“How the financial MSM deals with FED manipulation!”
Crony capitalism rules the day, and most likely will until the revolution … what
revolution? … the one that gets rid of the fucking FED and hangs all of the corrupt
Apparatchiks inside of it … far from doing any service to the country, the FED is
corrupt, inefficient, poisonous, & and detrimental to the middle class of America
… it profits only the 0.001% Elites and the scumbag TBTF & TBTJ banks … since
1913, they have depreciated the U.S. Dollar of 98%+ of its purchasing power,
enabled sky rocketing national debt through QE, and are mainly responsible for
stagnant wages, lower productivity, and a falling standard of living … oh, but
don’t worry, Jamie Dimon, Uncle Warren, & Jeff Bezos are doing just fine, right
along with the corrupt POLS in Congress.
And with the world literally going to shit in a hand basket, U.S. stocks are straight
up the wall to “recorder-er-er” new all time highs, in the never ending “Plunge
Protection Team” [PPT], corporate buyback, VIX smashing “hustle”, thank you
very much corrupt FED … remember, these are the genius, faculty lounge Twits,
who say 2% inflation is what’s needed for prosperity … really? … well, if I’m 25
and working right now, explain to me [using the “rule of 72”], how me losing over
50% of my wealth, right along with a depreciating dollar, is good for me when
I’m 61? … if I’m 25 and live into my 80’s, I’d lose more than 70% purchasing
power, and God knows what you clowns will do when it comes to confiscation of
what I’ve earned and saved … after all, illegal immigrants and other wannabes
want and need what you got!
But no worries … come sometime in 2024, according to an internal Treasury Dept.
document, the U.S. will have to use every single dollar they borrow to pay interest
on the national debt! … and now you know why the “fix is in” for negative interest
rates at some point down the short road to 2024 … and Wall Street will be all for it,
cuz the banks will sell the Treasury paper to the FED at guaranteed, pre-arranged
profits and make guys like Jamie Dimon at JPM even richer … and so, from a
longer term perspective, it makes perfect sense under this scenario, for every
institution worth its salt to buy stocks no matter what … cuz under NIRP, every
asset that actually produces anything with a positive return, will be gobbled up so
it doesn’t have to pay money to sit in a frickin’ bank … and once the U.S. is in
NIRP, it will never come out … it can’t … the QE explosion, which people pay you,
will never stop … and that’s why I say “until the revolution” … cuz even lazy ass
Americans will someday say “enough is enough” and take to the streets and burn
the building down … it’s only a function of time.
Directly below, our focused markets 20 Day Range MA’s for the upcoming week.
click on any chart to enlarge
One glance at any of the stock indices, whether U.S. or otherwise, and you’re
looking at VIX getting “monkey hammered” … all by design, until the next cracks
appear in the financial Dam sometime down the road … and if you can’t see the
silent hand behind this manipulation, then I can’t help you.
One of the unintended by-products of central banks malfeasance, which quite
frankly isn’t limited to the U.S., is the exponential growth of crypto currencies,
and the “awakening” of world populations that government isn’t your friend when
it comes to your savings, investments, & wealth … quite the opposite … and right
at the top of the list is the U.S. … don’t believe me? … well, go try and open a
bank account in another country … any country … they’ll show you the door and
tell you to GTFO before you can sit down … they’ll accept terrorists from Yemen,
but you’re a Leper … then try and open a brokerage account … unless it’s an
offshore trading account in either spot or CFD derivatives, you’re going to find the
same thing happening to you … “gee, I wonder why this is happening”? … it’s cuz
you are a citizen in “the land of the not so free indentured slave”, that’s why!
It’s still not too late, or illegal, to get your wealth out of the U.S. … when Trump is
gone, at the latest January 2025, who knows what the landscape is gonna look
like … one thing I do know with complete certainty, is that the next time the
Libtard Loons take the WH & both branches of Congress, the U.S. is O.V.E.R.
… whatever wealth & savings you do have will either be taxed and/or be
confiscated, right along with capital controls leaving the country … I don’t know
where the probability lies, but it ain’t ZERO, of it being you and your family
escaping across some U.S. border to GTFO! … and if you don’t see it gaining
momentum every single “Hoover Dam” day, then you’re the one delusional, and
standing right next to that Jewish family in 1930 Germany, that you wonder in
amazement why they didn’t see the writing on the wall and leave … you just
can’t understand why can you?
Two items that I want to point out; 1) in 1960, Venezuela had the HIGHEST
standard of living of any country in the world … look at that shithole now and
the utter destruction of an entire population thanks to socialism in LESS THAN
ONE LIFETIME … you know who has survived and escaped? … well, it sure as
hell ain’t those who held Bolivars, either under the mattress or in some corrupt
bank … those who had crypto … ANY CRYPTO! … you escape any way you can,
and your crypto saves your ass cuz it can’t be corrupted by POLS &
Apparatchiks of any stripe!! … they can’t get their greedy fingers on it! 2) There
is ZERO DOWNSIDE to me being 100% totally wrong about the U.S. … the
diversification of your wealth outside the U.S. is simply one of survival and not
putting all your eggs in one basket … however, if you’re the one who is wrong
and you don’t get out, the ramifications for you and your family, to put it mildly,
are severe and life changing.
The fact is, holding an E-Wallet, on a DEX [“decentralized’] with crypto in it, is
like having an offshore IBC in a tax haven, and that company has an offshore
bank account, that gives you complete privacy, safety, & anonymity … WITHOUT
calculation would be about $1500 to form, and about $400 - $600 per year after
that … DEX E-WALLETS ARE FREE! … sure, you can hold and trade coins to
your heart’s content, but there are STABLECOINS [e.g., USDC] that are pegged
by international banks to U.S. $1 per coin … somebody tell me what’s the
difference holding dollar balances in an offshore account for your IBC, and
holding a dollar stablecoin in your DEX E-Wallet? … NOTHING, except you pay
big time with the former, and nothing with the later.
Here’s an idea, just to throw it out there for consideration in an educational
environment [remember, I’m NOT your financial advisor and I’m NOT your tax
lawyer, or legal counsel … got it?] … form an IBC in the British Virgin Islands,
and have your legal team [not an incorporation service!!] in the BVI [or Panama,
Belize, or Nevis] introduce you to a bank for the company’s business checking
account … yea, it’s gonna cost some coin, but you’re gonna get the account
... whatever your options for international banks, they’re aren’t going to have
any relationship with the U.S., which is what you want and is a very good thing
… most likely, they will have an anonymous debit card with no name on it that
can be funded with Bitcoin [BTC], or other crypto as well … well, there you go,
and take the card to any ATM or POS [uses only a PIN with no ID needed] if you
buy something, and it simply doesn't matter if you’re in the U.S. cuz the card is
anonymous and has no information on it … all the bank ATM gets, or the POS, is
an authorization number that the transaction is good.
If you don’t want the international bank route, and want to cut down on expense,
use any incorporation service and incorporate in Panama, Belize, and or Nevis
… get yourself a virtual office outside the U.S. where mail and/or FED EX or DHL
can make delivery on your company’s behalf, get yourself a VPN and USE IT,
showing anybody online you’re any place but the U.S. … now go get a debit
Mastercard that can be funded using crypto … there are DOZENS of places to
choose from, as every single human being outside the U.S. has the ability to get
these, but you don’t, thank you very much Obama & your socialist friends in the
2010 Congress.
The second option is cheaper and gets the job done, but it’s up to you … and of
course, all funds are held in your DEX E-wallet, safely, securely, &
ANONYMOUSLY sitting on the block chain, wrapped up inside an encrypted
“hash cube” nobody can mess with, tamper with, or change in any way, without
the entire system knowing it in a microsecond … and it is this characteristic of
block chain technology that makes the system 100% safe and secure!
Today, over in “Download Links”, I’ve updated the crypto file, so we’re on Version
1.1 now … in the future, as I update this file, all previous versions will still be
there, and late arrivals to the scene can see what has been written before, and
you can therefore decide what you want to read.
Onto the FED manipulated week ahead … I’m sure it will be glorious, whatever
they have in mind [snark] … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great rest of your weekend everybody!
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