“Yes, but there’s a reason why he’s pointing to his head!”
With Cable [GBPUSD] out of the FX prison it’s been in for approximately the last
4 years, there are plenty of reasons to believe intraday VIX is poised to move
AND STAY HIGHER for the foreseeable future … in many ways, the general
election on December 12th unleashed a tsunami wave of resentment &
frustration aimed directly at globalist, establishment, & especially Libtard POLS &
Apparatchiks. The British people are fed up with 1) unchecked immigration from
MENA [Middle East North Africa] wannabe’s, 2) lack of public safety,
3) deteriorating standard of living brought on by socialist bullshit, and 4) the
failure to deal with the “will of the people” via BREXIT … in many ways, and I
don’t think you can understate this, the next 5 years are either going to bring
Britain prosperity under Tory leadership like Reagan did at the start of 1980, and
which led to a tremendous economic boom in the U.S., or BoJo and his crew will
FUBAR it to the hilt and Britain sinks to the bottom of the economic pile … from
my trading perspective, that spells tremendous opportunity for profit in Cable
and some selected Cable crosses.
I am adding 3 more Cable crosses to my focus … 1) GBPCHF, 2) GBPAUD, &
3) GBPCAD, all of which can be traded at PRIMEXBT under the best trading
conditions you’ll ever see … even though I showed this table last week, again
today I’m putting it up in the Sunday blog update cuz it’s important to
understand what it costs to trade … directly below, the PRIMEXBT BID/OFFER
click on ANY chart or table to enlarge
Beginning this week, I’m going to separate all of the markets 20 Day Range MA
charts by “Market Category”, and then comment on the group.
With the election results from December 12th in the books, ranges and by default
“intraday VIX" is on the rise. In determining what to trade of the 5 FX pairs, you
have to ask yourself if paying higher trading costs is worth it in a cross versus
simply GBPUSD … right now from looking at the charts above, GBPAUD has
greater than 50%+ more volatility than GBPUSD, and yet only costs ½ to maybe
1 PIP more than Cable, making this pair definitely worth trading. GBPCHF not so
much, and GBPCAD not as good as GBPAUD. Of the group, it’s pretty much a
“no brainer” IMHO … either trade Cable or GBPAUD.
Directly below, are the monthly ranges for the GBPCHF, GBPAUD, & GBPCAD
… this chart is also posted over in “Download Links”, and will be updated at the
end of each month … anytime you want to check it out again, simply go view it
online by clicking the link.
Clearly you can see how stable the monthly volatility is in each cross … while
BREXIT back in 2016 raised all Cable crosses, it’s settled down on a monthly
basis with rather wide ranges.
Before I continue with the groupings, I’ve decided to make trading Cable & the
Cable crosses I’ve listed, as a separate “Traders Course” [TC] e-book … instead
of cluttering up the 100 page TC with more material, Cable and Cable crosses will
be the sole content of “Traders Course II” [TCII] … since we’re in the midst of
Christmas week, I’ll have it up for release by next Sunday, and I don’t think we’ll
be missing much action, so no need for me to rush this … TCII will be added to
the original TC, and if you open an account at PRIMEXBT through my affiliate
link, and fund it with anything, you’ll get both TC & TCII FREE … otherwise, if
you don’t like saving money, want to trade somewhere else and give dinero
away, send me $60 in BTC at the E-Wallet address in the header, and I’ll send it to
you that way … those that have already gotten the TC, I’ll email you TCII
automatically next Sunday, so sit tight it’s coming.
The material in the original TC works wonders if daily ranges are low and Cable
sits with a 20 Day Range MA BELOW 70 … it will see higher “false positives” the
more volatile Cable gets and its 20 Day Range MA rises … and for the Cable
crosses, it’s especially important to use the algorithms in TCII … GBPAUD, in
particular, almost always is volatile, and as I wrote years ago in a research report,
it’s one of 2 crosses you can ALWAYS COUNT ON to be volatile and make a living
trading, no matter what the hell else is happening in other markets [the other FX
cross pair is GBPNZD, but PRIMEXBT doesn’t offer this cross for trading] … so,
with BREXIT out of the way, it makes sense now before SHTF in Cable and its’
crosses, to release this algorithm and for me to show you how to make shiploads
of money trading a relatively FREE MARKET! … and believe me, if you can
1) FOLLOW DIRECTIONS [yea, I know … but can you?], 2) get your brain into
“algorithm mode”, and 3) not do “stupid shit” like taking humungous losses
[go ahead, give me the 48 reasons for doing it, I’m listening … not], you’re gonna
need a bigger yacht to carry away the money … it’s there, all you gotta do is go
get it!
Notice a “theme” in all of these? … right, they all are hugging yearly lows in
terms of range … and you can thank central banks everywhere, but especially
the FED, who makes it one of their missions from God, to eradicate VIX from
stock indices … simply pathetic.
Wonderful to buy and hang onto, but a frickin’ nightmare to trade … especially
when ranges contract, thank you very much FED “Rally Protection Team” [RPT]
… wide spreads, slippage from hell on any order, and the general
“scumbaggery” from the scumbag bullion dealer banks make both untradeable
… “even when ranges were higher over the last summer, most of the trading
action came in the dark & the “wee hours”, not in New York … the level of
manipulation and bullion dealer theft are the highest of any market you care to
name … throw in fraudulent bid/offer quotes that aren’t in any way real, and you
have no idea where your fill is gonna be when you hit the button … quite frankly,
I don’t ever see this changing up and until the revolution that sees the FED ended,
so both are not on my trading RADAR at the moment, or are likely to be in the
near future … plenty of other markets that have much better trading conditions.
Directly below, the “VIX MATRIX” Table for the upcoming week.
I’ve added the appropriate Cable crosses to the table, and also added another
very important column you should pay particular attention to … in addition to
what it costs to trade via round turn [RT] commission versus notional, I’ve added
what it costs to trade relative to the 20 Day Range MA, a far more important
number … and looking at some of these numbers, some are bad and some are
great … the numbers in “GREEN” make the pairs good candidates to trade, and
the numbers in red are WARNING SIGNS … I’m not sayin’ don’t trade these pairs,
cuz they have their moments, but know what you’re getting into before you trade
them, cuz they are expensive! … and as is the case with both gold & silver, while
it’s cheap to trade, there are other variables that make them a nightmare … both
Cable and all the crosses are excellent.
Trading last week in the FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM, which is in the DOW30, was
difficult to say the least … performance was OK, but the inability of the
manipulators to let stocks correct even an inch has me worried … they keep this
shit up of “forever skyward” with no corrective activity at all, and what it invites
when the corrections come, is all out “Thelma & Louise” to the downside as
everybody and their brother tries to get out at the same time, thus unleashing
some hellish downside moves in seconds … it’s not a question of “IF”, it’s only
a question of “WHEN”! … in any event, directly below the PAMM / MAM
performance table for the latest week.
With Christmas on Wednesday, it messes the week up pretty good, but who
knows, stranger things have happened in the past, and just when you think
everything is dead, it comes to life with a vengeance … we’ll see what happens,
but regardless Cable, and most likely GBPAUD will have some very good
algorithm trades during the week ... onto the week! … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!
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