“And in the trading biz, it’s a never ending supply of “stupid shit” by idiots!”
It’s that time of year, and so I wouldn’t take volume & liquidity features of the next
10 - 14 days as anything meaningful, in any market you care to look at … of
course, the manipulators will keep manipulating stock indices, and so volumes &
liquidity in this group of markets is meaningless anyway … but for other markets,
like crude oil, crypto, & Cable [GBPUSD], I wouldn’t get my “big girl panties”
bunched up over lessened trading … although historically, in some years there
have been some rather large moves when everyone was expecting quiet
conditions, so you just never really know.
A few things are clear to me, though, as we head into 2020; 1) volumes & liquidity
will continue to decline in stock indices, as fewer & fewer traders are willing to put
up with more FED “QE funny money” bullshit, thus bringing about the very
conditions the morons at the FED say they wish to avoid, 2) crypto, specifically
Bitcoin [BTC], will continue to move ever skyward in fits & starts, 3) world central
banks, having learned fucking ZERO from past blunders, will continue to print
money via the CNTRL-P machine, thus not only lowering the levels of the world’s
oceans cuz they need water for the ink, but flooding world debt markets making
economic conditions even more perilous, 4) President Trump will win reelection
in a landslide, and 5) BREXIT is done, Cable has been released from FX prison, and
let the “intraday VIX” level in Cable party like it’s new years EVE 1999.
Now, let me be clear … Cable isn’t going back [I don’t think] to its “Widow Maker”
reputation of years gone by … I’d be really surprised if that happened, although
not shocked … instead, simply a widening of the “intraday VIX” levels we’ve seen
in the last couple of years, that were artificially constrained due to BREXIT, and all
the bullshit that it brought to the FX space … and what we are likely to see in
Cable most likely will not be seen in other major FX pairs, simply cuz their central
banks are hell bent on manipulation of their FX rate … but, and you have to
understand this or you’re “toast” when it comes to making a living from trading,
you have to have certain levels of “intraday VIX”, characterized by a decent level
of up/down movement so you can take advantage of dislocations in terms of price
… if you don’t get it, dominoes begin to fall that you have no control over that
make it difficult or next to impossible to make good, consistent money from
trading … and from where I’m sittin’, and from what I see, Cable is back from its
long hiatus, and ready to resume its role as the “bad boy” of FX … meaning of
course, it can’t be controlled like the others, and will therefore enjoy much
greater daily ranges & overall higher VIX.
OK great! … to that end then, why the hell are any of you here reading this? … it’s
not a rhetorical question … obviously, I provide market commentary nobody else
on the planet wishes to share or lay bare … too politically incorrect or some such
shit … but I don’t think you’d be here if money, and specifically making money
from trading, wasn’t on your mind … there’s always that “look” I get when I meet
people for the first time, and they find out who I am and what I’ve done, and most
don’t quite know how to take me or react to my success … there are those who
“eat up” every word, beg for more, but it’s simply fantasy on their part, cuz they
can NEVER imagine themselves being on the winning side of anything … then
there are those who think, “how hard can it be? … look at this dumb shit … my
gracious goodness, if he can do it, why with my superior brain power I’m a
“shoe in” for riches”!
“Well OK Mr. Sharp Pencil, let me ask your “superior brain power” why you’re
still trading futures and/or NOT trading at PRIMEXBT? … cuz you’re
sooooooooooo smart and everything, I can only assume you LOVE GIVING
MONEY AWAY … [PSSST! … my BTC E-Wallet address is in the header … please
feel free to send me whatever it is you wish to give away … I promise to
hedonistically squander it just like you do!] … I do realize many people don’t like
crude oil, crypto, or the stock indices … whatevs … let’s take a closer look at
futures trading in FX, specifically GBPUSD, and compare it to trading GBPUSD
In futures at the CME, 1) GBPUSD trades in 62,500 Pounds = 1 lot … 2) minimum
tick is .0001 … 3) current margin is USD $2,400 per 1 lot … 4) round turn [RT]
commissions from an FCM is anywhere between $2 - $5 per 1 lot … there is also a
“micro futures contract”, where GBPUSD trades in $6,250 Pounds = 1 lot
… minimum tick is 0.0001 … current margin is 1/10th of the regular contract at
$240 … round turn commissions probably the same, maybe a hair lower, I dunno.
If you’re a U.S. resident or citizen, your trading activity in either futures contract
generates a 1099 sent to the IRS at the end of every year … your trading activity,
your positions, and everything you do in this account is monitored and tracked
by the U.S. government.
By contrast, let’s take a look at trading GBPUSD “spot rate” at PRIMEXBT
… 1) GBPUSD trades in any size you want, from 100 - 10,000,000 … you pick your
size, not the exchange … 2) minimum tick is 0.00001 … this is “tenths” of a PIP
… 3) current margin from 0 - 300,000 notional is 0.1% of notional, or 1,000X
leverage, so margin on a CME futures lot size 1 lot = about $81 versus $2,400
… 4) profits are automatically converted into BTC, the world’s most valuable
currency … 5) nobody reports anything to anybody, and your privacy, anonymity,
& security are preserved, not shared.
Are you kiddin’ me? … seriously taking a look at the above comparison, why
would anybody in their right mind trade futures? … “oh right, all of that good U.S.
regulation from the Treasury Dept., CME, NFA, & of course the august CFTC, that
makes sure [cough, bullshit, cough] everything is on the “up & up”, and that your
money is “safe & secure” inside a U.S. FCM [Futures Commission Merchant]
… that’s your argument”? … well, I got a very big list of the hundreds of
thousands of retail customers that got ROYALLY FUCKED by the above
regulators .. do Stotler, REFCO, & M.F. Global ring any bells? … well, if they
don’t, then you have no clue as to WTF you’re arguing for, cuz it’s a fact that a
lot of people got blindsided & burned, BY A TOTAL LACK OF REGULATORY
OVERSIGHT, and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost via fraud & deceit
… “care to tell me what these “regulators” were regulating when all this shit
happened”? … but sure, gloss over that minor detail, and tell me again how
wonderful the complete morons running U.S. regulatory agencies are, cuz I’m
sure it was just a “glitch” and won’t ever happen again.
Directly below, the volume figures from the CME for first, GBPUSD regular
futures, and underneath, the volume figures for their “micro futures contract”.
click on ANY chart or table to enlarge
I bet you didn’t know there were that many idiots still trading futures did you? It
simply astounds me there are those who 1) willingly throw money away for no
reason, 2) support a corrupt exchange, 3) mistakenly believe their accounts are
somehow “protected”, and 4) willingly allow every aspect of their trading be
made known to government … not to protect you, but to abuse you … this is
what I call “the idiocy of idiots”. So, if you fall into this category, pat yourself on
the back, but don’t sit there and attempt to win the logic argument from a
trading professional like me … you got no chance of winning this case.
Throw in the fact that PRIMEXBT has no KYC to open an account, and that profits
are converted to BTC in your account, and this is a trading income “no brainer”
… unless of course you think everybody in the world that trades “offshore” is
1) a terrorist of some kind or another, 2) a drug dealer, and/or 3) a child
pornographer or sex trafficer … using government logic, let’s ban everything
cuz a criminal could possibly use it … no, what’s got government’s “big girl
panties” bunched up is the fact they can’t control, see, or know what you’re
doing … and if they can’t do that, how are they gonna confiscate your wealth
someday when they need it? … you know, for the children and all that shit?
… but sure, go ahead and trust ‘em, cuz their track record the last 50 years has
been so amazingly honest & upright, and they’re here to serve & protect … yea,
run with that.
Before I get to today’s DOW30 action, 3 long trades via the Scalpers Algorithm
for GBPUSD in the “Traders Course” [TC] … directly below the trades in
chronological order.
All told, about 17 PIPS on the first trade, 8 PIPS on the 2nd trade, and about 6 on
the third trade … in all about 31 PIPS within an hour from the algorithm … all of
course made at PRIMEXBT under “prime” conditions … can you tell my what
initiated the buy signals? … what initiated the liquidations? … NO? … well, so
sorry for you!
Turning to today’s “Tulip Bulb 30” … more manipulation, so what else is new?
… this is truly fucking unreal … shit doesn’t trade anymore, that’s left to the very
few markets where actual buying/selling by market participants actually exist
… crypto, Cable, maybe crude oil, but the way crude is acting is very, very
suspicious … in any event, it sure as hell ain’t stocks or the stock indices … there
are only 2 buyers of stocks; 1) central banks via their “Plunge Protection Teams”
[PPT], and 2) corporate buybacks of their own stock, one of the biggest scams of
the 21rst century so far.
Today is a quadruple “witch day” in the stock indices … oh fun, oh joy … more
horseshit from the Wall Street crowd, where all day long pundits will talk about
“gamma”, as if they had any clue to what it actually means, but it makes them
sound smart to Schmucks who watch & listen to CNBC … who knows, maybe
we’ll get some trading … I can dream can’t I?
Well, that’s quite the Chipmunk feeding at the NYSE open … unreal … can there
be bigger dopes in existence than those that run mutual funds, ETF’s, or ETN’s?
… why yes, the bigger dopes who pile money into them every week / month and
hope for the best … all I can say is, good luck getting out when SHTF and pin
meets bubble.
Hearty congrats!, to the dopes who bought the NYSE open … I’m sure buying the
high everyday carries a great feeling of satisfaction with it, right? … is there no
end to this asset bubble that has no meaning? … this is a seriously gigantic
“shitshow circus” … this is not going to end well, I can assure you of that. And
now that the “Gamma Goons” have finished fucking up another expiration open,
we can all go back to making sure the CNTRL-P machine is humming along
without any problems … “I’m seriously starting to wonder if any sane person in
the world is actually attempting to trade U.S. indices futures anymore … if so,
somebody please leave the light on outside the mental institution so they can get
in safely for help”.
Even with the stock indices “gamma” bullshit over, there is no trading to speak
of … if you contrast & compare the difference in M1’s between GBPUSD & the
“Tulip Bulb 30”, you’ll see what I mean … one trades, the other doesn’t … plus a
big difference between the two is the spread and cost of trading, with Cable a
clear winner in that regard … is it any wonder liquidity in the SP500 futures
market is at a 7 year low? … if you love Ponzi schemes, you gotta love U.S.
stock indices & their BFF, the dolts in the faculty lounge at the FED … what a
I’m somewhat surprised by the decent range in Cable today … standing right
now at about 75 PIPS, given the fact it’s the Friday before Christmas Holiday,
and days next week will be like visiting the dentist, it’s surprisingly good … but
hey, that’s what real markets do when they get unleashed to trade like they’re
supposed to … in other words, instead of the heavy hand of the FED asshats,
and their overt manipulations, you got both bulls & bears in Cable, duking it out,
where only perceptions of “fear & greed” matter along with who’s caught long
or short and feeling the “cashew nuts” getting cracked!
And this is something that has always been around in true “markets” … not
the bullshit we currently see in the “manipulated beyond fucking belief markets”
like U.S. indices … and in that “right environment”, as I said yesterday, the only
thing that matters for a scalper [or day trader if you wish], is making money off
the VIX, cuz when you get it you can profit from it … “even the dumbest,
dimmist bulbs on the exchange floor understood this concept, and believe me
when I say there were plenty, and they either used this knowledge for profit, or
they went to work for Micky D’s slinging burgers”! … without markets that go
up/down, you don’t have a “market”, you have manipulated bullshit that when it
ends splatters shit everywhere … this time will be no different.
There was one final move in GBPUSD I want to highlight … directly below the
M1 … I didn’t take the trade, simply cuz after making about 31 PIPS in a 60 PIP
day range, and it being Friday, and it being the Friday before Christmas, 1) I
don’t want to get stuck in mindless chop, and 2) I’m perfectly satisfied to make
31 PIPS today … but in any event, the chart is instructive.
So, as before, do you know why the yellow arrow was a buy signal? … more
importantly, why are there multiple liquidation points? … well, to answer that,
you have to get the TC, but in brief, it’s cuz of the different styles and levels of
aggressiveness of individual scalpers … some are conservative, some are very
aggressive … no 2 are alike or share the same trading characteristics … that
being the case, how can you fit an algorithm “square peg” into a traders style
“round hole”, and expect to get good, profitable results for everybody? … well,
you can’t … and it has the added benefit of not having 10,000 scalpers hit the
market at exactly the same moment and skewing things as well … and don’t
discount or underestimate that important feature!
Noon in Gotham, and the manipulation horseshit in stock indices shows no signs
of letting up … just don’t let that pin anywhere near the stocks balloon is all … like
I said before, it’s very sad to see U.S. indices markets wrecked like this by a
feckless FED, hell bent on CNTRL-P ‘till the streets of every city are filled with
worthless paper, knee high to a cornstalk… when it all ends and there’s a
reckoning, these morons at the FED should be tried and imprisoned for their
reckless disregard of responsibility in ruining the countries currency & wealth
… and it’s not a question of “IF”, it’s only a question of “WHEN”. What you see
before you, is a complete travesty.
One algorithm buy signal in the DOW30 today … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM
UP 0.2%.
It wasn’t a very good signal, meaning one that I thought had great potential
… quite frankly, these tiny corrections up here in “manipulation heaven” scare
the shit out of me … I have had a very quick “trigger finger” on long positions
this week, as there is no real corrective behavior in stocks to be seen, unless it
comes in huge gaps lower, which I don’t care to get caught in, thank you
feckless FED manipulators … if this was a “real” market, my approach would be
quite different … the “Tulip Bulb 30” isn’t a real market in any kind of historical
definition you can give me … it’s manipulated bullshit, and when the back “6”
shows up, it’s gonna be ugly … and that “ugly” is gonna come with no warning
… and this is why I’m hesitant to HODL long positions … I’m simply treating
this mania as an income opportunity, pure and simple, and am happy the
algorithm allows me to do that, even on days like today where since the open
it’s been nothing but chop inside a 50 index point range
… what a pile of dinosaur shit.
Well another day, another dollar! … outta here a little early today, simply cuz
watching this manipulated horseshit in DOW30 is sickening, and with Europe
closed Cable looks to be done for the day as well … blog update on Sunday
… until then mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great weekend everybody!
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