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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I will admit, for a lot of you, patiently waiting for an algorithm signal is going to be tough. Like the cat above, patience is a virtue; only here patience = profits. Directly below are the 2 trades I made today in XAUUSD with commentary based solely on the gold algorithm which you can either view or download in the "Download Links" section of the website in the right hand column.

 The first chart is trade #1 and the second chart below it is trade #2. Many of you will look at the second chart and then tell me, "hey, on the right side of chart #2 is another signal, how come you didn't take it?"

The answer is twofold; 1) the range for the day is over $17 per Oz. for the day [see manual], and 2) I reached my profit goals with the second trade. Why hang around and give back money to a market which is infamous for running stops later in the trading day?

More comments later, but since this has happened relatively early in the day, here in Caribbean Paradise Time, time to hit the links. Tee time in exactly 93 minutes. I'm sooooo outta here on this lovely summer's day!

Have a great day everybody!

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