“The science is “settled”! … trust the experts cuz they always know best!”
Authoritarianism by “expert” … if only Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Xi, Kim Jung un
belly, etc., had ‘experts” telling the masses what to do, when to do it, how to do it,
what to think, what “bad think” is, and then how to report said domestic terrorists
to the proper authorities, they’d be in the same boat as ‘Murica and “Everything Is
F-ing Awesome, Baby!” and no problems anywhere! … after all, they’re “experts”
… you know, like Greta Thunberg on a CNN panel propagandizing over the
Cuz nothin’ says “expert” to me like some snot nosed SJW teenager who couldn’t
find her ass with either hand without a Rand-McNally road atlas … for me, I’m with
the Michigan Militia in spirit protesting at the state capitol in Michigan over
Governor Nurse Ratchet’s lock down decree … “the only thing they’re expert at, is
being a morally bankrupt, authoritarian, shit weasel.
Today’s “outrage dujour” in the “land of the indentured and home of the enslaved
& quarantined”, comes from New York City, where a Mom was arrested, cuffed,
and taken away from her kids near the subway system … seems according to the
Gestapo SS officers on hand, she wasn’t wearing her mask right, and when
informed of this, shit told them where to plant the advice … so natch, she’s gotta
be made an example of and arrested lest anybody else see this and get ideas
… “excuse me kind SS officer, what about the homeless shitting, spitting, and
peeing all over the place? … how come you don’t arrest them”? … directly below,
the link so you can see for yourself.
Takes her to the ground and cuffs her … “WTF Skippy”? … welcome to ‘Murica!
... and as I said yesterday, if you’re not out this upcoming November and voting
these assclowns out of office, then you deserve what you get when they
eventually come for you!
And speaking of shit weasels, that brings me to today’s Unicorn100 trading, where
if you’re trading at Turnkey, you to can enjoy murderous slippage on fills from
LP’s that would make Vito Corleone blush if he were alive today to see this
robbery … but, we already know they’re thieves, so no real news here.
Again today sees the “Chipmunks” get fed at the NYSE opening, right along with
the BTFD-ers from Robinhood, who taken together have never seen a stock price
that’s too high or can’t triple from here … and like lemmings, practically every
morning sees them pile into the big FAANG tech stocks with abandon, cuz as we
all know, they have to go higher … they just gotta … Spicoli says so cuz the FED
has our backs … aaaaaaaaaaaand it’s gone!
So after killing the Robinhood Chumps & Chipmunks on the NYSE open, we go to
new lows for the day … but hang on Skippy, cuz now the banks are long from
buying all the selling, so here comes the “Plunge Protection Team” [PPT], right on
cue, and now stocks go straight up the fucking wall to almost new NYSE highs
… how utterly convenient … see how this scam works? … Dear Criminal &
Corrupt FED: “how many billions did you have to print this morning to give to the
PPT, so they could buy through the offshore Cayman Island accounts, once the
banks got long”? … crickets … “I guess Spicoli ain’t taking my question today”
… welcome to the world’s most rigged casino, where if you’re not playing the
manipulators, they’re playing you!
Just another usual day of screwing specs, either in “Stock Bellies” or the
Unicorn100, take your pick … nothing but another “Flying Wedge of Death”
[FWD], FED PPT “pump & dump” scheme people used to get put in jail for … but
now that the government is doing it, it’s OK … what a corrupt house of cards
… say whatever you want about crypto, or BTC in particular, and there are plenty
of people who hate it mostly cuz they don’t understand it or want to, but at least
it isn’t overtly manipulated by government thugs like the entire FX & stock
indices space is … can anybody even tell me when the last time any of those
markets ever traded without some shitbag in government saying something to
move them? … no you can’t cuz it’s been that long.
One algorithm buy signal today in the NDX100 … PAMM / MAM UP SLIGHTLY.
Again today, we only get “one shot” at a decent algorithm buy signal, and that
came off the low of the day … even liquidated it on the way up, but that didn’t
stop the scumbag LP at Turnkey from filling us so far off the market they should
be indicted … can you imagine if roles were reversed and I sold it on the way
down? … in any event, that’s it cuz from there it’s either straight up or straight
down and turn on a frickin’ dime the rest of the day, as longs & shorts take turns
getting butthurt at the expense of the scumbag LP banks, who no doubt are
front running the shit out of every buy or sell order via the prop offshore
accounts that are illegal, but who cares? … meanwhile, if you got stuck and have
to “pay up”, man do they have your ass over a barrel, and it ain’t gonna be pretty
watching the fill … it’s who they are and it’s what they do, and it’s why they let
you open an account and trade … and again today, why should I assume it’s
gonna be the only signal worth a “Hoover Dam”, when 85%+ of the day is left?
… meanwhile, over in cryptoland, specifically BTC, I can scalp the living shit
out of dozens of signals with excellent trading condition & the LOWEST FEES
In other words, just like it used to be in ALL markets before nanny state
government via the FED decided everything needed their supervision, and the
“greed & fear” cycle ran everything … meaning you got up/down as people
panicked and they were entirely tradeable markets … today? … it’s a government
run “circus shitshow” Ponzi scheme in everything BUT CRYPTO … and for you
BTC traders, if you haven’t done so already, over on the sister blog at
traderzoocrude.blogspot.com I have a lot of good info today on “BaseFEX”, my
newest and “bestest” place to trade Bitcoin [BTCUSD] … quite frankly if I could,
the PAMM / MAM would only trade BTC, and the rest of this shit I’d leave alone,
but Turnkey doesn’t offer crypto … yet … maybe later this year, cuz I don’t see
how they can ignore it much longer, as more & more people leave the horseshit
of FX, oil, & indices and trade crypto … if you’re gonna trade BTC seriously, and
not just as an occasional trade, then “BaseFEX” is the only place to be … check
‘em out on the sister blog.
Today another perfect example when the manipulators put their foot down on the
throttle and don't let up, simply raising large bids in the futures and not letting
the market trade … and once Europe closed, it’s been straight up the fucking
wall without so much as a hiccup … just the slow climb from hell where you
either buy the rally or sit … well, I sit, cuz I don’t buy rallies … and every few
minutes or so the shorts get clobbered adding more fuel to the climb … what a
basket of shit.
And then when order flow tells them to, the PPT pulls their bids, banks start
selling, and then the longs get their turn in the crosshairs as now it does nothing
but go straight down … and when the longs puke to the bank scumbags, the PPT
shows back up again with their large bids, and it’s rinse & repeat time … and this
is how the scam works each & every day … so, like I said, play the manipulators
or go broke, cuz nothing else matters anymore … literally nothing.
And on that cheery note, I’m outta here...… until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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