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Wednesday, August 12, 2020


“Trade gold? … this is where your order goes to get filled … good luck!”

It’s been a while for sure, but the same old game gets played in gold, and each
time the end result gets worse, worser, & worser-er-er … not for the scumbag,
criminal bullion banks, but for the saps who stay too long at the rally party
… and of course, “Chuckleheads” in Asia being “Chuckleheads”, they buy the
tops with their new BFF the “Robinhood Dopes”, and then are the dupes selling
the break and eating losses few can comprehend … this time about $200 per Oz.
in a little over 48 hours of trading … EXIT QUESTION: “when does the world
wake the fuck up and tell the bullion banks to go “F - off” and stop the scam
A/K/A “COMEX”, and refuse to trade another ounce”?

Suck ‘em in … open the trap door … and then watch the sell stops bleed buckets
of blood, until every last drop is spent, with the “Chuckleheads” in Asia leading
the way … “they sure as hell don't disappoint do they”? … and I wake up this
morning, and already gold has about a $90 per OZ range, with Asia puking all
over themselves … “done now morons? … watch what happens next”!

Meanwhile, the rest of the financial derivatives space could care less … they’ve
seen this bullshit before from the criminal bullion banks and aren’t playing
anymore … a big fat middle finger goes into the air and stays there! … and so
here we are, the sun coming up on the money laundering capital of the world,
New York, and how are the criminals on Wall Street gonna get anybody to trade
today after yesterday and last night? … it’s August, with half the world locked
down, and the other half burning down, and quite frankly nobody seems to give
a shit … some days, I’d rather be shoveling shit out of the monkey cages at the
circus cuz it would be more “enlightening” than the drivel pouring out of so
called markets … maybe I feel this way cuz it’s August and the Ponzi schemes
have slowed down some, irrespective of the slaughter in gold, but my sense is
as the weeks / months / years pass is that the bullshit just gets piled higher &
higher and I’m standing right next to the pile and it’s tilting … what could
possibly go wrong?

And today, not a single person in the financial MSM will question the bullshit
moves in metals over the last 24 hours, or the scumbag banks role in making it
happen … there’s a reason the U.S. Department of Justice [DOT], in court filings,
has called the precious metals division of JPM a “criminal RICO enterprise”
… “OK, so why aren’t they being shut down and one J. Dimon serving a long
prison sentence? … well, that’s easy to answer … if they shut JPM down, all the
POLS, Apparatchiks, regulators, exchange bigwigs, and assorted crooks running
brokerage houses the world over wouldn’t get “their cut” from the spread &
slippage skim … cash in a trash bag in your garage suddenly appearing, or
Bitcoin in an e-wallet, take your pick … and as we all know, we can’t have that
now can we”?

Over in FX pair EURUSD, I might as well be sitting in the parlor with
Grandma waiting for 3 PM so I can eat dinner and go to bed … there’s “slow” and
then there’s this shit, which makes slow look like a Formula 1 race … about an
hour ‘til New York gets going, and the prop crooks of the Wall Street banks open
their computers, and so maybe FX can do something later … for now, though,
trading action in anything FX is an insult to the word pathetic.

Welp! … take away the 4 minutes of buy panic after “hot” U.S. inflation numbers
are released, and what you end up with is about a 25 PIP range for the entirety of
the European session … seriously, what am I supposed to do with dog poo like
this? … “a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants” … anything
remotely close to a “trading day” is a laugh, and coming in and seeing gold
already with a $80+ range simply means FX is broken today … you can either
laugh at it, or cry, take your pick.

Again today, no trades in the Turnkey PAMM / MAM.

I’ve seen more active Christmas Eve’s than this … it is what it is, nothing I can do
about it … if they don’t want to play, than we sit, cuz I’m not giving money away to
these asshats at the scumbag banks, just so I can say I traded … bad, very bad
conditions Skippy, so I pull up my big girl panties and look forward to tomorrow
outta here … until then … Onward & Upward!! 


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