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Friday, February 21, 2020


“It was a classic comedy film, not a fucking “how to” manual!”

Ah yes, Mortimer & Randolph Duke … would they not be excellent faculty lounge
Twits at the FED? … for all intents & purpose, they’re already there and have been
for decades … Mr. “Irrational Exuberance” Greenspan, “Helicopter” Ben Bernanke,
“Grandma Yoda” Yellen, and now “Spicoli” Jay Powell … actually, Randolph &
Mortimer would serve the public better than these elitist asshats.

Ask yourself the following … “how come with trillions of dollars going back &
forth at the speed of light, and with dizzying market moves, no TBTF or TBTJ
scumbag bank has gotten into the slightest bit of financial trouble, like the Duke
brothers? … well EASY PEEZEE, cuz when you have the “Plunge Protection
Team” [PPT] come in and bid price aggressively higher, just after you’ve sopped
up some huge selling from a bunch of institutions, you basically are playing the
role of a money laundering kingpin … buy when they sell, get the PPT to shove it
higher so 1) shorts get obliterated and provide more “buy fuel”, and 2) the
trading public gets their “buy signals” hit off and comes in to provide more
buying, all the while the shit you bought at or near the bottom you can’t sell fast
enough … rinse, repeat, and disburse part of the cash however the POLS,
Apparatchiks, regulators, exchange Pooh Bahs, and various brokerage house
execs want to receive it … cash in a garbage bag in your garage one fine morning,
or maybe some crypto discreetly placed from unknown destinations
… who cares? … welcome to the wonderful world of finance in the modern era
… do they teach this in biz school?

Admit it, if you had the ability to raise and spend hundreds of millions of dollars
on network communications and top notch math whiz kids & computer
programmers, to allow you to trade in nanoseconds with billions of dollars, you’d
do it! … before you can even blink your eyes, the computer network has already
made & closed 50,000 trades and won [profit] on 49,999 of ‘em in varying degrees
and scratched the other one … do this all day every day, and you too can pay
$200 million for a condo and not sweat the details … for sure, the “Dukes” know
something. “Oh, it's good to be a banksta”!

Now, a couple of hours before the NYSE opens, here comes another FED Twit on
CNBC, this time Bullard, to let everybody know that the hundreds of billions
poured into the repo market is “not QE” [cough, bullshit, cough], and 2) all this
virus fuss will blow over soon enough … and there you have it, the “official”
news from the faculty lounge to assure you all is well and that you can buy
MOAR! Stocks, no problemo! … now STFU & get out there and buy MOAR!
… “Dr. Goebbels, please call your office or pick up the white courtesy phone”!

File this under “shit you can’t make up and have anybody believe you”, but now
that Bullard has finished his propaganda visit over at perma bull stalwart CNBC,
stocks of course rally straight up … and now, it’s straight down to where tulips
now are lower than  before he opened his Pie Hole and started his little rant, as
the banks fed the “Chumps” buying bullshit news and have lowered the boom
… rinse, repeat, and until next time … Randolph & Mortimer send you their

Meanwhile, over in gold the “Rally Protection Team” [RPT] is having a very tough
time convincing folks that our favorite pet yellow rock shouldn’t be an
investment consideration, as all of their efforts are met with nothing more than
simple buying by just about everybody … since the start of 2020, I haven’t traded
gold at Turnkey, so I don’t know if they’ve gone “legit” in XAUUSD, like they have
in the DOW30 CFD … notably, the bid/offer spread has come in some since late
last year, and if the slippage problem has been alleviated or at a minimum greatly
reduced, then this can regain its status as a great trading market … for those of
you in the Turnkey PAMM / MAM, most likely I’ll be doing some trades in gold
here shortly, most likely starting next week in the Asian session  … I’m inclined
to believe, based on what I’ve seen in the DOW30 CFD, that many of the problems
we used to have, have been fixed, and that would indeed be great news … we’re
gonna find out soon enough, so stay tuned.

Today sees us [FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM] on a new server, and so far today
haven’t seen the bullshit of the last 2 days … on the other hand, it most likely
won’t show up until the NYSE is open … we’ll see … I know how these scumbags
operate, and I know how banks fight scalpers, or short term traders, cuz they
don’t like getting picked off … unlike Core Spreads [Australia], which is an arm
of “Finsa”, a very large LP that provides access to markets for many offshore
brokerage houses, and states in their “Terms & Conditions” that they don’t
welcome scalpers, and can in fact if they choose to invalidate trades at their
discretion, most LP banks won’t go this far cuz they don’t want to lose trading
biz … better just to introduce some “juice” to the spreads and give scalpers shit
fills … this they think levels the playing field, which I call bullshit … so, we’ll see
what happens when the cash market opens in a little while.

Well, that escalated quickly to the downside, didn’t it? … and you can thank the
clueless Twits at the FED, who have pumped stocks so fucking high via QE
bullshit, all the institutions with profits are using the open to dump … nice job
controlling volatility you morons!

Meanwhile over at FX CHOICE, the scumbag bank LP’s appear to have hijacked all
of the live servers … directly below, within mere minutes of each other, does this
look like an honest market to you?

Unless you’re cross eyed and/or blind, a quick glance shows bids getting
“monkey hammered” for no other reason than somebody out there wanted to
either sell or liquidate longs … “here, let us help!” … and a 2 - 2.5 index point
spread suddenly becomes 5 - 7, and guess where your fill is? … take your time,
I’ll wait while you guess … that’s right Skippy, right on the fucking bottom tick
… amazing how that “coincidence” always seems to happen that way … and this
is how the banks deal with scalpers and/or short term traders. So, I got a call
into these assclowns, and let’s just see if they call me back later today, or blow
me off [I’m betting on the later, simply cuz they got nothin’ to tell me] … umm, let
me guess … “duh, market conditions, duh”.

And what really pisses me off, is the pic directly below, cuz after the DOW30 CFD
rallies, and then starts to turn, look what they do the traders who look to take
profit, or the potential short who wants to sell for entry.

And as soon as you’re filled at the bottom of that shit mystery tick,
microseconds later it’s higher by 2 - 5 points … this is bullshit folks, and it’s
not happening over at TURNKEY OR CRYPTO ROCKET … and whenever I do
finally get these asshats on the phone, they got some ‘splainin’ to do, cuz this is
outright blatant manipulation based on positioning and shouldn’t be happening
under any circumstances.

“Yes, explain to me again how you have the deepest liquidity, and the largest of
the large tier 1 liquidity providers … some 2 dozen I’m told … and isn’t it an
amazing “coincidence” that all of ‘em happen to collapse their bids in the DOW30,
at exactly the same microsecond to my detriment, and how right after I’m filled the
market “finds its legs” and ALL of the liquidity providers are now back to making
that tight market you brag about … is this the chicken shit you want me to buy
when I’m looking for chicken salad”? … but of course, what you’re not gonna
hear, is how the scumbag LP gives the brokerage house part of the theft as a
kickback … and this shit starts the second the banks feel threatened by traders
and making money, cuz they’re the ones supposed to be making the money and
you’re the one who’s supposed to lose … and this shit happens when conditions
get “rowdy” like they are now.

One algo buy signal I took today … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP A TAD SHY OF
0.2% … no trades in the FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM for obvious reasons, and until I
can talk to who’s in charge there, why would I sign up to get hosed and give
money away?

This weekend sees me hopefully finish the new e-book … lot to do still … let you
know on Sunday … until then mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great weekend everybody!


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