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Sunday, May 31, 2020


“The easy solutions simply can’t be ignored!”

I’m gonna address each issue today, and the “focus” I have going forward.

First … effective immediately, my e-book “Trade For A Living! … Yes You Can!”,
will no longer be available to the public for FREE, or via singing up through one
of my affiliate links … price is now 0.10 BTC [Bitcoin], and it’s a very small price
to pay if you’re serious about trading … those who already have it, of course I’ll
continue to support any questions, problems, and/or comments you have … but
the FREEBIE time window has closed permanently … quite frankly, it’s too
valuable, works too well, and I don’t need the entire world on my back … so, if
you want it, now you pay for it, and then I know you’re serious about trading and
wanting to make money … everybody else, sit & wonder.

Second … I’m cutting back on coverage of markets … for over 3 - 4+ months now,
I’ve provided the opportunity for people to explore and investigate new and
different markets … from what I can tell from the brokerage house analytics,
nobody gives a “Hoover Dam”, so why should I waste my time? I will cover 4
world stock indices [DOW30, SP500, NDX100, & DAX30], 4 FX pairs [EURUSD,
GBPUSD, EURGBP, & USDJPY], Spot Gold [XAUUSD], and 2 crypto pairs
[BTCUSD & ETHUSD] … everything else I’m dropping from the “VIX MATRIX
TABLE”. Directly below, the current week’s “VIX MATRIX TABLE” covering the
markets above.

click on ANY table or chart to enlarge

Third … I’m totally & thoroughly repulsed by what occurred in the stock indices
on Friday … I didn’t want to comment on Friday, cuz I wanted my emotions to
cool down and take me away from the screen in the heat of the action, and let
myself analyze things after a night’s sleep … and I’m repulsed even more after
thinking about things that happened.

Let me first setup Friday’s “supposed” news flow … it was supposed to be Trump
first on China in the A.M. & then Spicoli at Lunchtime at his freebie chicken
luncheon waxing bullshit with his elitist pals … and when it became clear Trump
wasn’t gonna let Spicoli get the last word in, I became suspicious of the indices
trading environment and what might happen … and yet, they still ended up
shocking me with what transpired, cuz it was a planned & orchestrated “HIT” on
trading specs across the world by both the FED’s “Plunge Protection Team”
[PPT], the scumbag LP banks, and Trump & his sidekick Mnuchin from Treasury.

Everything was planned to get closing prices in the indices at their highs for the
day … when the news came that Trump was gonna speak at 2 PM EST, and then
he came in 50 minutes late, I knew this was a “setup”, although I didn’t know the
extent of the total bullshit they were gonna rain down on markets … first, Trump
starts out as the “bad cop”, and indices start dropping, taking out the low of the
day on sheer panic … then, at the switch of the proverbial light switch, he turns
into the “good cop”, indices turn with a vengeance, the PPT comes in “bigly &
yuge”, and banks who bought the stops on the way down are now booking profits
to their heart’s content … 500 DOW30 index points in 11 minutes, straight up!
… the first M1 up almost 100 index points, and then the 4th & 5th M1’s well over
100 index points for the M1 range … and now, with NO TIME ON THE CLOCK CUZ
TRUMP STARTED 50 MINUTES LATE, they’ve got shorts who haven’t already
panicked and suffered enough, trapped into the close where it got progressively
worse as each minute passed … all the precision & timing of a Brinks robbery!

And it leads me to an inescapable conclusion … both the government, the FED
via the PPT, and the scumbag LP banks are hellbent on destroying trading in the
indices … they want all specs D.E.A.D.! … I can’t even fathom the degree of
slippage these assholes would have handed out to me if I was in any of this while
it was happening … as it was, I was incensed earlier with complete bullshit fills
via Turnkey’s thieving LP’s in the SP500, but the last hour for anybody would
simply be a sheer nightmare … and don’t think for a second any “limit orders”
would save you, cuz in any of the CFD’s or spot FX markets, NONE OF THE
… in reality, ALL LIMIT ORDERS are nothing more than “Market If Touched”
[MIT], and the scumbag banks say they fill them at best available price … oh sure,
if you’re LONG the DOW30 and for example you have a limit order to sell at
“something 36”, and the market only goes up to 32 and then hangs there for a
minute or two, and the very next tick is 59, they’ll fill you at 36 … and then keep
the difference … but if it goes “37 bid”, and then immediately goes down to 06,
there’s a good chance your limit order to sell at 36 gets filled at 06 … “welcome

And from this inescapable conclusion comes THE FACT, that risk cannot be
quantified under any circumstances in stock indices … anybody trading the
indices risk their accounts at any moment via the chicanery, bullshit, & predatory
action of the scumbag LP banks … and when I say any moment, that’s exactly
accurate, cuz it doesn’t matter the time of day or the session the world is trading
in, and if you have a stop in somewhere, it’s gonna be ugly as hell when you see
the fill … bottom line is, “I can’t in any good consciousness trade indices when I
have no idea what it is I’m risking … whatever you think it is, believe me it’s
higher! … no amount of gain is worth the risk of losing control over an account,
whether it’s complete destruction, or some sizable loss in percentage terms”.

In other words, trading indices when the government, FED, & the scumbag LP
banks want you dead, is no way to trade … and every month / week / day it gets
worse, worserer, & worser-er-er-er in terms of the trading conditions damage they
are doing … and of course, they know they are doing it & it’s their objective, cuz
at the end of this “shitshow circus” rainbow, there’s nobody around to challenge
their complete hegemony over stocks & the indices.

So, while FX has its problems in terms of IVIX from day-to-day, it’s something I
simply have to deal with and make the best of what’s available to me … I can’t
trade Bitcoin, cuz Turnkey doesn’t offer it … XAUUSD right now is a complete
fucking joke, what with their ridiculous bid/offer “trading tax” horseshit
… someday maybe it comes back to normal, but maybe it doesn’t … I dunno
… what I’ve included in the “VIX MATRIX TABLE” are the most viable markets
for trading … some right now are untradeable, but that doesn’t mean they always
stay that way, so I include them for potential future use.

At least initially, I’m going to go back to Cable [GBPUSD], and I’ll just deal with
what that market gives traders on a day-to-day basis … and since we’ve seen
what FX can do in March 2020, I don’t see under any scenario how Cable or
EURUSD could get any more chaotic than it was then … in any event, risk can be
quantified unless the entire world comes unglued, and then trading becomes the
least of anybody’s problem … so tonight sees me go back to Cable, where I’ll be
staying “come hell or high water” … quite frankly, looking objectively it’s the only
market that makes any sense.

Four … starting this week, I’ll be cataloging my trades in Cable via the trading
algorithm, and every Sunday update I’ll have them archived for the previous week,
in chart form via the M1’s for easy analysis … I’m not going to promise that 100%
OF ALL algorithm buy signal trades will be cataloged, simply the ones that I
actually trade for the Turnkey PAMM / MAM … however, unless there’s some
“situational awareness” issue that the algorithm cannot process, I’ll be making
ALL of the trade signals. In addition, I’ll also start again the tracking of
PAMM / MAM performance via a separate web page for those interested.

Directly below, the charts of this week’s current 20 Day Range MA’s for selected





NDX100 & DAX30

We are currently living through one of the most damaging era’s of government &
scumbag bank malfeasance, corruption, & market destruction that I have ever
seen … nowhere in the annals of financial history can you point to a period like
this, where so many disruptive changes have taken place over the last 10 - 12
years, that have so greatly affected trading … you wanna stick your head in the
proverbial sand, go right ahead ...  just remember, ignorance is not bliss, and
what you either don’t know or refuse to believe CAN & WILL HURT YOU! … quite
frankly, I dunno if markets can ever recover sufficiently from government
interference in the indices, or whether gold can make it back … but what is not
debatable, is the fact that FX is simply the biggest kid on the trading block, and
even with mistress fund raids, it isn’t anywhere near the catastrophe gold or the
indices find themselves in, and so that’s where I have to park my donkey.

… until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!


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