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Wednesday, March 25, 2020


“So what’s your answer bullion banks!”

Since I posted yesterday, a slew of articles over on ZH pointing out the “liquidity”
problems facing the LBMA in gold, and why gold went “tilt” yesterday
… “liquidity”? [cough, bullshit, cough] … that’s code for we fucked up by
hypothecating gold to anybody / everybody 100X over, and when the original
owner of the gold showed up for his/her gold, we didn’t have it, so we had to go
borrow for it and found out the interest rate for doing so had skyrocketed … so
sorry, we don’t have your gold, it’s locked up in a “Rube Goldberg” maze of
horseshit that stretches around the world about 18 times … welcome to the
scumbag world of the LBMA.

Outside of gold, which I said yesterday is “DONE” as a market, most markets
have returned to a semblance of normal … well, except at Turnkey, where I guess
they figure let’s clip ‘em for a while longer shall we? … directly below, a snapshot
of both “LIVE” platforms at Turnkey versus CRYPTO ROCKET … basically the
same time, and what separates them is the time it took to make the snapshots
… “somebody needs to have a talk with their LP’s”.

After today’s action, anybody want to challenge the euphemistic title of GBPUSD
as “The Widow Maker”? .... wicked shit too be sure, and no place to get an
“opinion” … do “stupid shit” in that FX pair when it’s awake, and you won’t be
around long … yes, it’s woken up … yes, it’s been asleep for about 10 - 12 years,
but the latest financial crisis hitting markets  has caused it to come alive … know
your FX history, or get destroyed.

Quite frankly, given the “market watch” boxes above, you can see what I’m up
against operating in a paradigm of higher spreads … I simply will not trade Cable
in a 3 - 5 PIP environment, and that’s not even counting any possible slippage
… over at CRYPTO ROCKET, I can trade Cable all day and night at right around 2
PIPS, and that’s AFTER commissions … everything priced for panic, but the panic
is over … for the most part, there’s no reason other than pure greed to have
spreads as high as they are … sadly, CRYPTO ROCKET has no PAMM / MAM
program, and from my talks with management there, they have no immediate
plans to do so anytime soon, as it simply costs too much to host the program
with the LP’s, and the PAMM / MAM software people … with the gold market
totally destroyed, crude oil a complete fucking joke in terms of spreads, unless
you’re at CRYPTO ROCKET where they remain at 3 cents round the clock, that
leaves FX & stock indices … that leaves me pretty much a choice between 2
markets … “stock bellies” SP500 and/or FTSE100 … both of these markets are
within fractions of an index point from their bid/offer spreads from a month ago
at Turnkey … all the others blown to shit, thank you very much, including ALL of
the FX crosses.

We started the week off in complete panic across the MT4 board, but the
difference between the 2 “stock bellies indices”, is that the SP500 has “limits”,
and the FTSE100 doesn’t … quite frankly, I don’t ever want to trade anything that
has “limits”, cuz “limits” are like gigantic magnets that pull a market to lock, and
who the fuck needs that? … these asshole LP’s keep changing the spreads, and
keep changing the way trading conditions go, from bat shit crazy to “sleepytime”
and then at the drop of a hat it’s back to bat shit crazy on meth … and with much
higher spreads, get on the wrong side of one of these blitzes, and you’ll soon
discover the pain, after they throw slippage into the equation.

So, cuz Turnkey’s scumbag LP’s refuse to make an honest market in Cable, really
the only thing left is the FTSE100, which I don’t mind trading at all, as long as
conditions don’t reflect the end of the fucking world in 5 minutes … this puppy
best traded from the European open to about 1 - 2 PM EST, a little after the
European close … after that it gets thin and the spread widens some … with
most of the pandemic news built into the market cake, barring some
development where the death rate suddenly climbs and bodies are being piled
into the street, for the most part the panic liquidation is over for now … doesn’t
mean I think the bottom is in, just that the sheer panic that caught people is
probably over … and given the uncertainty of the news flow, along with the end
of corporate buy backs, it looks like “stock bellies” can provide very good
up/down action. So, back to the FTSE100 this evening in Asia and beyond … it
would really be nice if these asshats could keep ANYTHING stable … is that
asking too much?

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

I will add that everything on the board is either straight up or straight down, with
“Hoover Dam” little in between … today’s FTSE100 a good example of this, as
the M30’s tell the story … they turn it on a “dime” and it’s off to the races … panic
buy followed by panic sell, rinse & repeat, the blood is everywhere … until
tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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