“And lots of it!”
Just when you think markets can’t possibly humble you any more than they’re
already doing, and in the process make you feel dumber than a bag of rocks,
along comes evidence that it’s just “all in your head” … I bring you clear
evidence that there are indeed people dumber than you, right out there in public
everyday. Check out the vid directly below, of the 16 year old “millennial” who
hasn’t a clue on how to use a can opener.
I’m pretty sure there’s a government job waiting for this “Einstein”, somewhere
in the system that fits his qualifications … I’m thinkin’ he’d be perfect for a job at
the FED, or maybe the Department of Unicorns & Fairy Tales that crunch job
numbers from thin air every month … “hey, he looks qualified to me”!
And trust me, he’s not alone out there … if my deceased parents & grandparents
could see this, they wouldn’t know how to react … I was helping out baling hay,
driving combines, & driving tractors when I was 11 … and no, letting your thumbs
surf a smartphone isn’t a “talent”, it’s a liability … ever see two morons at a
Starbucks sitting about 3 feet from each other, refuse to talk to each other and
instead text to one another? … yup, I have … so it shouldn’t be any surprise the
society we live in is inhabited by “social drones”, who couldn’t fight their way
out of a wet paper bag unless told by somebody how to do it.
All part of the Progs & Libtards efforts since 1913, to dumb down future
generations to the point where they won’t even know how to pee, unless
somebody from government is there to tell them how & when … and while the
vid is hilarious on the surface, that a 16 year old is so dense he can’t open a can,
it’s utterly pathetic on a deeper level.
Which brings me to the “Tulip Bulb 30”, a/k/a the DOW30 … for you Obama
voters just getting up, and thinking history started with “The One” in 2008, bad
news cuz it didn’t … believe it or not, back in the early 17th century in Holland
[1636 - 1637], tulip bulbs exploded in price, and then collapsed. Directly below
the graphic.
click on image to enlarge
“I’m left wondering if the people who bought at the top could open a can”? … no
worries cuz it’s even worse today, with entire generations of working people
blindly, mindlessly, & stupidly dumping hard earned “dinero” into index funds,
ETN’s, & ETF’s based on stock indices … when SHTF, which it surely will, how
do these funds sell “trillions” in redemption's when you decide it’s time for you
& Ma to get out? … these “passive” investment vehicles are the modern day
incarnation of tulip bulbs, and will result in the same type of massacre at some
point down the road … it isn’t a question of “IF”, only a question of “WHEN”?
… and if you’re one day late you’re toast … on the bright side, though, I’m
betting most of you can open a can with an opener, so you got that going for
you, which is nice!
Like most Mondays after “NFP stupidity”, it’s a slow day with NADA for news
… of course I mean “official” news … that won’t stop financial MSM rags like
“Dumbberg” or Reuters, the ChiComs, or President Trump from tweeting, so
walking across the minefield today is still hazardous … all of this working
towards next Sunday, when tariffs kick in unless some kind of “deal” deal is
made to keep market hype elevated … cuz as we all know, and if you don’t
you’re as fucking blind & stupid as the kid who can’t open a can, that stocks
must not be allowed to ever go lower, ever again … nope, not even a percent or
two … might make somebody nervous, and set off another “baby boomer”
pension crisis, like what happened at GE … can’t have that … so, billions have
to be spent to save private pensions, or else trillions get spent to clean up the
mess … nobody in the faculty lounge will tell you this straight up, but that’s the
truth of the matter, right along with reelection in November 2020 … so, more
than likely the Ponzi scheme, money laundering operation of the NYSE will
continue for awhile longer.
Mid morning in Gotham, and I don’t know how trading action gets any worse
than what you see, here early, in the stock indices … just a big bag of
manipulative shit, as the manipulators refuse to let stocks drop one iota … just
not gonna allow that … meanwhile, not many want to jump the gun with
“Kudlow happy talk”, which assumes the “China trade deal” actually gets done,
or that there is any real substance to it … my guess is Trump delays tariffs
through year end, in the spirit of the Holidays, but nothing happens … we’ll see,
but to be long up here I don’t see upside confirmation that there’s much left
… an awful lot of good news is baked into the cake.
Over in crypto, specifically BTC, an absolute perfect “Traders Course” [TC]
algorithm buy signal AND liquidation this morning, which netted over $100+ in
profits, in terms of BTC price move … “well, what do you want me to say here?
… it’s all in the TC, chapter 8 … those that have it profited nicely, those that
don’t have it? … well, tough luck, maybe next time … OR, open an account
through my affiliate link at PRIMEXBT, fund it with anything, let me know via
email you did it, and I send you the TC for FREE, and maybe next time you’ll
capture one of these nice moves that aren’t seen anymore in traditional markets
cuz of central bank manipulation … wake up and smell the fucking coffee!
Afternoon in NY, and this is pretty pathetic trading action in the “Tulip Bulb 30”,
where it’s been a slow train wreck lower … every attempt higher has been swiftly
met with selling since the NYSE open … where’s the follow through higher from
all that bluster on Friday of a wonderful jobs report? … I certainly don’t see any
of it around today … having said that, though, range today is below 50% of the
20 Day Range MA, and there isn’t any real interest in taking indices higher today
… that could change in a second with a Trump tweet, or a planted headline from
“Dumbberg”, but so far this day is a complete bust from a trading standpoint.
However, even with pathetic trading conditions, there was enough action on a
new low to get an algorithm buy signal … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM UP a little
more than 0.2%.
All we need is “some” trading action, and when the manipulators back away
from their bids, or simply stand by, normal ebb & flow can occur, and the pure
100% “fear & greed” cycle takes over … bottom line, is that very few things in life
are as sure as human greed & fear, and how markets react to them … stocks a
perfect example even when manipulated … crypto a better example cuz it
doesn’t have the manipulation stocks do … however, there is an upside to
stocks, and that is the “88/6/6” paradigm they operate in, where no other market
complex enjoys such advantages … none even close!
And that’s why the PAMM / MAM operates in the DOW30 … it gives us a volatile
index [usually], where the “net cost” of trading it is very low, with no
commissions, and is reliably stable in how it reacts to both to the manipulators
& the normal “ebb & flow” inside the psychology of the “fear & greed” cycle!
To join our PAMM / MAM at FX CHOICE, simply click on the FX CHOICE logo, up
in the top right hand column and follow the directions to sign up. There isn’t any
minimum to join, but I would advise at least a couple of hundred bucks, or you
may miss some trades due to allocation. My incentive fee is only 17%, one of the
lowest around, and there are no other fees … deposit / withdrawal via Bitcoin
[BTC] and it couldn’t be any easier … FX CHOICE only KYC requirement is a
government issued ID, so they aren’t “NO KYC” like PRIMEXBT … the only
reason I’m not at PRIMEXBT hosting a PAMM / MAM right now is cuz they will roll
out their program in the first quarter of 2020 … that PAMM / MAM will trade crude
oil and crypto, cuz they don’t have a DOW30 CFD on their platform. So, all of you
that want stock exposure WITHOUT the big risk of overnight and/or weekend risk,
the PAMM / MAM at FX CHOICE is your ticket.
When markets are “normal”, meaning they have some kind of trading action,
whether it’s manipulators manipulating or the “fear & greed” cycle has kicked in,
the algorithm I use for trading has a very high statistical probability of profit
… it’s not perfect, nothing is … but under any and all circumstances I’m likely to
face when trading, I feel comfortable in my projections of 50%+ per year returns
… right now, I’m a tad behind cuz right when I started trading the PAMM / MAM,
intraday VIX fell off a cliff … we went from high VIX to non existent VIX in hours,
and it has only slightly improved since 10/28 when I started trading it … so, a
pickup from where we’re at is expected, in terms of VIX, and with it higher returns
cuz the market is more active and gives us much better trading opportunities
… when VIX is low or cratering, we either get no algorithm signals or maybe one
… so, if you like the idea of making 50%+ per year, come join us … any questions,
email me … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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