“It’s come down to idiot POLS like this!”
It started with the assassination of JFK in 1963, and “Murica has never been the
same since … quite frankly, it really started in 1913, with the introduction of the
income tax & the FED, and got briefly interrupted via two world wars … but where
it really began to go parabolic “down the rat hole” was in ‘63 … ‘Murica found out
pretty quickly the “fix” was in with a government cover up, and then within a very
short period of time society began to unravel, and travel down the road to
suicidal insanity we have now.
Corrupt, immoral, and feckless POLS & Apparatchiks from both political parties,
while enriching themselves & their cronies, all the while the standard of living for
the middle class going ever lower since about the time JFK met his end … EXIT
QUESTION: “what city in the U.S. had the HIGHEST PER CAPITA INCOME
according to the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960”? … Bueller? … Bueller? … well, it
was Detroit, Michigan … how does Detroit look now after 60 years of blue Libtard
robbery & pillage by POL bloodsuckers & parasites”? … how come ALL of these
“bluer than blue” Liberal bastions of Utopia are now up in flames?
Society is sick … we need one more “ism”, like the average Joe needs a
hemorrhoid the size of a baseball bat … where’s the “family”, where’s religion,
where is the sense of community morality? … where is it? … “it’s down the
shithole of “Progressive-ISM”, that has seen the political class get rich along
with their capitalist cronies, and everything else replaced with big government
handouts ... and the inmates are a little pissed off right now”!
So where’s Obama hiding? … we had 8 years of his bullshit, and to hear Libtards
talk, history started in January 2017 … meanwhile, where are MJ, Tiger, LeBron,
and all of the Hollywood hypocrites who do nothing but “virtue signal”? … yea,
they’re out on their yachts watching & tweeting … oh boy, what leadership!
… but as sure as I’m sitting here, buffoons like Sharpton & others will be race
baiting and then looking for the next government handout or gig on MSNBC
… remember, never let a crisis go to waste, especially if you can line your pocket
at other peoples misery & expense … so while they get richer, the useful idiot
dope rioting gets thrown in the slammer … “yes, ‘Murica is filled to the brim with
Sheeple who keep sending Grifters back to D.C. every 2, 4, or 6 years and
expecting a different result … you get what you deserve”!
And nowhere does “disconnected from reality” appear more than in what used to
be called “financial markets”, but which NOW are nothing more than Ponzi
schemes orchestrated & funded by the FED … meanwhile your kids or grandkids
are gonna be the ones who suffer from this bullshit down the road … “Stock
Bellies” completely removed from reality, and taking on pure “Banana Republic”
status, and I simply refuse to even look at them anymore they’re so far down the
rabbit hole of bullshit, it’s incomprehensible to me … OK then, welcome to the
“meat grinder” called FX!
I’m writing a little before NOON EST, and Cable just hit a high for the day, as
banks took out some spec buy stops on a rather obvious stop hunt … what a
gigantic bag of shit Cable was today … 8 hours, and before the new high, only
about a 35 - 40 PIP range for the European session, inside the typical “Flying
Wedge of Death” [FWD] that kills most accounts in FX … quite frankly, the
probability of seeing GBPUSD only have this small of a range in a non holiday
trading day environment is less than 1% … it happens, but not very “Hoover
Dam” often … but, here it is! … fortunately, the trading algorithm is able to
DEFEAT the FWD, so this kind of scenario is not a problem for me any longer, as
it was in the past.
Only one algorithm buy signal in GBPUSD today … PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.
The first 3 days of this week have been a real beauty … NOT! … simply couldn’t
draw up worse trading action in Cable if I was given permission, and Europe
especially has been poor … I dunno if it’s cuz of the ongoing BREXIT
negotiations with the E.U., that sees some kind of presser & communique I think
on Friday … so maybe that’s what’s holding things up, but regardless conditions
stink … the one signal I did get was very good, came at the right time, but it was
simply a scalp … I’m supposed to assume at the start of the trading day that it’s
going to go into a 30 PIP shell and hibernate? … hell, by the time I post and the
New York day is done Cable might be hitting a new low for the day … given the
propensity of the New York banks to do nothing but rob & steal, and the fact most
are now caught long going into the P.M., I wouldn’t put anything past these
And I will reiterate again today, like I have the previous 2 days, this type of FWD
action inside historically very small European ranges, is going to result in lower
algorithm signals … sometimes dramatically lower, which has been the case, but
it’s something we just have to live with in FX.
From my perspective, and the primary reason I have priced the trading algorithm
at 0.10 BTC, is that the FULL algorithm defeats the FWD … and quite frankly, for
the benefit of PAMM / MAM participants, including myself as well, I simply have
no desire to give this information to the entire world … it’s too “Hoover Dam”
valuable to simply give away to Newbies & Wannabes that don’t have a clue … it
works best in Bitcoin [BTCUSD], dollar FX pairs, and some of the most popular
FX crosses that involve the majors … as I said earlier, stock indices I’m through
with cuz they are in fantasyland, beating to a manipulative drum that is a pure
FED Ponzi scheme and one day will crash & burn with most people involved one
way or another in them.
Although the day isn’t over, and anything can still happen, the market feels to me
as if this 1.26000 - 1.26500 level is gonna be a very tough nut to crack on the
upside in Cable … quite frankly given the spec positioning, banks are most likely
going to run sell stops over the next day or two, and a lot depends on how
disappointing the BREXIT news is gonna be on Friday … if it happens to be
“friendly”, AND the sell stops got run first, then going into the weekend has the
potential to be explosive to the upside … trading FX is ALL ABOUT POSITIONING!
… scumbag banks versus ALL SPECS BIG & SMALL … think like a bank, and win
like the bank … think like a retail spec, and sleep with the fishes, it’s as simple as
that … and while the only “official” rule of FX is “there are no rules”, you can
tattoo “-vegas rule #1” to the inside of your eyelids … “DO NOT BUY RALLIES OR
SELL BREAKS, or they carry your account out toes up”!
Can’t hardly wait to see what bullshit tomorrow brings! … until then mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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