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Monday, December 16, 2019


“How I would dream of a FED meeting!”

With the bogus “China trade deal” now “solved” [cough, bullshit, cough] … hang
on a sec, cuz I have to puke first … OK, I’m alright now … in any event, with the
FED going “full retard Venezuela” and the Pacific Ocean level dropping at least 3
inches to feed the ink in the CNTRL-P machine, how high can stocks go via the
“funny money”? For a group of markets that hunger every 60 seconds for POLS
& Apparatchiks to tell them what to do, where do the U.S, indices go to for help?
… maybe a better question would be, “when does the Ponzi scheme end”?

And for all the “hoopla” of “Brexit” ending, and bringing that sorry ass chapter to
a close, Cable can’t even get a 100 PIP range today … as I write, stuck in the
middle of a range where nobody knows what to do … OMG!, what do we do now?
… how do I position a trade without the usual rumor mill in full swing? … Merry
Christmas British mistress funds, you’re about to go on a diet!

I guess we’ll find out soon enough if President Trump starts tweeting “Phase II,
China trade deal” bullshit, and if that’s gonna be the “new currency” for markets
to finagle via bogus, planted headlines from the likes of “Dumbberg”, Reuters,
WSJ, and of course CNBC, where Kudlow calls home when he’s not in some bar
somewhere … we’ll see, cuz without “juice”, how’s the “Tulip Bulb 30” supposed
to trade? … where’s the rationale for the bullshit spikes? … OR, is the system
just gonna be literally flooded with $$$$$$$$ for the benefit of stocks? … cuz
when Wall Street banks get FREE DINERO from their pre-arranged trades with the
FED, so as to move Treasury debt issuance to the FED for complete monetization
[for you Obama voters just getting up, that’s called “money printing”] of the
national debt, what do the scumbag banks do with the FREE money they have just
been handed for the risk free skim of Treasury paper? … why of course, put it into
stocks, especially those stocks that meet 2 criteria … 1) the stocks are of
companies who buy back their stock in the open market, “bigly & yuge”, so as to
reduce the float of shares, and without doing a “Hoover Dam” thing see earnings
increase, thereby giving the illusion the company is earning more when they’re
not, but more importantly shoving the share price higher, and 2) pay a dividend,
cuz when SHTF and the FED goes full retard NIRP, probably sometime in 2024,
anything that returns a yield is a valuable commodity, especially one bought at a
cheap price.

And who enables, condones, & approves of this highly unethical & illegal
practice? … why the faculty lounge Twits at the FED of course … last week it was
reported they were in “shock” that banks actually loaded up on Treasury paper to
sell to them at inflated prices … oh the horror! … oh the humanity! … one cannot
help but think of that scene in “Casablanca” where Claude Rains expresses utter
shock that there’s gambling going on in this establishment, just as Peter Lorre
hands him his roulette winnings … the only thing they’re “shocked” about is that
somebody had the gall to report on it.

A great article today over on ZH, the lengths to which the FED is engineering this
debacle, the link directly below.

Looking forward to 2020, as far as I’m concerned, the big question facing markets
is “Now What”? … the world is flooded with central bank debt, and it is growing
… world economies are stagnant, especially China, and Europe is a basket case
of ineptness & stupidity … unless the FED goes full retard NIRP, which IMHO is
unavoidable in the years ahead, where’s the “juice” for stocks gonna come from?
… it sure as hell isn’t gonna be the “China trade deal”, which is utter bullshit &
hype of the highest order, simply cuz there are no mechanisms in this “deal” that
are enforceable, verifiable, or are written in stone … in other words, it’s hype for
mass public consumption, with very little effect … the second the ChiComs
change their mind it will be null & void like it never happened.

So, where’s the “juice” gonna come from? … from where are markets gonna get
their “fix” of currency to spike higher? … markets are already stretched so thin
up here in the “vaporsphere”, every single solitary thing is priced to perfection, in
a world that is far from it … and if by some chance the FED stops the money
spigots, oh look the hell out … but if they continue, at some point it will be the
same result … oh, look the hell out! … and the interesting thing is, everybody
and their brother THINKS they can sidestep the damage when it comes, when in
reality it will blindside them into oblivion … when this bubble pops, and it will at
some point, you better know WTF you’re doing or you’ll get steamrolled.

There’s simply no logical explanation for this utter insanity when it comes to the
U.S. stock indices … free money for scumbag banks is the only viable reason,
and this is getting awfully stretched even for them … and I’m just here to tell you,
that if you have invest-able money for retirement or whatever in this market, if
you’re not getting the hell out of this Ponzi scheme before it bursts, then I nor
anybody else can help you … don’t come running to me for help when this puppy
goes “pop”!

And now that we’ve had a “vapors” rally of 100+ index points in the first 60
minutes of NYSE trading, all no doubt bought and paid for with FED QE “funny
money”, neither you nor I had access to, that’s probably pretty much it for
today’s round of “how did I get rich today with no risk” from the usual suspects
… like I’ve said before, nobody in power anywhere wants to see it stop, and so it
won’t … until one day it does … and 10 seconds after that if you’re still in this
shit, you’re toast … “hey, just cuz I make money trading this crap, doesn’t mean
for a second I’d own one share of any of these “Tulip Bulb” companies in the

And what is the hallmark trait of market manipulation? … why no range during
the “supposed” busiest time of day, where minutes go by with NADA, in terms of
any kind of M1 range … “Welcome to Venezuela”! … we’re almost there, the only
thing lacking is the “Thelma & Louise” trip to the bottom, and it’s surely coming
… all of course as mainstream brokerage house after brokerage house touts
2020 as another banner bull year … you’ve been warned people, cuz trading it &
investing in it are two entirely separate & distinct things.

And so here we sit, up in the clouds and markets everywhere are D.E.A.D. … hey,
how about gold today with its $6 range so far? … or maybe USDJPY with its 44
PIP range? … monstrous huh? … and everybody looks around and says to
somebody else, “hey, did somebody die today”? … nope, it’s just central banks
doing what central banks do nowadays … they manipulate the shit out of things
so nobody notices the “rot” underneath the hood … the stench is getting to me.

With no trading and no range, what’s the point of sticking around and watching
this shit? … all we got left of the day is the criminal New York banks to do biz
with, and who wants any part of that? … whoops! … and just like that we head
lower, where as I have said before, if you buy the “Tulip Bulb 30” on rallies,
you’re going to get taken out toes up. This stuff today,, simply a cruel joke of a
market, if you can really call it that.

One good algorithm buy signal today in the DOW30 … FX CHOICE PAMM / MAM
UP 0.5%.

The one good signal came a little earlier than usual, but it was right on the
money … was a little miffed the liquidation fill wasn’t very good, but still way
better than the thieves who pretend to be LP’s over at Turnkey or Coinexx … but
whatever, it is what it is, so life moves on … until tomorrow mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody! 


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