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Tuesday, June 30, 2020


“Understand it, or the lack of it, or it kills you!”

You can’t make money trading with no IVIX [intraday volatility] … and so few of
you reading this have any clue how important it actually is … you spend
countless hours analyzing “price”, but without proper IVIX, it’s all meaningless
… and in today’s different piles of manipulated horseshit, a/k/a “markets”, or
what’s left of them, our options to trade anything meaningful grow smaller by the
month … FX most days a complete boring mess … gold a joke cuz of the
“traders tax” being shoved down our throats … “Stock Bellies” offer opportunity,
but the risks are exponential … and it all hinges on manipulator’s control over

Most days, they still control FX, including gold, but the “Genie” is out of the bottle
in “Stock Bellies”, and IMHO she isn’t going back in anytime soon … and as I
have said before, it’s a “negative feedback loop”, where the more things go out of
control, bat shit crazy, the more they become bat shit crazy cuz liquidity &
volumes shrink … over the last few years, each crisis gets worse, the FED’s
response gets more insane, and markets thus react more violently … there comes
a point, when the “gig” is up.

Your trading model must address IVIX, and you had better understand its
“limitations”, or they carry your ass out toes up … most of you follow indicators
and rely on shit the banks have made famous for “fading” … feel manipulated yet?
… does your model have “real time” indicators that can’t be manipulated by
anyone, or does it just rely on “lagging” bullshit, which is like driving a car via
the rear view mirror? … “it’s all champagne & strawberries until you hit that first
curve at high speed, and then can’t figure out why 30% of your capital is gone”.

Today is end of quarter … the Asian session dead, meaning the “Chuckleheads”
checks haven’t cleared yet … Europe comatose as usual lately, wanting no part
in anything except “chop” … and again, as I wrote about days ago with Bank of
America head FX “pooh bah”, lamenting the fact nothing means nothing anymore
except what the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT] does with U.S. stocks, how can
you trade FX when nothing means anything anymore? … bottom line? … nothing in
FX will move today until “Stock Bellies” decide to go one way or the other after
the NYSE session opens … “Yup, fucking pathetic … this is what you get with
government intervention in everything, as normal markets are bastardized into
“zombie” piles of shit that only attract flies”!

There’s a reason I trade at PRIMEXBT and why I’m starting a PAMM program there,
with or without reader support … it’s called “instantaneous fills with no slippage,
tight bid/offer spreads, and acceptable round turn commissions”, where the
priceless trading algorithm can “do it’s thing” and money flows like water from a
spring … that’s the cupcake … the icing on this cupcake is everything else
PRIMEXBT offers … NO KYC [privacy, security, anonymity], lowest margins
anywhere, account balance in the world’s most valuable currency Bitcoin
[BTCUSD], and availability & diversity of markets I can trade.

There’s a reason the trading algorithm is priced very high [currently 0.10 BTCUSD,
but will go much higher shortly] … “I don’t really want you to have it, and in order
for you to get it, pay up if you’re serious … otherwise, go chase a moving average
crossover”! … thousands of hours put into its development, and most of you
despite it’s brilliance, would only fuck it up with useless bullshit from losing
strategies anyway … and what you learn when you’re in this “great game” of
trading, is that when you give away ideas for free or very little cost, you attract
the absolute worst elements of human nature.

And despite having said that, it can all be “taken away” by the banks with their
“robbery schemes” they institute daily … when they front run corporate orders,
and their illegal prop desks spike the market … the complete bullshit “mystery
ticks” on bid/offers … and of course, the “slippage meter” getting set on their
HAL9000 computer systems, where every market order gets mugged, then raped,
and you get your fill off the market by a not insignificant amount … and the
bigger your volumes, the more important it is to minimize this “highway robbery”
and put an end to it … and unless you have the ability to get fills like you want
[instantaneous], the scumbag LP banks are guaranteed to rip your head off and
shit down your throat AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.

And while I don’t know this for 100% certainty, my guess is PRIMEXBT has no
American banks on their “liquidity provider” list … and in fact, also uses the 3
largest hedge funds and/or HFT’s on earth [BlackRock, Citadel, & Virtu] as LP’s
… with nanosecond capabilities, filling orders in a handful of milliseconds for
brokerage house accounts is child’s play … but for us, it’s 50X - 80X+ FASTER
than shitbox houses that could care less the LP’s are holding your order to screw
it … “shall I mention names, or do you get the drift”? And nowhere is this more
important than in today’s manipulated markets … it’s the scumbag banks major
source of income, and quite frankly I don’t want to contribute!

Sure, if everyday FX pairs had consistent 100+ PIP ranges, and IVIX was stable at
higher levels, most people could overlook the stealing the banks do … BUT WE
DON’T HAVE THESE CONDITIONS, at least not consistently in FX … it’s 160 PIPS
one day, and 55 the next … only in “Stock Bellies” do you get the kind of IVIX, FX
needs to see on a daily basis … but in order to be there, you need “bullet proof”
risk control … I can get that at PRIMEXBT, but I can’t get that at COINEXX OR
TURNKEY … and if you’re paying a high price to trade anything in the crypto
space, these last 2 weeks of “nothing burger ranges”, it’s gonna  hurt … throw in
terrible IVIX lately in GBPUSD, and given what I have just written about, it
shouldn’t be any mystery why the trading algorithm hasn’t done much or
returned much in Cable over the last few weeks … what good does it do if it
moves while you’re asleep and puts in a decent range, then you come along and
turn your screen on and it’s “death on a stick” for the next 9 hours, muddling
about in worthless bullshit chop? … or it moves at the “speed of light” and you’re
either forced to do nothing or buy rallies and/or sell breaks? … yea, no thanks.

So here we are, the last day of Q2 2020, and 15+ hours into the day Cable doesn’t
even have a 60 PIP range … so far, another bucket of shit trading day in FX … ho
hum, nothing unusual about that … but then “Stock Bellies” open and it’s a whole
different story, cuz now FX wakes up and from near the low, it’s a straight up the
fucking wall ramp that leaves no prisoners … no algo buy signals cuz there aren’t
any corrections, and “no Skippy 6 - 8 PIPS isn’t a correction … nobody knows why,
but I can tell you why … quarter end flows that made institutions around the world
scramble on the last day of the quarter and banks made them pay up as all of their
shit got front runned … and of course once it’s done, goodbye & goodnight cuz
there won’t be any more the rest of the day cuz it’s “sleepfest” time with the
criminal New York banks … welcome to FX.

Meanwhile, unless something happens towards the NYSE close, the DOW30 set to
have its worst range day since February 19, a full 60% under it’s 20 Day Range MA
… “Stock Bellies” not participating in the FX buy orgasm for fiat … and so I’m left
sitting here and just chuckling, cuz if you don’t laugh at all of this manipulative
horseshit, it will drive you insane with rage.

No trades today in the TURNKEY PAMM / MAM.

No trades cuz no signals … before the NYSE open, Cable hadn’t even hit my
minimum threshold for market IVIX before I trade it … once stocks opened, it’s a
flat out race to the top for the next 90 minutes into the European close, and the
last hour pure chop bullshit … there’s the day … and unless you buy rallies, you
sit … I don’t buy rallies.

Again today, while waiting for Cable to do somethin, I traded the DOW30 at
PRIMEXBT… bid/offer spread excellent, and the commissions a “tad” high, but the
way this puppy moves, and the range it usually puts in, fractions of an index point
or even 1 - 2 index points isn’t gonna make any difference … at Turnkey you’d
suffer that in MINIMUM slippage guaranteed, so what’s the difference really, you’re
still better off? … and once the PAMM is up and running, I’ll be trading some
DOW30 cuz I can manage risk at PRIMEXBT, cuz It’s a pure PAMM, and I don’t have
to worry about trade allocation with small accounts.

Outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


Monday, June 29, 2020


“Hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help!”

If you didn’t know better, you’d think you were stuck in a Leni Riefenstahl movie
from which you can’t escape … “freedom = slavery …  work sets you free …  all
animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. And
nowhere is this equality more FUBAR than modern day financial derivatives
trading, where central bank manipulators led by the FED, and directed by their
BFF, the scumbag LP banks, control every aspect of “horizontal” & “vertical”
markets … nothing moves without their “say so”, and it’s simply a giant “skim”
operation to fleece markets, or what’s left of them.

Today sees GBPUSD come under the microscope, and once the “Chuckleheads”
in Asia got fleeced, and then puked in the last hour into the European open, it
was all “Thelma & Louise” after that all the way to the London closing fix at
11 AM EST … take your pick … CHICOM WUHAN KUNG FU FLU “re-opening”
shutdowns in various U.K. places, multi-month highs in EURGBP that put
pressure on Cable, on an inept government that can’t shoot straight and would
be better run by a basket of retarded kittens … and of course, the banks are
there to help the way lower.

Two algorithm buy signals today in GBPUSD … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP

Isn’t it amazing, that my piddly orders cause Cable to spike higher just as I’m
entering a buy order, on nothing but a straight down move … amazing
coincidence … what a bunch of fucking thieves & crooks they got filling orders
is all I’m gonna say.

And while waiting for Cable to do something between “lightning strikes” and
hours of diddling around and going nowhere, I traded for my own account the
DOW30 at PRIMEXBT … “IF” I had done it at Turnkey, only God knows where the
frickin’ fills would have been … instead, I trade the DOW30 with ZERO spread,
pay only commissions which are a “tad” high, but with the way it moves from
minute to panic minute, covering commissions isn’t a problem at all
… algorithm performs exceptionally well when I have an honest broker giving
me instantaneous fills and no slippage, compared to the bucket shop thieves
known as “liquidity providers” at Turnkey … difference of night and day, and by
the way it’s the same with Cable and everything else.

Outta here … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!


Sunday, June 28, 2020


“Don’t “half ass” anything … use your FULL ASS!”

PRIMEXBT calls it “Covesting”, but in reality it’s simply a pure PAMM
[Percentage Allocation Money Management] module … all investors monies are
pooled into a master account which I trade, but I have no access or authority to
deposit / withdraw … all I can do is trade … the brokerage house guarantees
100% client control over their money … and as I have stated before many times,
but in case you are new here, there is NO KYC to open an account at PRIMEXBT
cuz all you need is an email address, and either trade for yourself or invest in
the PAMM [Covesting module] … deposits / withdrawals FOR ALL ACCOUNTS
are via Bitcoin [BTCUSD], so you NEED BITCOIN … so before we get started
today, let me lay the foundation of what is absolutely necessary to be “trading
online”, in today’s world of nanny government & Orwell’s 1984.

First, you need to ditch Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser … Firefox or
some others are OK, but they are a hassle to customize for privacy … I use
“Brave”, which is ad free, blocks 3rd party snooping like “ad trackers”, and is
built on the Chrome architecture so you can download the vast library of
“extensions” that work on Chrome from Google but work on Brave … inside the
Brave browser is an option to open a private “TOR” [The Onion Router] browser
page, which is already prefigured to use, for MAX privacy on the internet if
you’re that paranoid … Second, you need an excellent 1) private, 2) encrypted,
and 3) totally anonymous email address for secure email use … if you use
Microsoft Hotmail, Google Gmail, or Yahoo email services, you might as well
post every email in the public square and then send a copy to the CIA, NSA, FBI,
and every other alphabet soup agency in the world, cuz they all have AI software
that scans every message sent … I use “Proton mail” out of Switzerland, and I
love it … it’s FREE [] … or use another if you wish … Third, you
need an excellent VPN [virtual private network], that does the following: 1) strips
ALL IDENTIFYING INFO ABOUT YOU while you're on the web, 2) allows you to be
in multiple dozens of locations around the world at your choosing, and 3) works
wonderfully with streaming video services and trading platforms … I use
“TorGuard “ [] and recommend it highly, and it works great with
videos, movies, and trading platforms … or use another if your wish … use the
promo code “50FORLIFEBUNDLE” [without the quote marks] and get 50% off the
usual $59.99 price for 1 year, and only pay $29.99 … use Bitcoin for payment and
you’re up and running in less than a minute with complete 100% anonymous
service, and it supports up to 8 devices in your family all on the same account.

OK, now for the next step … you need Bitcoin … and if you don’t have any you
need to “get some”, cuz without it you go nowhere … and if all of this is
“Klingon” to you, then you really need to bring yourself “up to speed” in the
21st century and get with the program … the world is moving at light speed
towards crypto and away from banks … the U.S. [of course] being in last place
cuz of nanny government and the FED, and it has put many a U.S. citizen behind
the proverbial “8-ball” … I know pretty much everybody outside the U.S. uses
crypto already, so nothing more needs to be said … but for those unfortunate
enough to be “stuck” inside the “plantation” of the U.S., if you need crypto open
an account at Coinbase or Gemini, or Kraken, go through the bullshit of all of
their KYC cuz as we all know, everybody in the U.S. is Pablo Escobar in hiding,
and get some Bitcoin for dollars … your Bitcoin is then put into an e-wallet, and
either leave it at the crypto exchange or send it to an anonymous e-wallet for
better safekeeping … I use the “Monarch” e-wallet for personal use
[] and it is completely ANONYMOUS, PRIVATE, & SECURE
[apps for windows laptop, android or Apple phone] … it’s your call, do what you
think is best! ... OK, now that everybody is on the same “page”, I can move onto
the next step.

Here are all of the fees and other information that is pertinent for the program,
followed by the full steps you need to take to be a part of the PRIMEXBT PAMM,
or “Covesting” module.

The fees for participation and the appropriate explanations & information
regarding them … 1) Minimum participation in the PAMM is 0.001 BTC, which as
I write is about $9.02 … there is NO MAX LIMIT, so put in whatever you wish to
have managed … don’t even start with me if you can’t meet this threshold, cuz
I’m not interested in your life underneath the interstate highway bridge living in a
cardboard box … every single person reading this SHOULD BE IN THIS PAMM
… as I stated on Friday’s blog post, I WANT the highest participation of people
humanly possible AT THE START OF TRADING … I’m not shy about this cuz
there’s no reason to be … within a short period of time, I will be the highest
profile manager in their program, not only with the best returns, but with the
most people as well … people from all walks of life with varying amounts of
money, and mass public appeal attracts MOAR! people to the program, simple as
that … and that benefits not just me, but EVERYBODY!

Second [2], my incentive fee for managing your funds is ONLY 8% … that’s right,
8%! … of course, there is NO management fee … there isn’t another legit money
manager you can find that is this low … here are some reasons for this: 1) we
earn in BTCUSD [out to 9 decimal places, which means to the hundredth of a
penny when BTC is 10K or over, and thousandths of a penny when BTC is under
10K], and everything I earn will increase in value over time as BTC increases in
value … and I want you to keep as much as possible, and 2) my own money is in
this, so when I trade I don’t look at the master pooled account as “customer
money”, I look at it as my own, so I’m not doing anything different than I would
if I was trading my personal account … that translates to lower fees.

Third [3], every participant must pay upfront a 0.0025 BTC front end load fee
… now, before your “big girl panties” get bunched up and your “outrage meter”
heads North, listen up … this 0.0025 BTC load fee [currently as I write about
$22.50] is a “ONE TIME FEE” ONLY … no matter what you place into the PAMM
initially, the amount is the same … put in $1,000 of BTC and it’s the same as if
you put in $10 … all further deposits and there is no load fee, cuz as I said it’s
“one time”.

So why the “load fee”? … simple … producing digital content, web hosting,
marketing costs over & above what PRIMEXBT does for free, among other
reasons, and I’m not bearing the TOTAL cost of running this “PAMM Enterprise”
alone! … other fund participants [you] need to “chip in” a very minimal amount
and take some of the expense of what I will be providing in the future … you get
this back to you in “spades” many times over, via a HEFTY lower incentive fee
… so you get “paid back” amply.

For example, I don’t know how much longer this website will be available on the
free Google “blogspot” platform … non PC “woke” content upsets the snowflake
SJW’s sitting in Silicon Valley, and at a moment's notice I could be
“de-platformed” and shut down with no warning … I used to host the website on
SquareSpace, but they are another super snowflake Libtard outfit and their
procedures for posting were a frickin’ nightmare, and everytime I had a problem
[like every day], they were more interested in my “feelings” than in solving my
current problem … and they were expensive … so currently, I’m looking for non
U.S. hosting providers that make sense, and that costs money … once the
PRIMEXBT PAMM is up & running, I’ll be exploring posting video content on
NON Big Tech Nazi platforms! … NO Google YouTube, NO TWITTER, and NO
FACEBOOK … and again, joining these alternative platforms that promote FREE
SPEECH and whatever digital content you want to provide, costs money over &
above the Freebies they offer … sure, I don’t mind paying my share and a
decent size of the expense, but I’m NOT a “Chump” either … and if somebody
has a problem with this, then fine, don’t sign up and join … it’s not like I’m
asking for an “arm & leg” or your first born child … spread out over what I hope
to be many, many anonymous participants everything becomes manageable,
with great content, and the lower incentive fee gives it back to you quickly! 

And if nobody agrees with me, and I have to create, fund, and then run the PAMM
with just me & the dog [he is sooooo demanding], then everybody gets to join
the PAMM later with a 22% incentive fee, and the blog sites get shut down with
me publishing nothing going forward, cuz what’s the point? … am I just here to
“flap my gums” and provide cheap entertainment? … cuz quite frankly, I ain’t
got time for that, find something else for “jollies, shits & giggles”, I’m
attempting to make more money and bring serious traders along with me for
the ride.

So, you either “get it” or you don’t … and if you don’t, and come to the
conclusion I’m full of shit, then fine … my “big girl panties” are just fine and
ain’t bunched up … have a wonderful life and all the best! … the world is too big
of a place, and the trading world is changing too fast, to worry about
malcontents and their issues living in the 1950’s.

I haven’t decided upon a fund name, nor have I created the PAMM just yet … when
I do here shortly, I’ll inform all of you through my daily blog post, and literally
within 24 hours it’s up & running … but ASSUMING you already have 1) the
proper email account described earlier, 2) are using a VPN for safety, security,
privacy, & anonymity, and most importantly 3) have some Bitcoin in an e-wallet
somewhere, here are the steps to take to join the PRIMEXBT PAMM [Covesting

First [Step 1], before you do anything, you need to send 0.0025 BTC to my Bitcoin
e-wallet address listed in the header of the website … [step 2] right after that, 
email me at and tell me you’ve just sent the Bitcoin AND that
the email you’re using to inform me of this is the email account you will be using
to sign up for our “Covesting module” at PRIMEXBT … if you already have a
PRIMEXBT account, simply tell me you’ve sent the Bitcoin and what your
PRIMEXBT email address is for the account … in either case, if you don’t send
the Bitcoin first, don’t bother with the email … [step 3] especially if you LIVE IN
the U.S. OR North Korea, use your VPN and be anywhere OUTSIDE either
country, get on the web and use the PRIMEXBT affiliate link in the header of this
website and sign up … pretty much every brokerage house in existence, tracks
your IP address when logging into your account … upon forming a PRIMEXBT
ACCOUNT, every time you log into your trading platform, your email account of
record will be sent an email informing you of the IP address login from your
country of use from what their computer systems are showing, and obviously
you don’t want to show either utopian paradise of the U.S. or North Korea simply
cuz in the future it could cause some trading issues you don’t need … so to
repeat, use the link for PRIMEXBT in the website header, and sign up for a
PRIMEXBT ACCOUNT via my affiliate link … use your private email address as
your “official” account email address … [step 4] deposit Bitcoin into your
PRIMEXBT wallet address, which is yours and they create for you at sign up,
from any existing Bitcoin e-wallet you currently have … at least place into the
wallet what you want managed in the PAMM … [step 5] when I announce the
PAMM is created on the blog, use my instructions then and place your BTC into
the fund … pretty easy & straightforward.

As fund manager, I have a listing of all of the email addresses of those in the
“Covesting” module … when a person wants to join the PAMM and place funds
into it in any amount of 0.001 BTC or higher, I as manager have the option to
accept OR DENY the funds … so, anybody that attempts to join without FIRST
prepaying the “one time” load fee to minimally share some of the expenses, and
I don’t recognize the email address cuz it never emailed me and told me BTC
was sent to me, doesn’t get in the fund, simple as that … of course, once in the
fund, you’re free to deposit MOAR! and there is no further fees EVER except the
incentive fee going forward at 8% … everybody wins under this scenario!

Now, I’m going to leave the “window” open for joining our initial group, to no
later than Sunday, July 19, 2020 … that’s 3 weeks from today … I fully realize
that sometimes it takes more than a few days to get these idiotic U.S. crypto
exchanges for people to finally be able to buy some Bitcoin if they live in the U.S.
… and if you’re new to the exchange, which let’s face it you need to do anyway
cuz it’s about time, it may take more time than anybody else on the planet
… however, if I get the kind of response to the PAMM I’m expecting, and you
respond today, tomorrow, or early this upcoming week, I’ll create & open the
PAMM ASAP, and going forward everybody who signs up is in the same boat
… it all depends on YOU the reader … if you “fiddle fuck” around and put it off
to the last minute, and we get to July 19 and it’s “Mr. Slim Pickens” from my
perspective, that Sunday will be the last blog you’ll see cuz I’ll shut everything
down … money talks, bullshit walks … under that disappointing scenario, the
PRIMEXBT PAMM will go forward, and those signed up will enjoy 8% fees, but the
rules change for everybody else going forward from July 19, and if they want in
it’s gonna cost them a 22% incentive fee on profits cuz I have to pay for
everything … so, support me or don’t it’s up to you, but this is peanuts … with
the quality of the trading platform, NO KYC, everything in BTC, ease of use with
deposit / withdrawals, range of markets with superb trading conditions, fastest
fills on Earth, I’ve finally got what I believe to be the closest thing to “trading
floor” conditions I’ve always wanted, but up to now have never gotten … and
sad to say, the promises from Turnkey these last 3 years are nothing but bullshit
layered upon lies, and they’ve NEVER delivered … PRIMEXBT delivers!

So, if you need to get your ass in gear for some Bitcoin, then get it in gear, and if
you’re ready to go, take care of the steps NOW, cuz the sooner I know current
expenses can be partially funded, along with reader participation, the sooner
before July 19 I create the fund and I’m trading it … so if you want to participate,
you’ve got Bitcoin in a wallet, do it NOW so we can get going … and if none of
this makes any sense to you, and I don’t get reader support & participation,
coming out the other end after the PAMM is up & running, and with the blogs
shut down, the digital content that gets produced later is gonna cost you to
access it.

And of course, what comes with “floor conditions” is profits, so it’s not like your
handing me free money, and I’m some Grifter looking for a handout in front of
WalMart … as I said, everybody wins in the scenario I’ve laid out, and that’s why
I’ve structured it the way I have … “you want daily blogs? … you want charts &
stats? … you want future digital content via video & podcasts? … OK, then help
me to continue to provide it without me paying 100% of the freight! … do you
work for FREE? … NO? … WHY NOT”? … but no matter, cuz under any scenario
I’m gonna be OK … the real question is what YOU win, and if I’m forced to go the
route I don’t want to, I’ll still be OK, but you won’t cuz you will pay a lot more.

Sure, I could do something like “Patreon”, but I don’t need ongoing monthly
support … expenses aren’t that big, but they’re big enough I don’t want to bear
the initial full cost, just to provide you with shiploads of money … I can trade
my own funds and nothing costs me a penny! 

One final thought about the PRIMEXBT PAMM [Covesting module] … you can
always put in more in the future at no charge, and quite frankly by having my
incentive fee at 8%, I’m paying YOU well into the future for a measly 0.0025 BTC
up front … if people simply put $250 worth of Bitcoin into the fund at present
BTC price, and not even factoring in BTC price appreciation, which by the way
makes every profitable trade more valuable in the future, WITHIN 5 YEARS,
given my MINIMUM  expectations of good markets, average markets, and shit

I look forward to your participation! … do us ALL a favor and act!

Directly below, this week’s “FX & CRYPTO VIX MATRIX TABLE”, followed by the
20 Day Range MA charts for selected markets.

click on ANY table or chart to enlarge







Onto another exciting week of “Lottery Flu” numbers pulled out of some
Apparatchik’s ass, where the entire trading world is either in a full fledged panic
sell mode cuz we’re all gonna die, or the numbers ease and euphoria returns and
let the mini melt up commence … FUBAR top to bottom … and since every
market has their eyes glued onto the SP500 for clues, we’re all simply SP500
traders whether you like it or not! … thanks FED!

… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!
