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Monday, September 28, 2020



“Q: which “STOCK BELLIES” market is he trading? … A: any of ‘em!”

It’s Monday! ... time for the casino to reopen, where wives can safely drop their

husbands in front of a computer and have financial markets “babysit” them for

the entire day! … why, what would the world do without the financial casino &

infinite central bank QE? … time for another installment of 100% pure, bogus

manipulation by central banks, executed by their BFF the scumbag LP banks

… and as always, POLS & Apparatchiks are all over the wires creating havoc &

panic and funding the mistress funds … “SNAFU baby”!

I’ve been trading the DAX30 since it came onto the electronic seen about 20 years

ago … even during “GREXIT”, which was in 2014 - 2015, I don’t remember it being

in the least as bat shit crazy as it is now … the 20 Day Range MA is as high as I’ve

ever seen it [excluding this March’s Pandemic crisis], almost at 300 index points

per day on average, and here lately the IVIX INDEX levels are climbing off the

charts as well into “nutso” land joining the NDX100 … quite frankly, the casino is

out of control, where it’s straight up or straight down, speed of light or crickets

… and the mass hysteria seen daily seems to only be getting worse as literally

ZERO makes any sense anymore when it comes to analyzing anything in the

“Stock Bellies” universe … why should today be any different?

Oh, I get the fact that world central banks are flooding the world with QE, and that

money is ending up in stock trading … Wall Street gets fed but “main street” gets

the shaft, as people are hurting everywhere but the global elitists could care less

… all that matters is that indices go higher … this is just nuts.

One algorithm trade today in the DAX30 … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.

I had at least 6 other algorithm signals that got “run” before the sun came up … I

stopped counting at 6 cuz it was depressing me … and with elevated “nutso” IVIX

INDEX levels, that’s the risk we run when any market gets totally FUBAR … and

then it dies … so if you get caught in the hysteria and happen to lose, good luck

getting it back when “chop mode” sets in … and “chop mode” came today right at

the start of NYSE trading, and it’s been a clusterfark “Flying Wedge of Death”

[FWD] ever since … spikes from hell, up & down, all over the place but going

nowhere, as scumbag bank trading desks front run the orders for their prop

accounts at customer expense.

Meanwhile over in “The Widow Maker” [a/k/a GBPUSD or simply “Cable”], the

POLS & Apparatchiks in the E.U. and/or Britain just can’t STFU & keep their PIE

HOLES shut … nope, gotta feed the mistress funds, and today sees Cable with an

almost 200 PIP range, as shorts get blown out on BREXIT hopium & comments

from a BOE PIE HOLE that NIRP isn’t in the cards … “write that down, I’m sure it

will age well when they come within the next 6 - 12 months” … and of course Bojo

is running Britain into the ground with idiotic pandemic response, where the

government changes their mind every 5 minutes and then institutes something

even more stupid … everyday a new crisis!

But despite all of that noise, Cable is trading well … has had stable & very good

IVIX INDEX levels for a while now, and if the DAX30 gets any more FUBAR, I won’t

hesitate to switch back over and trade Cable again [no GBPJPY as the YEN is too

“quirky” and manipulative] … and, we’re in the “home stretch” of the BREXIT

nightmare, where supposedly in the next 17 days it’s “fish or cut bait” for both

sides … what’s hilarious is that each side thinks the other will cave … quite frankly,

this entire mess could have been handled better by a basket of retarded kittens on

meth … but strictly from a trading perspective, it’s giving us everything anybody

could want without being crazy 99% of the time like “Stock Bellies”, so what’s not

to like here? … I almost pulled the trigger earlier today, but was approaching a buy

signal in the DAX30 so I held back … natch, the DAX30 blew through my entry

point so fast I never had a chance to buy it, and of course looking back at the

Cable signal, it behaved and would have been a nice winner … next time I’ll simply

take the Cable signal.

And I thought today was going to be the dull day for the week … WELP!, not so

much, cuz the calendar is packed going forward from today … and the BREXIT

clock is ticking down to October 15, BoJo’s “line in the sand” for a deal with the

E.U. … this is gonna get interesting … more importantly, if things can remain

“sane” it will be profitable … we’ll see about that, cuz if it can the trading algorithm

is pretty much invincible! 

… until tomorrow … Onward & Upward!!


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