“And the ChiComs laugh all the way to the frickin’ bank!”
Well, I said the other day how this would play out, so why should anybody be
surprised at the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, money laundering enterprise the
universe has ever seen or known? … “what’s the mystery here Skippy”? … and
along comes a “mystery headline” from “anonymous” sources, right at 4 AM
EST, from “fake news” King of the financial MSM world, Bloomberg, or as I call it
“Dumbberg”, and it’s up elevator about 150 DOW30 index points in seconds
… “China trade deal” of course, what else?
Is this legal?
And anybody with a bank account in Switzerland is laughing their collectives
asses into hysteria … and what the ChiComs are doing with SP500 futures is
nothing new … think Vlad & his KGB crew in the 80’s with gold, Kim Jung
Whatever and his family going back further than that in other markets, and now
the ChiComs with the brand new currency of choice, the “China trade deal”
… did I not predict right here, that once Trump bludgeoned markets lower with
some comments & tweets, that it would only be hours before somebody would
hit the microphones, go on CNBC, or otherwise say the exact opposite and we’d
be skyward within seconds? … all of course, AFTER the ChiComs loaded up on
SP500 futures contracts much, much lower … and all the while you thought
these guys were just a bunch of Commie dopes?
No, the “dopes”, or a better description is the Chumps at the poker table, are the
short sellers who refuse to open their fucking eyes to the FACT that U.S. stock
indices are an “88/6/6” paradigm … up 88% of the time, sideways 6% of the time,
and down 6% of the time … and that “markets” [if you can keep a straight face
while uttering that to yourself] are being played like a violin by the manipulators
for big chunks of coin … so sorry, you lose, we win”! … the latest
iteration #6, 987, 567 just like the previous ones … all the while every technical
indicator known to man is screaming sell signal, only it’s a fool’s errand … and
in case you didn’t know it, the scumbag LP banks computer systems FADE your
technical indicators at almost every turn … just like a casino, they let you win
enough to keep you around so you can dump more money into their rotten,
corrupt, manipulative system for their benefit and your loss … did you get your
free buffet meal yet?
In other words, it’s the “Reverse Comex Con Game” being played out in stocks,
just the opposite of what happens almost daily in gold … only the stock indices
game is better rigged, better manipulated, has deeper pockets doing the
manipulation .. throw in the POLS & Apparatchiks from around the world,
Commie or no, and it’s an interesting mix of thugs, liars, scumbags, dictators,
wannabes, and mistress’s begging for more money … in other words, the world’s
biggest Ponzi scheme … so far, the FED’s “NOT QE”, from a few weeks ago, has
pumped in over $300+ Billion into the pockets of scumbag Wall Street banks,
via pre-arranged Treasury debt buy backs … the kind of “deal” deal where if it
happened in the real world, you’d be in jail … not here, though, it’s biz as usual.
One has to wonder about these “coincidental” headlines, and who’s getting
money under the table … of course, nothing is ever done cuz nobody in power
wants to see it stop … everybody gets a “cut”, even the regulators who are too
busy watching midget porn 7+ hours a day [congressional GAO report] get
theirs … is it any wonder why traders everywhere are abandoning traditional
markets, and why they head over to crypto? … say whatever you want, these
markets are ridiculously manipulated beyond belief by POLS & Apparatchiks
… my algorithms, especially the M1 Scalpers Algorithms, attempt to piggyback
the manipulations in the DOW30 [can also be used in the SP500 & NDX100], and
have a very high statistical probability of success for profit … quite frankly,
IMHO it’s the only way to “trade” anymore … anything and everything else is
simply a “coin flip”, and I ain’t here to flip fucking coins!
Ok, so today the ChiCom leadership, and God knows who else in the loop,
make a quick few million off “Yankee Gringos”, and one of three things has
happened, or maybe all of ‘em; 1) mistress funds get replenished, 2) Swiss bank
accounts get padded, and/or 3) some crypto gets bought and HODL’ed … nice
work if you can get it … “feel played yet”?
Crypto again today very quiet … near the open of the European session, BTC
saw a spike higher … am wondering if this is whole or part of the “ChiCom loot”
from the SP500 manipulative scam perpetrated over the last 24 hours? … you
think this is a “coincidence”? … I surely don’t, and only serves to prove my
premise regarding 2 things; 1) there are NO coincidences when it comes to
manipulation and money, and 2) the people at the top aren’t stupid or do
“stupid shit” … they cover their tracks when it comes to money … they might
have been “buds” with assclowns like Epstein, but when it comes to money,
there aren’t any holes anybody is gonna be able to crawl through and find the
truth … so yea, the spurt in BTC at the European open is more than likely ill
gotten gains from the manipulation seen over the last 24 hours … it all makes so
very much sense when you look at the bigger picture and realize the world is
about one thing and one thing only … MONEY.
And as we head for the May 2020 “halving” of BTC, which by the way means
BTC “miners”, those that do the “proof of work” for verifying block chain
transactions in 250,000 transaction bundles, are going to see their “pay” from
the BTC system get cut in half … same work, half the pay … this will result in
BTC inflation permanently going under 2%, and will result for the first time in
BTC having less inflation than the U.S. Dollar, ultimately headed towards ZERO
in about 100 years … taking into consideration that there can only ever be
21,000,000 BTC coins, and that approximately 5 million are for miners or have
been totally lost, that leaves a total potential “float” of about 16 million BTC coins
for the entire world … of that 16 million, how many are being HODL’ed and won’t
be sold until we reach some historic figure like $1 million per coin?
Directly below, a chart that pretty much tells the BTC story … total transactions in
BTC since inception … does this chart look like it’s slowing down?
click on chart to enlarge
Source for chart is at https://www.blockchain.com/en/charts
I have no idea where BTC goes in the next 10 - 30 years, but I’d bet “bigly & yuge”
it’ll be better than holding fiat Dollars, in terms of purchasing power … it’s a very
big bet against central banks & government, and it’s where the world is headed,
whether you like it or not … for sure, governments hate the idea of losing control,
but the horse is outta the barn, and there isn’t a “Hoover Dam” thing they can do
about it … oh sure, they can make it “illegal”, but all that does is make everybody
a felon, while the rest of the world adopts it and gains … “Is it legal?”
… Bwahahaha … I literally can’t even, it’s so fucking funny! … so, given the
opportunity to hold my account trading balance in BTC, I’ll do that over Dollars
any day of the week, come hell or high water.
Quite frankly, I don’t care about BTC volatility, cuz IMHO it’s digital gold .., it
proves that every “Hoover Dam” day, by being the world’s most valuable
currency … and when SHTF in ‘Murica sometime in 2024 cuz every dollar
borrowed will go to pay interest on the national debt, if you’re one day too late
when the panic starts, who the hell knows where price will be … just another
reason to be at PRIMEXBT … open an account & fund it, let me know via email,
and I’ll send you the “Traders Course” [TC] for FREE … it’s worth a helluva lot
more than $60, but my purpose isn’t to charge for what I know, my purpose is
to get rid of “tire kickers” and “wannabes” who waste my time … too many
people who are serious about trading and want to make shiploads of money to
change their financial life … it’s a “karma thing” …, I give back cuz my mentor
Bert gave me 3 years of his life back in the day when he didn’t have to, but did
anyway … what prison I’d be in if not for him I don’t know cuz he changed my
life … all he ever asked was that someday I do the same if I could … well, I can
… just remember, we’re all “grasshopper” to somebody who taught us!
Well, so much for the “quiet” BTC … and just like that, as the New York session
wanders in after yesterday’s scam, BTC goes up $500 in 11 minutes … another
coincidence, as those in the loop put some “lollipops” from yesterday into
BTC? … uh huh, sure, tell me ‘bout it … how it’s the “free market” at work with
buyers & sellers meeting to do biz … stop it, my sides are hurting from laughing.
Ah yes, the Dow Jones Propaganda Index 30 … “Everything Is F-ing Awesome,
Baby!” … never mind severely weak ISM & ADP job growth … nah, probably
nothing, don’tchathink? … Manipulation futures limit up again today … who
could have ever seen this coming? … and the world is happy cuz the ChiComs
got their SP500 futures buys at much lower levels, and now all we’re waiting for
is Kudlow on CNBC … Bueller? … Bueller? … hmm, still can’t find the guy … no
matter, there’s plenty of other Apparatchiks, willing and able to do some bullshit
stock bidding for future job opportunities at TBTF & TBTJ scumbag banks, at a
date to be named later.
So while the manipulators manipulate, cuz that’s their job, some eye watering
algorithm buy signals this morning in BTC & crude oil … quite frankly, it doesn’t
get any better than this … those that have the “Traders Course” [TC] know this,
and if you don’t have it, well it’s your problem not mine … “I can lead a horse to
water, but I can’t make him drink”.
And as the day starts, same old same old … shorts get killed, and despite data
that stinks like a huge pile of dinosaur shit for stocks, that doesn’t matter in the
least cuz STFU and buy MOAR! … and STFU even MOAR MOAR!, cuz
“Dumbberg” has an unnamed source that say the “China trade deal” is good
again, and President Trump weighed in and says things “look good” … who
you gonna believe? … your lyin’ eyes or the tape?
One thing I will say about BTC trading, you absolutely cannot buy rallies and
expect to make money … you have to follow M1 Scalpers Algorithm signals, and
use spikes to liquidate at the best price … I’m talking about trading here, not
HODLing … and vice versa holds as well for being short … do “stupid shit” in
this arena, and get carried out toes up.
Late morning in Gotham, and it’s the predictable “protect & defend” the gains
from in the wee hours on bullshit … no matter the U.S. is sinking into an
economic abyss, who gives a shit about that? … fact is, the ChiComs got futures
to offload up here, and it could take some time, OR they’re looking for further
gains on positions that didn’t go to fund the mistress accounts … you know a
little for the guys in charge who are boss … quite frankly, trading conditions are
a bucket of stinking shit … but hey, it’s early yet.
Meanwhile over in BTC again, another great algo buy signal I took for about
$30 … the entry and liquidation textbook perfect … TC traders know this
… everything is in chapter 8 … but I understand, you’re an FX trader or some
such shit as that … well, take a look at FX VIX [record lows since the 1970’s] and
then get back to me.
Afternoon in Gotham, and quite frankly I’d bet there’s more action in a Mormon
strip club than in the DOW30 … what utter bullshit for trading .. calling this a
“market” is an egregious disservice to any resemblance to a real market
… welcome to the money laundering Ponzi scheme known as the NYSE … M1
trading action so pathetic, I practically need a microscope to see the ranges
… from near zero VIX, to bat shit crazy, now back to near zero, within 36 hours
… what a great world we live in, right? … if I want to get manipulated, I’ll go to a
chiropractor, thanks … what a complete bag of shit this stuff has become
… seriously, you have no idea from back in the day before government
This entire day, from 4 A.M. EST ruined by manipulators … thanks assholes
… simply nothing to do when there’s nothing to do … when intraday VIX
collapses, it becomes nothing more than a coin flip … hopefully tomorrow will
be better, and that doesn’t mean it has to be bat shit crazy, but some action
would be nice, instead of either extreme … who knows, but bet on the fact the
manipulators will be out in force again overnight, and leaving “vapors” trails in
their wake … I’ll pick it up again tomorrow early … I can’t take another second
of watching this shit, or my head explodes … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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