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Friday, December 6, 2019


“How Government reacts to Crypto!”

In my lifetime, I’ve lived through the JFK assassination, RFK assassination, MLK,
Jr. assassination, Watergate, the idiocy of Jimmy Carter, the Bush & Clinton
crime families, a socialist marxist empty suit in the WH, and too many corrupt
Apparatchiks & POLS to keep track of … so when the U.S. Government tells me
“Crypto” is a threat to the financial stability of the nation, all I can do is laugh my
ass silly … “Oh, it’s a threat all right … right at the heart of your corruption of the
nations stranglehold of money & wealth, and your attempted control of what I
have earned, that you want to either confiscate or tax [what’s the difference?]
… I’m sure the FED feels threatened … good, cuz they’ve done absolutely
nothing in their 106 year existence to support sound money & policies … nothing
… they exist to expand the control of wealth by global elites for global elites
… and if they can’t control it, they can’t tax it and corrupt it by inflating it … and
the world is catching on faster than the Dallas Cowboys are tanking”!

I’ve seen and heard it all before … “computers are just a fad … smartphones are
just junk for “Soyboys” with too much money … who could possibly want to
shop over the internet when there’s a mall down the road? … watch a movie on
my computer, downloaded over the internet for free? … we’re from the
government and we’re here to help”!

In the immortal words of Ronaldus Magnus, “Government isn’t the solution,
government is the problem”! … do you realize, that in the last 2 months alone,
the FED has printed via the CNTRL-P machine, and distributed to scumbag TBTJ
& TBTF banks, over 320+ billion dollars in “NOT QE” funny money? … funny
money that gets funneled to the Treasury via pre-arranged profitable debt trades
the FED makes with scumbag banks like Squid & JPM … and what they’ve printed
EXISTENCE! … but sure, go with crypto is the problem, and see how far that gets
you in the future … anybody that trusts the government in anything is a FOOL!

Worldwide, country after country like dominoes falling in a chain reaction, are
adopting block chain technology and the currency that goes with it … except the
U.S., which has elite leadership that’s ALWAYS fighting the last war, and exists
only to promote itself and the “deep state” with backward thinking … I think
they’re still fighting the war on drugs, or some such shit … knowing U.S. dumb
ass socialists like I do, more than likely they try and make crypto illegal, thus
making everybody an unindicted felon … good luck with that shit fellas … like
trying to prevent gun ownership in super blue states … how’s that gun
confiscation working out for ya? … my advice to them is go try that shit in
Wyoming or Montana and see what happens? … “the world moves forward, the
U.S. moves backward”!

Quite frankly, I feel like Bitcoin [BTC] is where gold was in the late 1980’s & early
90’s … it had a super bull run, then collapsed … now sitting and waiting for
further world adoption and block chain development … and every single day
sees more and more adoption by individuals across the globe, cuz they realize
only too well, the lying, stinking government corruption that is the basis for
money wherever they live … why would you choose to have some lying, corrupt,
piece of shit globalist Apparatchik, appointed by a lying POL, who hates your
guts with a passion, determine the status of your wealth & money? … why?
… are you fucking nuts?

When you get right down to “brass tacks” and the brutal truth of the matter, what
crypto does for individuals is give them “old school”, numbered & anonymous
Swiss bank accounts from back in the day, along with corporate privacy &
anonymity wrapped around IBC’s [International Business company] from tax
havens … but, 1) without the high costs of setting up & maintaining these
structures, 2) you can move your money and wealth, privately, securely, and
anonymously at the speed of light, and most importantly 3) you can store your
wealth through “decentralized” [DEX] wallets, where you and you only have
access to your wealth … government can go fuck themselves … good luck
socialists, communists, anarchists, and other deranged Libtard Loons in thinking
they can get at your wealth & money! 

No need for travel to a foreign land, no need to carry super bulky & heavy gold
bars or coins, no need for anything but internet … “well, what if the internet
shuts down”? … I love this ‘straw man” that gets set up by skeptics and
believers in the status quo … if that happens, you’re living in the 18th century,
and trust me you’ll have bigger problems than “where’s my internet dude”?
… and you think you can carry your gold & silver past starving people to buy
bread at the store, and they’re all gonna just sit there and stare? … good luck
with that to, while they en masse rob your ass!

Think I’m wrong? … think again Skippy, cuz if I am, there’s no downside … if
you’re wrong, and you believe government and their bullshit, continue to keep
monetary assets in the U.S., and somehow think they aren’t going to confiscate
it one way or the other? … well, you’re toast and there’s no way to get it back
… life as you know it is over!

Quite frankly, almost nothing you can do online, is as easy as opening an
account through my affiliate link at PRIMEXBT … 1) access to world markets,
2) trade crypto & crude oil with the very best trading conditions in the world,
3) hold account balances and profitable trades in BTC, the world’s safest,
secure, and most non corruptible currency … all with no KYC, only an email
address to insure privacy & anonymity … fund with BTC, withdraw with BTC
… is there anything more EASY PEEZEE than this? [Hint: NO!]

Turning to today’s manipulated mess in the “Tulip Bulb 30” [a/k/a DOW30]
… well, that escalated quickly to the upside, didn’t it? … whiz kids came up with
a big upside “sigma” miss in the jobs number, just don’t ask them how they did
it, cuz that’s a secret … remember, trust the government, they’re here to help
… they know what’s best for you, and right now, it’s important for you to know
that “Everything Is F-ing Awesome, Baby!”, and buy MOAR! … sure, cocoa
production is the highest ever, and chocolate bars are plentiful and cheap!
… Wut? … you can’t find any, at any price? … hmmm, must be a “logistics”

The “Tulip Bulb 30”, proving almost every day, that there are suckers & chumps
born every minute, secure in the fact that if they just “buy & hold” things will
work out cuz … cuz STFU! … maybe in Grandpa’s era, when shit like biz model,
earnings, growth, old school stuff like that mattered … today it’s QE to infinity
as the FED runs the Pacific Ocean dry making ink for its CNTRL-P machine, and
it makes its way to stocks from the crowd who gets free money for nothin’
… knowing full well that when NIRP hits, sometime in 2024, anything that returns
yield has a price in the clouds … what a fucking Ponzi scheme … it lasts until it
doesn’t … remember that “Bear market” that lasted 6 hours on December 3rd?
… yea, me neither.

And just like that, they found Kudlow! … oh what joy … he’s on perma bull,
financial  MSM CNBC! …. no wait, he’s on “Dumbberg” … whoops!, he’s on Fox
… KUDLOW IS EVERYWHERE! … and just remember kiddies, stocks must not be
allowed EVAHHHHHHHHHHH! to go lower, no matter what! …. Of course to
anybody with 2 functioning brain cells, he’s spouting more bullshit than there are
shovels to scoop it … glad he found time from some bar somewhere to make the
case for ‘Murica … well, not really, cuz he’s only making the case for stocks
… ‘Murica he could give two shits about … his job is to tout stocks … hard! Most
days, you just couldn’t make this shit up and have anybody believe you … tulips
for sale! … with shit like this, and the push by Apparatchiks & the Chicoms
[remember, most likely they’re still long SP500 futures, having loaded the boat in
that DEC. 3rd “bear market”], which members of the “shorting crowd” wants to
bet against DOW 30,000 by the end of the year? … I know of at least one dumb
ass who wants to throw more money to the globalists … are you not entertained
by the “bread & circus” that is Rome?

For all of the “hoopla” over the jobs numbers, and the ever present hype from
clowns like Kudlow, that the “China trade deal” is a done deal when it isn’t and
never will be, cuz it’s nothing but a complete PR scam, the day’s trading action
from the NYSE open hasn’t been all that hot … once the opening Chipmunk
clusterfark was over and done with, here a little after Noon EST, the
“Tulip Bulb 30” has a decent enough of a range of approximately 140 - 150 index
points, but there has been very few if any breaks or corrections worth a crap in
the mix … pretty much a straight shot all day so far, and not really any good
buying opportunities, only marginal ones … but hey, it’s early yet.

Into the Gotham afternoon, and now we’re dealing on a Friday afternoon, with the
criminal element of Squid, JPM, and the other various undesirables you wouldn't
want your sister to even talk to, let alone date … these people are scum … they
make the “Wolf of Wall Street” look like a boy scout … this is a time where you
can expect spikes from hell to run stops … not a guarantee, but the probability
ain’t low either … you need to be very, very careful in New York afternoons.

Only one algorithm buy signal today in the “Tulip Bulb 30” … FX CHOICE PAMM
UP a hair shy of 0.1%.

Like I said, not really any good buy signals, this one was marginal at best … we
need better trading action than what we saw today, that’s for sure … straight up
or straight down days often times are tough to not only gauge, but to be patient
and disciplined with when you get them … one of the biggest reasons Newbies
lose money trading, is they fall for the “FOMO” [Fear Of Missing Out] trap
… “OMG! OMG! It’s going up and I have to buy, I just have to cuz I dunno, I just
have to! … OR, OMG! OMG! It’s going down and I have to sell, I just have to
cuz ??? I just have to”! … do this and you’re T.O.A.S.T. in trading, cuz your
account can’t take the hits … I could care less what level the “Tulip Bulb 30” is
trading at; it makes no difference if it’s at 5,000 or 50,000, cuz it has no impact
on “money” in your pocket … what matters is “HOW” it trades, the paradigm it
trades under, and your ability to follow the fucking rules, and avoiding doing
“stupid shit” … do that, and YOU GET the shipload of money sitting in some
harbor waiting for you to pick it up … it’s lonely! … it’s there waiting! … why do
you let it sit there all alone without you, stacks and stacks of cash? … and
unlike others in the trading biz who are only after your wallet, and then after
you’ve spent $$$$$$$$$$$, suddenly aren’t there anymore, ask yourself what I
have to gain by seeing you lose if I’m completely full of shit? … you can change
your financial life by changing your thinking, simple as that.

Well, things have really slowed down now in stocks … I mean, if you thought it
was choppy & slow hours earlier, well welcome to this pile of shit … I can hardly
see the M1’s on my screen they are so tiny … intraday VIX has left the building,
just like the manipulators want it … but beware, these scumbag banks are full of
surprises, especially in Gotham afternoons, and triple “fuck you” especially on
Friday afternoons … in all my years and decades of trading, with most in SP500
futures, then onto stock indices CFD’s, this is a time of day you must not allow
yourself to do “stupid shit” … it can ruin a day, a week, a month, and to some
idiots, years of gains in very short order … trust me, I’m a professional, the
banks have more money than you, and can do shit on Friday afternoons you
would only experience in a nightmare … one of the keys to making “shiploads”
of money is to not give it back once you’ve made it!

And it looks from my vantage point, that with about 90 minutes to the close, some
sell stops have been hit off … nothing major, just some light flows, but again it’s
the action that matters, not the level of the index … and quite frankly, this action
stinks! … blog update on Sunday, and with it sees the return of the PAMM results
table on a NAV [Net Asset Value] since I started the FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM, and
with it started trading my proprietary M1 Scalpers Algorithm … until then mi
amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great weekend everybody! 


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