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Monday, December 30, 2019


“A very hard pill to swallow in trading!”

The only rule in trading is that there are no rules … them that has the gold makes
the rules, and if you’re looking for “fairness” and/or easy markets to trade I got
some bad news for you.

The movie classic “The Wolf of Wall Street”, at least from a psychological trading
perspective is superb … it lays out the emotions of the trading world like no other
financial movie since “Wall Street” and Gordon Gecko … but Jordan Belfort got
one thing absolutely right … “first you Learn, then you remove the ‘L’ … can’t say
it better”!

I want to make one thing clear today as we move forward … the “Traders Course”
[TC] is a good beginning course for those looking at an array of markets with
average volatility to low volatility, and there are special chapters for DOW30,
crude oil, and crypto … there are also sections for position traders via the HR1,
something I don’t do cuz I don’t see the added reward for the risk … but hey,
the world is a big place and there’s room for all kinds of strategies in financial
trading … I’m not presumptuous enough to think my way is the only way, cuz I
know it isn’t … but it's what I know AND IT WORKS.

I wrote “Traders Course II” [TCII] cuz it addresses a need not found in the original
TC … and that is dealing with above average “intraday VIX” [IVIX] that I believe
GBPUSD and some of its crosses will see in the coming months and years as
BREXIT has finally been put to bed from a political standpoint, and thus freeing
Cable to go back to its historical ways of trading. Quite frankly, the scalping
algorithm in TCII “should” be viable and produce excellent profits in any market
that decides to become and stay volatile. What’s important, though, is that in
addition to having good & decent IVIX, you need LOW net trading costs,
otherwise you simply write a check to the scumbag LP’s & the brokerage house
FOR NO REASON … the “VIX MATRIX TABLE” in every Sunday blog update has
this table, and the markets in green are tradeable, and the markets in red aren’t
… if you’re trading “red”, you’re paying too much to trade relative to what the 20
Day Range MA is currently at for that market … make all the excuses you want, it
won’t matter, the facts are what they are.

“Donny read the “Traders Course II” [TCII] manual last night & traded today”!

Cuz what Donny knows that you don’t, if you don’t have the TCII, is that if I drew
up Cable trading today to match the algorithm from the TCII, you’d say I was
cheating and knew beforehand what was going to happen … that somehow, I bent
the rules to mold today’s trading action … but what everybody who got the TCII
yesterday can clearly see but you can’t [well, quite a few of you can!], is that the
algorithm completely “nailed to the wall” GBPUSD scalping today [up to 18:00
when I quit cuz that’s the time to stop trading unless there are special
circumstances in the market, and today there aren’t any … so adios at 18:00 or
thereabouts!] … range today in Cable a very nice approximate 90 PIPS given that
it’s 1) Monday, and 2) tomorrow is New Year’s Eve … into 2020 and Cable is poised
to “spread its wings” … GBPAUD not participating nearly as much, simply cuz
AUDUSD is rallying as well, and when both rally the cross isn’t going to have the
range that Cable has … when Cable and AUDUSD diverge, it’s fireworks in the

Which brings me back to TCII, cuz if you’re here trying to pick up tidbits of info
that can help your trading model get you over the finish line, my only question for
you is this … “does it have anything in it that is in “real time”, or is it simply a
bunch of “lagging indicators” that trap you more than they help you at crunch
time”? … in the TCII, I show you how to use my “real time” indicator, which by
the way CAN’T be manipulated by the scumbag LP banks, and when to use it for
MAX profit … and with probability theory on your side. And today, I enjoyed
superb trading conditions at PRIMEXBT in GBPUSD, with instantaneous fills right
on the bid/offer, and my total cost to trade above average size right around a
fraction over 1 PIP … as I’ve said before, better trading conditions than when I
was on the exchange floor and had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to
stand there … all these years later, I could never have envisioned that scenario
under any circumstances, yet here we are! So, other than you like giving money
away to banks & other brokerage house to trade, and have nothing that makes
consistent money scalping [or day trading], there’s no reason not to sign up at
PRIMEXBT through my affiliate link, and reap the rewards of profitable [or more
profitable] trading … I’ll be waiting.

Today, some trading in Cable for the Turnkey PAMM / MAM, where trades were
made using the TCII algorithm … UP a little short of 0.1%, as I switch my focus
there to Cable and away from their hideous DOW30 CFD … I had planned on
trading it hard and fast starting the New Year, but today saw some signals so I
went “light” on the volumes … look for much higher volumes and trades starting
with the New Year … at least so far, had decent fills and execution times … not
as good as PRIMEXBT for sure, but I can’t complain about them today. Hopefully,
this continues, but every time in the past I have hoped for the best from them,
they’ve disappointed … we just have to wait and see if their new global servers
and LP’s are up to the task … so far in Cable they pass.

Turning to the “Tulip Bulb 30” [for you newer readers that’s the DOW30] … well,
seems the “Chumps” who’ve been buying rallies the last 5 days and HODLing
… on the theory of “what can possibly go wrong I don’t see anything”, got their
sell stops hit off this morning in the mini market meltdown of the latest version of
“the world is ending” … even manipulators can read the “tea leaves” and know
when to pull the bids and let the masses destroy themselves with sell stops … as
I’ve said before, the back “6” of the “88/6/6” trading paradigm is a B. I. Itch when
it shows up, and can wipe out days/weeks/ months of profits if you’re not careful
… this mornings spec meltdown the latest iteration of specs too long for their
own good.

Now in Gotham shortly before Noon EST, the slow burn higher trapping shorts
… and thus the “game”  continues … once Europe closes and we get into the
afternoon, it’ll be interesting to see if they bring this shit back higher, or they
hang it out to dry for tomorrow’s NYE trading clusterfark … we’ll see.

A couple of buy algorithm signals today in DOW30 … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM

Now into the “criminal” New York afternoon with the usual suspects, nothing like
the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] showing up and 1) killing shorts, and
2) making sure the “stocks can never be allowed to go down” mantra stays alive
… fire up the CNTRL-P machine, take the level of the Pacific Ocean down an inch
or two for ink, and it’s amazing what you can do with billions of fresh new fiat
dollars at your disposal … your corrupt government at work … what a complete
and utter fucking joke stock indices have become … just unreal the level of
manipulation that’s now taken for granted.

Well, I’ve seen enough of this crap, I’m outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!


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