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Monday, June 1, 2020


“Leave it to “South Park” to lay bare the ugly truth!”

The inmates of blue, Libtard run shitholes all across the fruited plain, have turned
“Utopia” into tatters … burnt down to the ground by aggrieved SJW’s, who have
anointed themselves the moral arbiters of justice via moving goalposts & feelz
… and everybody caught up in it, from the new martyr of the Left who died, to the
minority run businesses that got destroyed and will never come back, can now be
categorized as “useful idiots” of the Progressive agenda … join the rest of the
long list over the years who got 15 minutes of infamy, then disappeared into
oblivion of the agenda … and for what? … suddenly, the “Utopia” you bought
into is nothing more than a nightmare, where you suddenly realize after the fact
that you’ve been used like a Pawn in a game of chess.

Why what a “coincidence”! … directly below the link, where over the weekend on
ZH, a post about pallets of bricks suddenly appearing around Libtard cities
… gosh, wonder what those could be used for? … “George Soros, please pick up
the white courtesy phone, or call your office at the “Goebbels Ministry of Truth”
right away”!

Today’s FX action a real beauty … AUD & CAD see all the action, while EUR can’t
do anything … USDJPY? … it’s the basket case it usually is most days, what with
its “BOJ Mommy” watching it like a hawk to fade any movement up or down
… and up until the NYSE open, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more pathetic
European open and trade in GBPUSD, for the first 5 - 5 ½  hours of the day
… “I’ve seen glaciers move faster than this”! … tomorrow sees BREXIT talks
resume, and what with the U.K. & the E.U. playing the “blame game” in the MSM,
with the appropriate third grade finger pointing at each other, trying desperately
to score points with the SJW, virtue signaling crowd on their home turf … so it
came as a surprise to me to see when the NYSE open for its usual money
laundering activity, that Cable finds a “bid” and makes a nice romp higher
… “FX makes perfect sense”!, says no FX trader Evahhhhhhh! … I will also add,
today’s range in Cable is completely bogus at around 170 PIPS, with the low bid
coming in right at the Sunday night open when the bid/offer spread was upwards
of 30 - 40+ PIPS in the wee hours of that Tahitian 7-11 store out in the South
Pacific right across the international dateline that makes markets for scumbag LP

Only one algorithm buy signal in GBPUSD TODAY … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM UP

Still, a 140 PIP range is definitely OK … one algorithm signal, definitely NOT!
… most days with ranges of 70 - 100 PIPS will see 5 -10 algorithm buy signals,
100 - 140 PIPS about 8 - 15 signals, and 140 PIPS + upwards of 15 - 20+ algorithm
signals … but the way the day shaped out, what with the first 5 ½ hours
completely dead, and then the mini explosive move higher into the European
close, and we end up with one signal only … it is what it is, nothing I can do
about it … and now that we’re into the New York afternoon, past NOON EST,
which is my unofficial cutoff point for FX, I want no part of the criminal, scumbag
LP banks of New York … and unless I’m already in some kind of position that is
moving my way nicely, there’s no way I’m trading FX in NY afternoons … I’ve
been around too long and seen more damage than one human should see in 5
lifetimes, from the damage these scumbags cause traders with mystery ticks,
spikes from hell, stops being run, and slippage from hell cuz they can … trust
me, over time you do not wanna be here.

The one trade we did have, the algorithm “nailed it to the wall”, coming right at
the bottom of the biggest correction before post NYSE liftoff in Cable … at the
time I treated it as a scalp, cuz there was no evidence of any kind of move
coming from anywhere, so natch I did what I was supposed to do, and that’s
scalp the trade … and just as a reminder, PAMM / MAM trades will be archived
over in “Download Links” come the next Sunday blog update, with the MT4 M1
GBPUSD candlestick chart showing the trades for the week … natch, the charts
will not have the trading algorithm on it, it’s simply the raw chart.

Again I have to shake my head, as to the “night & day” difference between
Turnkey’s FX LP’s, and the scumbags they got robbing people in their CFD’s
… couldn’t be happier with both latency & price on fills today, with no slippage
whatsoever from either the offer getting in, or the bid getting out … both A+
… then you remember the CFD’s and your head starts to hurt and you can still
feel the gun stuck in your ribs … unreal the difference … so, got nothing but
praise for the FX side of trading at Turnkey.

Outta here, and let’s hope tomorrow’s BREXIT clusterfark makes some waves!
… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!! 

Have a great day everybody!


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