“Thug life! … just like how the FED “muscles” America into submission!”
The assclown from the Browns should go the way of A.B. … “thanks, but no
thanks” to your playing career … wanna be a thug? … great, go hustle for a
Libtard DEM in any of America’s inner cities and “get out the vote” for ‘em
… use your hay maker helmet “skills” to good use rousing up voters to toe the
line … as for the “National Felons League” [a/k/a the NFL], it’s time to make an
example of this dirt bag, but don’t look for that to happen … boys will be boys and
all that shit … given the nature of the criminal assault that was perpetrated on
another individual with a deadly weapon, namely a football helmet that could
have killed him, that had literally ZERO to do with football, it will be interesting to
see how the NFL spins this … how do all the other “felons” in the league feel
about this? … the serial domestic abusers, etc., and the guys who get in bar
fights about 10 times a year, what are they to think? … life is trading, trading is
life … but why should anybody be surprised? … this is what the FED does every
frickin’ day, in a metaphorical sense, when it manipulates markets, and do you
see anybody upset about that?
Where are all the protesters? … you know, the ones out in front of some building
with signs, and some old Geezers walking around screaming unfairness, and all
the other rot … so where are they? … of course, I’m talking about all the folks out
there who are unhappy with high stock prices … prices of shares in Murica’s
biggest companies, that get manipulated higher for no reason whatsoever, other
than the mystery “hustle” almost 100% of Sheeple in America know nothing about,
and even if they did could care less … the fact that it will eventually force a
complete collapse of financial markets and most likely bring about heads rolling
down some streets doesn’t seem to concern anybody … drink up, party on, cuz it
can never stop until it does, under its own weight.
Yesterday after I posted, a complete “circus shitshow”, as first another bogus
headline about the “China trade deal” drops the DOW30 more than 80 points in a
second to a new low for the day by 4 index points [got to get them sell stops first
before we blow the lid off things], then rocket it back within 11 minutes to where
it was before the planted headline … now, wait for it cuz this is where it really gets
Wait ‘till the final bell is through in Gotham, and then send ½ of the comedy team
of “Kudlow & Mnuchin” out to a microphone somewhere, and let him mumble
something about how the trade deal is going along swimmingly fantastic, and the
“deal” is gonna get done, and Bingo!, Bango!, Boom!, stocks take off in an orgasm
of buying in the dark when nothing is open except some bucket shop on the West
Coast, in Hawaii, or someplace near “Lord of the Rings” … so, another episode of
a market that rockets when the light are off, markets are closed, and it doesn’t take
much to move anything … well, from the manipulators perspective it’s “mission
accomplished” … shorts get destroyed, insiders get rich, the banks got to pick off
the sell stops and fill them to their own accounts, and Joe Public sees his 401(k)
go up … so who’s gonna bitch exactly?
A great article today over on ZH from David Stockman [link directly below],
highlighting the scam of foreign policy regards Ukraine, and how when you dissect
it and study it, it’s nothing more than a gigantic money laundering scheme for
Libtards … the same analysis, if done on modern day financial trading, would
leave the world “shocked & stunned” at the criminality and theft of billions … of
course, don’t look for it anytime soon, cuz to many palms get greased for it to
stop … and trust me, nobody in power anywhere wants to see it stopped.
So, we start the day with the “Kudlow Hustle”, and from there it’s nothing but
heartburn, as the DOW30 goes sideways to lower overnight … not to worry,
Trump can always trot him out again for his little pony show, and stocks can rally
some more … they’ll play this card until it doesn’t work anymore. And even if that
happened, it doesn’t matter cuz they’d find another dope to do the bidding … all
with the same purpose, which is to have stocks at all time recorder-er-er-er highs
come election day 2020 … who the hell with a job, is gonna vote for a Libtard,
socialist, communist, job killing, tax raising, piece of shit DEM? … that’s the plan,
and it unfolds almost with perfection every day.
The stock indices algorithms, those highlighted in the “Traders Course” [TC],
chapter 6 for U.S. stock indices [DOW30, SP500, NDX100], take the underlying
premise of the “88/6/6” trading paradigm and make it work almost to perfection
… almost, cuz nothing is 100% guaranteed in trading … eventually, EVERYTHING
NO MATTER HOW STUPID OR UNCONVENTIONAL must happen, and there is a
probability wave function attached to every trade ever made or is going to be made
in the future.
In other words, no “Holy Grail” exists or ever will exist, meaning if you chase
Unicorns you’re going to be very disappointed … having said that though, when
your probability of success [profit] is in the 90’s, the only thing that will hurt you is
yourself … meaning, over leverage, meaning lack of discipline & patience, and
meaning you FOMO [Fear Of Missing Out] on every “Hoover Dam” trade you make.
If the trading paradigm holds, and it has in spades since the FED got involved with
markets “bigly & yuge” in February 2016, then the TC is priceless!
So, we start the day with stocks sharply higher, and if the past is any indication of
what happens today, all we’ll see is the “protect & defend” money laundered gains
overnight strategy from our Overlord Masters … “we gamed the market, now all we
gotta do is keep it here and bleed shorts some more into the weekend” … welcome
to FED QE on steroids, and the new old “funny money” fairy tale gains in stocks
on vapors and bullshit! … might as well trade it and make money from them.
Stocks open to some volatile trading within minutes … but hey, no matter the
constant slew of negative corporate & economic reports that keep coming in
telling the story about how the world is going to the shithouse, that doesn’t matter
… all that matters is the fucking FED and QE, and the funny money sloshing
around to support it in spades … and then BOOM!, it’s off to the races for a new
high for the day … this is the most manipulated shit I’ve ever seen in my life, and
it defies explanation or belief to see it climb every fucking day with almost no
corrections at all, as the 0.0001% Elites literally refuse to let this shit correct … it
simply makes the inevitable correction, when it comes, a bloodbath for sell stops
… oh, it’ll come, but from what level and how bad will it be?
There is no way I’m buying this happy horseshit on the way up … forget that
… just have to wait and be patient, no matter where or what it does … you wanna
be a millionaire? … first you don’t get whacked, and they you play the high
probability paradigm of the trading model, and then you make the trades where
the scumbag manipulators work for you … at 50+% a year return, you’ll get there
a helluva lot sooner than you think! … but, you can’t get caught up in the FED
hype, you can’t get whacked, and you have to show discipline … if you don’t, they
take your money and you’re gone … be an idiot betting $10 on a football game,
not in trading.
Noon EST in Gotham, and what we’ve seen today since the NYSE open, is what I
would label, “volatility violence” … brief spurts of frenzied trading with large M1
ranges, than just a s quickly the M1’s go “dark” into a shell where you’re lucky to
see moves over a minute of 3 points from the bid … this dearth of “flow” in trading
is important, cuz it underscores the lack of free trading and highlights the extent
to which the manipulators control bid prices, and by default price cannot drop
… until of course they cancel the bids, and then bank traders seeing this start
selling longs and it feeds upon itself for a minute or two … then the manipulator
bids come back and it’s panic city to the upside … this is all that has happened
today, cuz while it’s nice shit goes higher, they won’t allow it to go lower.
This “volatility violence” is like a drive by shooting, impossible to predict, and it’s
on you quicker than you realize … and everybody looks around and wonders just
WTF is going on here, cuz this ain’t natural … this today … this is not how free
markets trade … the DOW30 today is how manipulated markets trade drugged
with QE.
In the scheme of NIRP, this action all makes sense, cuz when you think about it, if
you wait you won’t have the chance to deploy billions into stocks without getting
raped … who cares what happens to that point in 2024 or shortly thereafter when
we most assuredly either start or already are in NIRP, hook, line & sinker. There
isn’t any other scenario that makes economic sense … it sure as shit ain’t
earnings prospects, CAPEX growth, or other parts of the world that are growing
that are vaulting stocks higher … nope, it’s QE drug money by the head cartel
member, the FED, along with their BFF’s the corporate buyback scam artists who
make “earnings” appear out of thin air by reducing the company stock’s float in
the public arena. By all measures in finance, the DOW30 should be at about 15,000
if its lucky, but here we are drugged up with QE, from a FED that simply says the
private pension system must be preserved cuz the “Boomers” vote … and we
must do anything / everything to delay the revolution, where heads will roll in the
street, and keep the mob from putting us under the Guillotine … “yea, good luck
with that”!
Essentially, the stock market is as big a scam as the gold market, only in reverse
… someday it ends, but as a professional trader, that day could be a very long
while in getting here, so you have to adapt to the trading paradigm you’re in, or
else you can visit the dinosaurs in the graveyard, cuz that’s where you’ll be
headed. The difference is, at least in Murica, stocks are a much bigger deal than
gold ever thought of being … outside the U.S., not as much … but just as the crash
of ‘87 got an entire generation out of stocks, the game being played today sees
many more people, much bigger sums of money, and the disaster waiting for
investors awaits us in the future … until that time, through that time, and after
that time, unless the FED has disappeared and the last thing anybody is
concerned about is trading, the FED will still be attempting to call the shots,
nothing will have materially changed, and the TC algorithms will still be producing
gains in excess of 50+% per year … others will be scratching their heads if they
have any money left, but who cares, I’m not them.
And what you see today in the DOW30 trading action IS A SCAM … no question in
my mind, but don’t ever expect the financial MSM to report on it or question it, cuz
that would piss off the FED and lead to you not being invited to the next softball
Q & A session, where we can find out about Spicoli’s favorite color of ties, or some
such shit as that … all you have to do is look at the action of the M1’s … hell, it was
more volatile than this at 2 AM EST, than it is right in the heart of the NYSE day
… WTF is that?... how does that happen? … and then at some point, one of the
HFT algos will spike the living shit out of the DOW30, one direction or another,
based on nothing but horseshit and vapors, and if you get caught in it, you have
to understand you have NO CHANCE of making it back today … so many will
double or triple up losing positions, thinking it will get them out of the jam they’re
in … and about 90% of the time they’ll be right! … and they’ll think their genius is
the key to making money, when in fact you’ve just lost the farm but don’t know it
yet … and when that other part of the bell curve shows up, your account is gone
or severely hurt, and it’s either start over or leave the game … this is why good
professional traders never do this, cuz they don’t particularly feel like asking
somebody, “would you like fries with that order”?!
The scam here, to get specific, is the overriding role the manipulators play in
playing with their bids, and how they attempt to “mind fuck” other traders by
cancelling orders then putting them back in, etc. ... other banks not in the loop,
and other hedge funds that aren’t on board with the FED agenda … and believe
you me, there are a lot of these players that have been burned in the last couple
of years “bigly & yuge” … sadly, as smart as they think they are, they’re not smart
at all cuz they refuse to entertain the trading paradigm we’ve been in since
February 2016, and still think that shit like earnings, corporate guidance, and
economic statistics matter … they don’t … and they misread the FED constantly
… just look at the last year and tell me they know what’s going on, cuz they don’t
have a clue.
Well, here we are in the P.M. of New York, and with Europe closed now and the
criminal New York banks in charge of FED policy until 4 PM EST, it doesn’t look
like we’re gonna get any kind of corrective break we can take advantage … and if
we did get one, would you want to take it with no time on the clock? … my
assumption my entire trading career has been, “HELL NO!”, but don’t let my
opinion shield you from getting whacked. From a trading perspective, today has
been a disaster … a slow motion train wreck … a very volatile opening, followed by
a 3 minute blitz to the upside … sideways to maybe slightly higher bias the rest of
the day, with M1’s getting smaller as time goes by until the next M1 explosion … in
other words, a successful “protect & defend” the gains from the money laundering
blitz saw earlier after Kudlow’s comments the night before … you somehow think
Kudlow came up with that shit on his own? … three retarded kittens and a deaf
monkey have more brain power, and most likely could do a better job than him
… and he’s one of the smart ones! … good grief.
So, today shot to hell, with no algorithm buy signals to take … just didn’t get any,
plain & simple as that … on to Monday for more opportunity … blog update on
Sunday, where I’m thinking the DOW30 20 Day Range MA gets beaten down again,
to new yearly lows or close to it … we’ll see … until Sunday mi amigos
… Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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