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Sunday, March 21, 2021



“There is a sign up ahead in your future … I suggest you take it!”

I’m almost finished working on the trading algorithm … for the most part, it’s

done … at least the “trading” [scalping / day trading] part, and all I have to do is

“vet” the document with some of the people who are part of “The Syndicate”, to

make sure it’s clear as Caribbean waters and they understand it fully … that will

come this week at various times, so we’ll see what turns up … as well, I’m also

working on “Premium” content for our soon-to-be PATREON members, which

will include a manual for positions trading … meaning those who wish to

trade / invest their funds over time, utilizing either M30, HR1, HR4, and/or DAILY


This will initially specifically cater to those people who trade / invest in ETF or

ETN’s as tradeable stocks for the SP500 [SPY ETF] & GOLD [GLD ETF], along

with their respective options [for MAX portfolio flexibility] … I don’t know about

Europe or Asia, but in the U.S. there are plenty of mainstream brokerage houses

[Fidelity, Scwab, etc.] that offer COMMISSION FREE stocks [including ETF’s &

ETN’s] and options trading … the problem with using a trading platform like the

MT4 / MT5 with offshore brokerage houses specializing in short term trading, is

that each and every day you carry any position through “rollover” [5 PM EST

New York], you got to pay “vig” on your position … granted, if you’re only

positioning for a day or two “vig” might not be anything but a minor nuisance,

depending on which market you’re in, but hold onto something for weeks on

end in a trending market, and that “vig” is gonna eat you a new donkey … as

well, some people don’t like to trade the CFD’s or futures and would rather trade

the SP500 and/or gold through the respective ETF or ETN … and since it’s

COMMISSION FREE, what you make is what you keep! … quite frankly, this is a

perfect situation for those who trade / invest their self directed IRA’s or 401 (k)

plans, cuz you defer taxes until retirement … once I get all of this setup, I’ll also

be rolling out position trading for other markets that have ETF’s or ETN’s, such

as the DOW30, NASDAQ QQQ, CRUDE OIL, SILVER, and other markets I discover

and people want to follow and trade / invest … I’ll be doing weekly or bi-weekly

updates ONLY for our “Premium” PATREON members, which they’ll be able to

download in PDF.

In addition to that, our crypto clients will have access to research not available to

the public at large, that will help them navigate whatever crypto pair they choose

to trade … throw in anonymous, secure, private chat, and other digital content

coming in the weeks ahead, so don’t sit there and tell me $5 / month is too much

for anybody to handle … if you want financial freedom, no matter where you start

from or how little you have to start, whether you’re a trader [scalp or position] or

investor, whether you like traditional markets or desire crypto trading / investing,

you’re gonna have the roadmap in front of you very soon … and so there’s no

misunderstanding, I’m sure there are plenty of “lone wolf’s” out there who are

happy to take the FREEBIE and run with it … fine, got no problem with that, and

I’m happy to help & do my part … having said that, though, I’m also pretty sure

99.999% of those who go it alone will FUBAR the algorithm very quickly … that

will stem from adding / subtracting various indicators and/or ignoring the rules,

cuz they don’t much like rules … and besides, if a “Bozo” like me can do it, what’s

a smart guy like yourself got to worry about? … and that right there runs smack

dab into the greatest irony trading / investing presents … which is this … “the

smartest people in the world are traders … more degrees, top of the charts

motivation, and a single mindedness not found anywhere else … so how come

all these “smart people” end up losing? … cuz it’s a known fact, and has been

for decades / centuries, that 90%+ of traders lose money and 10% [or less] take

everything home”! … there are “depositors” and there are those who “withdraw”

… which are you?

When you consider crypto never closes, and is open 24/7/365 no matter what,

being a “Premium” PATREON member breaks down to less than 17 CENTS PER

DAY … if crypto isn’t in your repertoire, it should definitely be, but if it isn’t and

you’re only trading / investing in traditional markets M-F, then the cost is less

than 24 CENTS PER DAY … I’m pretty sure most of you piss away high multiples

of this before NOON every single day of your life! … of course, what makes all of

this possible at this ridiculous price are 2 factors … 1) lower cost means more

members, and everybody wins cuz of the economies of scale, and 2) I don’t need

your money, I got my own thank you … however, there has to be a “line in the

sand” to get rid of “tire kickers”, and you know everybody in the world doing their

own thing has to deal with this issue … and as we all know, “tire kickers” will

never pay anything, but eat up valuable time & energy that goes to waste.

So to briefly summarize, when I release the trading algorithm here on the website

over in “Download Links”, I’ll also have links for PATREON sign up, and along

with that, 1) have private links available for position trading in SP500 [SPY ETF]

and GOLD [GLD ETF], and 2) instructions on how to sign up for live chat … and

as a reminder, chat is anonymous and allows ALL MEMBERS to chat with each

other, not just with me, and that is extremely valuable to everyone … as always,

remember that nobody is anybody’s financial advisor, tax advisor, or legal

counsel … people have OPINIONS and they express them, and ultimately when

you put your “big girl panties” on and venture forth into the trading / investment

arena, you’re on your own Skippy.

Onto the week at hand … “the future’s so bright I need sunglasses”!  😎

… Onward & Upward!! 


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