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Sunday, December 15, 2019


“My advice to the FED … you’re gonna need a much bigger roll!”

More than a couple of articles over on ZH, elaborating on the FED’s decision to
completely go off the rails and monetize the debt … “and for all of you not
paying attention, this means the U.S. is going “FULL VENEZUELA” at warp
speed, and should … should … concern the shit out of you, cuz within a short
period of time it invites hyperinflation, a “bigly & yuge” depreciation of the U.S.
Dollar, a lower standard of living for average Americans, and a destruction of
your wealth if left in dollars … do you realize the FED is going to be adding
$500 BILLION dollars to it’s already inflated balance sheet in the next 30 days?
… EXIT QUESTION: “what if that’s not enough to satisfy the repo market, then

Meanwhile, stocks live in this fantasy land of “Everything Is F-ing Awesome,
Baby!” tidal wave of bullshit, where every dynamic, economic statistic, and the
changing demographics of the U.S., are met with higher stock prices, when in
fact stocks should be a lot lower in price … so why aren’t they?
… EASY PEEZEE: “two big reasons … 1) QE to infinity, meaning pre-arranged
treasury debt trades for banks with the FED, that make them millions with ZERO
risk, that ends up buying stocks with free money, and 2) NIRP is coming and
the “big money” knows it, and with negative interest rates, anything that yields
anything for a return has to be sought after and bid higher for that eventual day
… forget the bullshit of what the FED says … they are liars & thieves, beholden
to the 0.001% global elites … they are positioning their masters for a very big

The other reason for going “full Venezuela” is to stave off the private pension
crisis brewing in the U.S., as the “Boomers” [born 1945 - 1955] retire … would
you rather flood the system now with hundreds of billions and raise stock prices
so pension plans can make their payouts, OR do you want to spend trillions
when they go belly up and the revolution starts on your watch? … an easy
choice when you’re an Apparatchik, cuz natch, the elites can “piggyback” and
game the system while the FED will eventually end up with the blame … if you’re
in the faculty lounge, you don't give a rat’s fuck if the system crashes, you just
don’t want it crashing while you’re there … kick the can down the road, like the
last 50 of ‘em have done, and the last one left to turn the lights out is the one
that’s gonna get hanged by a lamppost! … everybody else has their money and
their wealth long gone and away from the collateral damage … and this is why
stock indices operate in the “88/6/6” paradigm of trading … no other group of
markets even come close … so when you have this dynamic, doesn’t it behoove
you to trade it, and profit, or go someplace else where the manipulations are
even worse for specs? … make no mistake, one of these days that back “6” is
gonna rear its ugly head, and when it does, the FED is gonna need a much bigger
roll of TP for the shit unleashed on the financial system … until then, though,
surf’s up dude!

Directly below, the 20 Day Range MA’s for selected markets.

Click on ANY chart to enlarge

And directly below, the “Volatility Matrix” comparison for the week just ended.

The numbers for crypto are a little deceiving, cuz of what happened on 2 days in
November, with two huge blowout range days … those come off this week, so
without some kind of bigger range expansion this week, the crypto numbers are
going to go “bigly & yuge” lower, come next Sunday.

Directly below, the FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM results ending on Friday.

From our start date, which was October 28, 2019, we’re still a tad behind our goal
of 50%+ per year annualized return for the PAMM / MAM, but we’re closing the
gap … hopefully, intraday VIX in the DOW30 stays elevated, and we don’t go
“sleepytime” over the upcoming impending Holiday period … quite frankly, I
think VIX will normalize right around where its at right now, maybe a “hair”
higher … still plenty of things to keep indices on edge as we go forward.

Onto the week at hand … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody! 


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