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Sunday, November 14, 2021



“Unmasking the mechanics of volatile markets, especially crypto!”

Today starts a 7 part series, Sunday through to next Sunday’s blog update, where

I fill in the blanks of the project I have just finished … a project that allows all of

my readers, and all of the people that follow “Priscilla The Trading Gorilla” [PTTG]

on her social media platforms, the opportunity to have the crypto trading algorithm

we have developed jointly … the name of this beast is, the “Crypto DragonSlayer

Algorithm” [CDSA] … there are many, many points to be shared over the next

7 days, along with shocking surprises you aren’t ready for, with the release of the

algorithm next Sunday on both of our respective websites … let’s start the journey!

The CDSA turns everything you think you know about volatile markets UPSIDE

DOWN & INSIDE OUT! … throw away whatever it is you think, you think, you know

cuz it’s WRONG! … the rise of crypto trading worldwide, and its unprecedented

growth over the last 1 ½ - 2 years is simply unreal, while at the same time

traditional markets are more manipulated than ever before by the central banks

of the world and their BFF scumbag banks, and as a result are losing volume &

liquidity … “open order book” [OOB] trading platforms that didn’t exist 2 years

ago cuz the technology wasn’t available are now “mainstream” in crypto trading,

and the advantages over “liquidity provider” [LP] based platforms are so

“bigly & yuge” it’s a wonder they still exist.

Crypto trading, especially at the small account level, is vastly superior to trading

CFD’s in manipulated markets … however, the CDSA will work beautifully in

those volatile futures markets where spreads are thin, namely crude oil

… everything else, and the spreads would have to shrink dramatically and the

scumbag LP’s stop dishing out horseshit slippage in the CFD’s … “yea, good

luck with that”!

Over the last year, as more & more OOB platforms have come online, and

volumes & liquidity in crypto has skyrocketed, for the first time EVER, the mask

has come off traditional propaganda about markets and the TRUTH behind

volatile markets and how they behave is revealed … it’s a subtle “paradigm shift”,

but it makes all of the difference in the world … and the results are spectacular!

I will go so far as to say categorically, that no matter which crypto pair you choose

to trade, and there are dozens of highly liquid, high volume pairs to choose from

besides the public’s obvious fascination & fixation with BTC [Bitcoin], that if you

FOLLOW ALGORITHM RULES and don’t do “stupid shit” like  subtracting rules

you are uncomfortable with, or adding worthless, traditional technical indicators

that “muck up” the money making process, IT’S ALMOST “HOOVER DAM”

IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE MONEY OVER TIME! … why almost? … cuz 1) only death

is certain for all of us [100% probability of happening], and 2) even the most

remote market possibilities CANNOT BE RULED OUT that have the potential to

lose money, and therefore these have probabilities > 0.

I’ll take it one step further … I’ll stake my entire reputation as a trader on the belief

that you can’t lose money unless 1) you ignore rules & signals, or 2) you have a

death wish and WANT TO LOSE MONEY … but there’s more, as you’ll find out

throughout the week in this series.

For the record, I have completely scrapped how I view markets and how I trade,

thanks to crypto … all of my previous algorithms are NULL & VOID, cuz they are

designed and created WRONG! … and while I have mightily attempted to adjust

them and tinker around the edges with them, there are characteristics pertaining

to volatility THEY CAN’T POSSIBLY ADDRESS given the tools at our disposal

… in other words, it’s a “no win” situation CUZ THE PREMISE IS WRONG,

especially when you combine the fact that the manipulators in traditional

markets directly target VIX manipulation as their tool of choice to take your

money … as I have repeatedly said before here on the blog, you get any FX pair

that one day has a 55 PIP range, the next it’s 155 PIPS, and then the next 4 days

the ranges fall between 50 - 70 PIPS … the VIX is so INCONSISTENT

[by manipulative design], you’re never there to capture the big day cuz it goes

either straight up or straight down, and the other days are so slow you wonder

if your internet is working … IT IS THE CONSISTENT HIGH VIX IN CRYPTO THAT

IS ALWAYS THERE, that FINALLY opened my eyes, heart, & mind and allowed me

that one moment of clarity [serendipity if you want to call it that, but I think of it

as simply hard work & collaboration with PTTG!] to see the market universe as

clear as if I invented it myself!!

There is some overlap to be sure … before the 2008 financial crisis, when

governments didn’t manipulate markets every 30 seconds like today, their

absence + volatility got the same result in volatile markets, BUT FOR THE

WRONG REASONS! … and for years & decades why change something that

works? … but traditional markets don’t work any longer, we all know that

… crypto has blown the cover off the financial industry’s attempt to keep you in

the dark … remember, from their perspective your job as a retail spec is to

provide money to the banks, and in the process make you think it was all

random or simply cuz you’re not smart enough … bullshit, it’s a fixed, rigged

casino! … crypto trading lays it all bare!

Bottom line in this series of 7 blog posts is this: “we will show you how to make

yourself “rich”, using any definition of that term you want to use … active or

passive OR BOTH, it’s gonna be your decision … if you want the kind of wealth,

financial security, and income FREE FROM GOVERNMENT CONTROL &

SCRUTINY, then pay attention to the blogs coming in the next 6 days … if you

care about money, PAY ATTENTION! … if you want a better financial life, PAY

ATTENTION! … if you could care less, come back in 8 days and pretend

something different.

STAY TUNED! … outta here … “the future looks so bright, I need sunglasses”! 😎

… Onward & Upward!!


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