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Sunday, February 2, 2020


“He looks fine to me … especially if he works in any government office!”

We’ll have to wait & see how markets react tonight to weekend developments with
the coronavirus … there are some disturbing videos on YouTube from China that
back my premise it’s all a complete “shitshow circus” of government negligence,
corruption, mixed with tragedy … what bothers me the most is that apparently in
the middle of the genome RNA sequence of the virus, is an HIV thread found
nowhere in other coronavirus strains, not found in nature anywhere, and had to
be put there via some kind of lab … you know, like a top secret bio-weapons lab,
and now it’s time for the massive cover up.

A great documentary on YouTube about the 1918 Flu Pandemic, that will give you
an idea of what can happen … if this approximate 40 minute video doesn't make
you sit up and take notice, nothing ever will … the in directly below.

I’m also announcing today, that I am writing a new ebook … it’s a combination of
“Traders Course” [TC], “Traders Course II” [TCII], and other material recently
researched & analyzed that reduce risk, and makes the material available before
more user friendly, especially for “Newbies” … it’s aimed specifically at scalping
[day trading] … the title of the new ebook is “Trading Full Time: Come get Your 6
Digit Dollar Income” … it should be ready in about 10 days to 2 weeks … those
that already have the TC & TCII, you’ll automatically get a copy emailed to you the
minute it is finished.

Directly below, the 20 Day Range MA’s for our focus markets by group.


click on ANY table or chart to enlarge

VIX picks up across the board, as the very thing the FED wants to clamp down, is
the very thing that explodes in their idiot faces … markets wouldn’t be in this mess
if it weren’t for these dolts, but don’t expect them to learn anything, expect them to
double down and make it worse.


With all that’s going on in the world, and none of it good, it’s amazing to me gold
and silver don’t have a stronger reaction … of course we know that the entire
space is one giant “criminal enterprise” [according to the DOJ in court filings], and
is as manipulated as heavily on the sell side as stocks are on the buy side, but still
there isn’t that much difference in ranges, especially in New York, from 2 years ago
and now, and we’re some $200 - $300 higher in price.


Outside of some blimps in VIX, which seem only to come when central banks
meet, or the stock market gets smacked, FX sits at or very near all time record
lows in VIX since 1971 when the Bretton Woods agreement fell apart and
currencies stopped being fixed via their conversion to gold.

Directly below, this week’s VIX MATRIX TABLE”.

It’s the [RT commission + the bid/offer spread] / the 20 Day Range MA for each
market that matters the most, and one look at some of the crypto pairs and all
you can do is walk away and shake your head in disbelief … and the #1 “value”
on the board is the DOW30 @ FX CHOICE, and it isn’t even close!


“Oh boy, for the rest of the year I get to look at my fuck up from Monday and
remind myself what an idiot looks like”!

I don’t think markets are looking at anything other than how the world is handling
the coronavirus … if you watch the 1918 vid, how many of you knew beforehand it
had 3 cyclic waves of infection, with wave 2 & 3 being the most lethal? … my point
is, there will be relief headlines that spark major buying, and there quite possibly
may be worse news dead ahead … we simply don’t know … one thing I can tell
you with 100% certainty, is that nobody is gonna get the truth out of the ChiComs,
either where it came from, how it got released, did it come from a military weapons
lab, or just how bad it really is … looking at the sneaked out vids from China to
YouTube, it’s a major human catastrophic event, and the Chinese people are
suffering greatly … could that possibly lead, if it gets worse, to a “palace coup”?
… major unrest in China, like what we see in Hong Kong? … and the resultant
market reaction to that would be cataclysmic … a lot of imponderables at the
moment … which “black swan” takes flight?

Onto the week … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!


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