve ever seen … besides, it won’t change anything and could
possibly do harm to some investigative reporters income … and under no
circumstances can we have that.

I’m just wondering when NASDAQ & the NYSE move their HQ’s to some shitbox
city in China … and why not, might as well be as close to the biggest scam artists
on the planet, and skip the pretend shakedown artists in New York City & New
York state, who pale in comparison to ChiCom leadership … quite frankly, being
dictator means never having to say your sorry for the messes you create, the
people that need to be killed, or the vast amounts of money you steal … it would
be a place the worms of Wall Street would gladly call home.

Meanwhile, back in fantasyland at the faculty lounge, and fresh off recent trips to
Capitol Hill to explain to the “clown college” a/k/a as Congress the intricacies of
QE, and how it can cure everything from acne in teenagers to the coronavirus,
Spicoli let it be known the FED is there to flood the world with MOAR! if  necessary
to save mankind … EXIT QUESTION: “somebody explain to me, how giving free
money to crooked Wall Street banks, via the pre-arranged POMO treasury debt
sale scam, and the repo market scam, that generate hundreds of millions in
profits for banks [most likely billions], how that “saves” a small business
company that not only doesn’t see one fucking penny of that, but is seeing it’s
business dry up for lack of sales? … you Dimwits think cutting rates a quarter of
a point will help this business in any way, shape, or form? … what fucking planet
must you be on to be this fucking stupid? … well, it certainly helps the banks &
the bankers now, doesn’t it? … and they take that free money and buy stocks,
thus perpetuating the myth through the various stock indices that “Everything
Is F-ing Awesome, Baby!!” … and then the small business goes bankrupt, and
who gives a fuck at the federal level”? … like I said, move to China and it’ll all go
mainstream quickly!

So here we are hours before the NYSE opens, tulip bulb prices down sharply from
overnight [roughly 200 index points], and will the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT]
save the bankers from the overnight swing lower by launching “fun-durr-,mentals”
at the open, and we see price go north quickly? … “it’s easy, just print another
trillion or so, and what’s the prob? … you gonna let a few thousand people dying
every day get in the way of profit? … c’mon Spicoli, get with the program!
… knowing these assclowns like I do, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the DOW30
“green” by the close … not predictin’, just sayin’ … WTF, if you’re gonna run a
money laundering scam, then run the shit out of it, and don’t pussy foot around
about it”!!

Another complete scam opening on the NYSE, where “you know who” shows up
and bids price higher within minutes … a bigger Ponzi scheme anywhere you will
never find in your lifetime … and we find out this morning, that another ALMOST
$100 BILLION DOLLARS has been printed, and used in the “repo market”, to prop
up large hedge funds & Japanese Life Insurers, who using MAX leverage on
trillions of dollars, threaten the entire “shitshow circus” of finance should they
not be able to cover losses or increases in margins on their trades … so, in the
THE ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET FROM 1981!! … let this sink in for minute
… simply an absolute fucking disgrace, an abuse of power, and all of these
assholes should be shot at sunrise.

Stocks. Must. Not. Be. Ever. Allowed. To. Go. Lower … EVER! … cuz if they do,
the entire “shitshow circus” of life as you know it will be over … banks go
bankrupt! … government can’t borrow trillions, or maybe quadrillions! … no
credit to deadbeats! … and the entire consumer oriented, consumer spending
binge the U.S. population has been on for the last 30 years is O.V.E.R! … and the
Twitwads at the FED may be corrupt, but they’re not stupid, and they know if
stocks go down more than 2% - 4%+, and stay there, consumer confidence will
take a hit, and so whatever else you may think, they have to keep the BTFD
crowd happy, cuz if they don’t the finger of blame goes right straight at them
… and that means printing as much as is needed no matter what the cost
… especially in the “FANG” stocks, where much of the wealth of the nation’s
elite have their money parked, either directly in the stocks or in ETF’s & ETN’s
that are heavily invested in them … “what month of what year, does the NDX100,
currenlty at about 9600, overtake and go past the DOW30, currenty at 29,500 or
so? … and when this tulip balloon pops, look the fuck out!

And they pump the “repo market” just as vigorously cuz if they don’t, the hedge
funds & Japanese Life Insurers could cause a “domino effect” with other hedge
funds & insurers, and it’s 2008 + AIG all over again, where you then can’t contain
the mess cuz it climbs into the hundreds of trillions in derivative losses, maybe
quadrillions if FX risk gets involved, and then it’s for sure game over and the
system goes “tilt”! … can’t have that, so they print and lie about it cuz they think
we’re all dopes who trust them … and they will continue to think that, right up to
the moment they’re put in front of the firing squad wall or hung from the nearest
tree … bottom line is simply this: “the “88/6/6” trading paradigm for U.S. stock
indices is real, and it’s at the heart of the DOW30 algorithm I use to “trade the
manipulators” AND make them work for us! … is it easy? … hell no … is it
simple? … hell yes! … what you have to do is wrap your head around the
algorithm & its rules, and not give a rats ass what the market does or doesn’t
do … do that, and these indices markets are your personal ATM!

And the “pump & dump” money laundering scheme goes full kitten retard today,
as the PPT goes “hog wild” pumping this shit straight up … they used to hide it,
but now they could care less, cuz whaddaya gonna do ‘bout it? … huh? … well,
what I do about it, is use the DOW30 algorithm to pinpoint PPT runs,
concurrently with “buy fuel” from shorts … taken together, it’s a very potent mix
… and as I write, another new all time recorder-er-er-er high in the NDX100, as it
round trips from the overnight panic low, and now sets another record
… unfucking real is all I can say … “for whom the trading Gods choose to
destroy, first they blind with greed” … then they laugh when you’re destroyed and
put your tears in their morning coffee! … [this from an old floor trading story]

Quite frankly, there were better algorithm trading signals overnight … unless
things get completely out of hand, the PPT will generally wait ‘till the sun rises in
New York before they start the day’s manipulations … they don’t like foreign
banks taking part, and would rather wait for Squid, JPM, and the rest of the
criminal element that infest Wall Street … bottom line is you get truer signals
based more on “fear & greed” than simply PPT bullshit … the flip side, though, is
that not all the time are the bid/offer spreads low like in the NYSE session, and
secondly if/when the market calms down it can get quite choppy an uneventful
for hours on end and leave you hanging … all in all, it’s usually better to wait for
New York … [maybe that will change when they relocate to China?]

Now into the afternoon in Gotham, and if you can’t tell that everything has ground
to a halt, then you’re blind … and now starts the part of the day when the true
white collar criminals take over and make things interesting … if only Vito
Corleone had known in his day, what could be accomplished on the NYSE, he
would have given up pimping, running moonshine from Canada, and gambling in
the back of the barbershop! … “Can NASDAQ please go to 10,000 today, I’m kinda
in a hurry here”? … and I look up onto my screen, and the PPT is in the 20th+
minute of another ramp higher for no reason … what a fucking joke this shit has
become. And in all seriousness, if you continue to stay fully invested in this
Ponzi scheme, there will come a day when the FED and their magical CNTRL-P
machine aren’t gonna be there … and on that day, there will be much wailing &
gnashing of teeth … quite frankly, I have no need for “investments”, I’m a
“trader” … my “investment” is in me, and my ability to pinpoint the trading
paradigm of the market I primarily trade, and from there to model a trading
algorithm that is “scary effective” in mapping its behavior … that’s what I call an

A few hours to the close, and not wanting to waste any time cuz stocks must go
higher fucking NOW!, the PPT has jacked both the SP500 & NDX100 to new all
time recorder-er-er-er highs, as more people die and are infected, and as the
world grinds to a complete fucking economic halt … “right, I know, the FED has
everybodys back … right, good luck with that … it’ll be there ‘till it isn’t” … “I
learned long ago back on the trading floor to not give a shit about where anything
goes if I’m trading it … it only invites disappointment & heartache … and so, quite
frankly I don’t give a shit if the DOW30 is at 2,000 or 200,000 … it’s an ATM, that’s
it! … but I got to say, this is unreal what we’re seeing, and it’s not comparable to
any other time in history … like I said, it’s why I’m a trader”!

One algo buy signal today … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY LESS THAN

There were other signals as well, and in hindsight this one by far was the best
… quite frankly, there were better trading signals before this shit opened, along
with a much bigger range … can’t wait ‘till they move to China so the
manipulation & corruption we see on a daily basis is openly blessed by the
ChiComs … you laugh at this, but someday we’ll see, cuz I don’t think it’s out of
the question at all. The way the U.S. is going, it will be a miracle if there’s a
country here in 10 years you’ll even be able to recognize … the FED is
purposefully ruining the country for the globalists and the 0.0001% elites, and
when it crashes and burns, that will invite the authoritarians into power … so why
not move stock trading to China? … hell, they call the shots now! … there isn’t
anything that trades that doesn’t have its eyes firmly planted on what goes on in

Outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!


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