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Sunday, June 2, 2019


“And it’s getting worse with each passing month!”

I’m not here to tell you what you wanna hear, I’m here to lay out the truth.
And while it may hurt some feelz among Libtards & their Snowflake crowd,
the truth is the truth … ‘Murica is turning into a shithole … not all the way
there yet, but the evidence is mounting … in addition to overt government
manipulated financial markets [except oil], consider the following; 1) Murder,
Illinois [what used to be known as Chicago], 2) Los Angeles, Kalifornia [the
People’s Republic of], and 3) the complete “dumbing down” of the population
[but, everybody gets a participation ribbon, so that’s nice!]

Over the weekend, I see this post on ZH about Chitown, the link directly

Here, you can read about how this infamous Libtard bastion of DEM policies
has turned the city into a nightmare … mass migration, sky high taxes,
crumbling infrastructure, corruption everywhere, but no worries if you work
for the city cuz your pensions are going up. As I said once before, what’s the
over/under year when Illinois has ZERO people left in it that actually work?

Next up is the “City of Angels” … yup, L.A., and I don’t mean
“Lower Alabama” … nope, it’s none other than Los Angeles, another fav
Libtard enclave whose residents virtue signals every 5 seconds on social media
about how much they care … well, check out this article from the U.K. Daily
Mail directly below at the link … yea, that’s right, you have to go to a NON
U.S. news service to find the truth cuz our liberal media won’t cover it
… doesn’t fit the narrative of their agenda.

And, if your a cop in Los Angeles, good luck with that Typhus & Typhoid
Fever your getting after wandering through streets filled with feces, urine,
needles everywhere, and of course rats.

Third on the list is the state of “edu-ma-cation” in ‘Murica, specifically that
bastion of idiocy New York State … another place you’d have to be insane to
live in for any reason. The link directly below.

Here, you can learn that over HALF of all eighth graders in New York state,
right along with the nation in general, have no proficiency in English, arts,
or math … Must. Keep. Dumb Asses. Dumb. … God forbid, they ever learn
anything useful and can comprehend “critical thinking” skills … nope, the
country needs dumbed down dopes who can be converted into mind numbed
robotic SJW’s, and then vote for communists like AOC or Bernie Bro
… Lenin used to call them “useful idiots” … can’t argue with that.

So, what’s the common thread among the collapse of Western civilization?
… EASY PEEZE: They’re all run by Libtard lunatics, and have been for
years and decades … quite frankly, what started in Detroit right after the
riots of the early 1960’s, people vote with their feet and move … that leaves
no “makers” and only “Takers” … and in a not so unsurprising occurrence,
we’ve hit that point on the parabolic curve, where the country is about at the
breaking point. Ask yourself, “if I lived in 1959 Los Angeles or Chicago,
would I ever see the kind of shit I see today? … the answer is NO!

All of this, if not depressing enough, leads to THE inevitable conclusion you
can’t escape if you’re honest with yourself … just when does the U.S. go full
retard shithole? … Again, EASY PEEZEE: “The very next time a DEM is in
the White House, and has control of both the House & Senate … at that
exact moment, it’s all O.V.E.R. and the country is toast … which leads to my
opening headline … “THE CLOCK IS TICKING”! … and, if you don’t have
your financial house in order, it’s curtains for you and your family … and
while I’ve been known to be sarcastic at times, this ain’t one of ‘em.

Thanks to President Trump & control of the Senate, you have time to do
something about it … question is, where do you go and how do you start. To
that end, my company “Red Glass Capital, LLC” will be rolling out in the
days & weeks ahead, a series of innovative products & alternatives to help
you escape “Big Brother” … from privacy, security, & maintaining an
anonymous presence online, or “offshore” financial solutions everybody can
afford to set up and maintain [unless you’re homeless and sleep under a
bridge] to manage your finances, to your “one stop” cryptocurrency source,
depending on your level of expertise and level of paranoia. If you’re a
professional hacker involved in illegal activities, you’re not gonna find
anything we’re doing to help you … if you’re an ordinary human, though,
we’re gonna be here to help you, especially if you’re relatively new to all of
this … “yea, it’d be great to go back to 1960, pre surveillance state, and live
a life without hassle from government & big tech [Google, Apple, Twitter,
Facebook, etc.] … without every move you make tracked and sold to online
marketers and gigantic metadata corporations … companies who make
billions selling your data, but you get ZERO … no, mi amigos, it’s time to get
control of your life back!

Not everything is gonna happen at the speed of light, our implementation will
take many months, and we have a schedule of priorities to tackle first, but it is
coming … first things first.

These last 2 weeks of trading have been one of the most frustrating I’ve ever
seen, since switching over to the SP500 for the PAMM … from scumbag LP’s
who jack the bid/offer spread around, the manipulators who won’t let the
market go down, to the spikes from hell that take place in microseconds on
the M1 and then have ZERO follow through, after they blow stops out … as
I have said, it’s either straight up or straight down, and when it turns it’s
brutal … throw slippage into the mix, and you can feel their slimy hands in
your back pocket instantly.

Directly below, this week’s 20 Day Range MA’s of importance to us.

click on any chart to enlarge

And while the SP500 ranges are expanding, so is the difference between the
day’s range and the NYSE range … it hasn’t been this wide since the
February 2018 market meltdown … and that leads to pretty shitty NYSE
trading conditions during the biz day in New York … Friday being the perfect
poster child for a shit market. Hopefully, this changes soon, cuz I’m tired of
sitting here and twiddling my thumbs for algorithm buy signals, and at the end
of the day, I’d wished I stayed in bed.

So onto the week at hand … weekend news seems to be a mixed bag for stocks
… the usual China & now Mexico horseshit expressing optimism about tariffs
and trade deals … you know, the usual “pump & dump” headlines to mask the
truth … and then there’s the headlines about breaking up big tech, specifically
DOJ interest in Google … so, at this point, who knows … we’ll see what
happens in the hours ahead. Until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!


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