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Thursday, November 7, 2019


“And it might be the “China trade deal” that sends me there!”

“WTF is this”? … and just like that, of course after all the ChiCom Apparatchiks
get long futures, here comes the “speed of light … crickets” move yet again for
the umpteenth million time … can’t do shit before and can’t do shit afterwards, but
all that really counts is that some mistress funds in China get replenished … it’s
simply the latest currency scam being played out, and will be played until it
somehow dies and the next global scam takes its place … markets aren’t markets
anymore, they are money laundering schemes to embolden the global elites for
their benefit at the expense of you … I wonder if they teach this in biz school
these days?

So, in the wee hours of today, back when crickets were chirping and you couldn’t
get a DOW30 trade out of the bid/offer spread to save your life, here comes the
planted Bloomberg headline right on cue, which by the way was translated wrong
and didn’t say what Bloomberg said it said in Chinese, and the DOW30, along with
the DAX30, explodes higher in a buying orgasm straight into the clouds to
“recorder-er-er” new all time highs in stock indices … who cares it doesn’t say
the ChiComs and U.S. have agreed on tariff relief? … it simply says tariff relief has
to be part of any deal … WTF, yea we already know this!

And the profits from the scam of the FED buying treasury paper from the banks at
prearranged prices guaranteed to profit the banks … well, it has to go somewhere
doesn’t it? … and that somewhere is right into high flying stocks, whose
companies are doing corporate buybacks & raising the dividend … in other words,
it’s nothing short of a guaranteed money laundering scheme … and when your
career at the FED is done, as payback for your services of allowing banks to make
billions upon billions of dollars risk free, you get that “consulting gig” at Squid or
JPM for 7 digits, and life is pretty easy … for the suckers, a/k/a the American
taxpayer, you get lower real wages, higher inflation, lower economic growth, and
ever rising national debt that will never be repaid … but not to worry, the Jamie
Dimon’s of the world will be just fine.

Yesterday, I mentioned the “Monarch” E-Wallet, which is totally anonymous,
private, & secure for holding your crypto …  … a few
additional items I want to highlight … first, depending on your operating system
for phone or PC [APPLE IOS, MAC OS, Android, WINDOWS], will determine which
crypto coins are supported on your platform … for example, right now only Apple
IOS is fully supported for approximately 2,000 crypto coins that are in existence
… different crypto coins “ride” on different block chains, the most popular being
the ERC20 [Ethereum] … “Ripple”, for example, is on it own blockchain, and right
now the coin isn’t supported on the Windows platform … not to worry, though, the
Monarch team is working hard to get all coins on all OS platforms, and in the
weeks ahead they will all be there.

The second item I want to mention is that, at least for the moment, I would buy
crypto with fiat [dollars held in your American bank] from one of the 3
“centralized” exchanges [read doc in “Download Links”] first, because liquidity
is better, the spreads tighter, and most importantly the transaction goes quickly,
rather than use Monarch and the “DEX’s” they use for processing your order
… in addition, if you use “Monarch”, it could take up to 5 business days to see
your purchased crypto from fiat hit your wallet, which IMHO, is too long to wait
… instead, purchase your crypto from one of the 3 I recommended, and when
the transaction is finished and your crypto is sitting in your “centralized”
exchange wallet, get it the hell out of there and send it to your “Monarch” wallet
for safe keeping, storage, and/or spending … you don’t ever want to leave
anything with the “centralized” exchanges, whether it’s cash or crypto, for any
amount of time … too many bad things can happen, and have happened, to
people who’ve trusted them and got burned big time … in other words, don’t
become a crypto statistic.

I really like the “Monarch” E-Wallet, cuz it’s very simple to use, easy to
understand & navigate, there’s NO KYC whatsoever [literally NOTHING], you’re
completely anonymous, private & secure, and the safeguards built into the
wallet make recovery simple and easy if your phone and/or PC becomes
compromised by being lost, stolen, hacked, or it fails … IMHO, it’s better than a
nano ledger thumb drive, cuz it’s way easier to navigate and is FREE!
… seriously, how do you beat this?

This upcoming weekend, I’ll be doing an updated version of the crypto file from its
initial version [1 by default], to version 1.1 … in the future, as necessary, when I
update the file the dated versions go higher and it becomes easy to keep track of
what you’ve read … simply view online and look at the title date and version and
you’ll know if you’re current … as I’ve said before, I’m not a crypto expert, but I’m
not chopped liver either … what I learn from my research and what I think are
important for my readers I’ll share, cuz it benefits everybody, not just me
… crypto is NOT some “pie in the sky” bullshit you can ignore cuz you think it
doesn’t affect you or have anything to do with your life … do you still use a dial
up telephone? … do you use email or still lick a stamp and go to the post office?
… do you still use a typewriter? … right, and when technology came along and
changed the dynamic of your life forever, how many of you thought it was simply
a “fad”? … crypto is in the same boat, and to ignore it is detrimental to your
financial health & well being … and the direction the U.S. is headed financially,
socially, & morally, crypto may be the only thing that saves your wealth into the
future … there’s only upside here folks … take the plunge and get your donkey
into action!

So, we start the trading day off in DOW30 “fantasy land”, with a completely bogus
headline from Bloomberg that shoots stocks straight up the wall, where you
simply have to ask yourself if this was on purpose or just stupidity? … but no
mind, it’s “mission accomplished” and who cares the reasons behind it? … and
the Ponzi scheme of stocks rolls on uninterrupted.

As for the DAX30, it exploded right along with the DOW30, and since then, about 7
hours ago, it’s been in a 30 index point range playing “bob for apples” and not
doing Mr. Jack Squat … yes, modern, efficient markets … what a crock of shit.
After watching today’s NYSE open, all I can say is, “when does the effing
stupidity end? … does the FED think we’re all morons? … nothing you ever
learned about anything in school or biz school, has the slightest resemblance to
shit that is happening now, in this age of central bank omnipotence and money
printing … tulip bulb prices in Holland in the 1630’s were sounder than stocks
today … and the buying just rolls on under its own momentum. In the immortal
words of Sven Henrich of Northman Trader,

click to enlarge

I’m not the only one who’s noticing the bullshit … and in case you’re wondering,
this is exactly the same scenario being played out in stocks, as we saw play out in
gold from June 1 through to the highs around Labor Day … mystery ticks, vapor
moves, gaps in the wee hours, all the usual bullshit to avoid price discovery
during the busiest part of the cash day … rinse, repeat, and there ya go
… manipulated horseshit on steroids.

I’ve stated before, as a professional trader, I could care less about the underlying
market I’m trading … I’m looking for volatility and intraday movement, and without
it. I back away until it returns … forget FOMO [Fear Of Missing Out] and chasing
price … I treat the market(s) as an ATM, and I strictly follow the algorithm rules laid
out in Chapter 6 of the “Traders Course” [TC] … and if I do that, I know there is an
extremely high probability my per annum gains will be above 50+%, depending on
such factors as VIX and liquidity in the market … so why would anyone chase
price, no matter the market? … and if I don’t get what I want, I pass and simply
wait, especially in the DOW30 … I could care less whether the DOW30 is at 500,
5,000 or 50,000, cuz it simply doesn’t matter to profitability … it’s a trading vehicle,
that’s all.

And right at Noon EST, it’s “comedy central” time in the stock indices … more
bullshit spikes intended to kill, and the DOW30 jumps 60 index points on vapors
within a second or two, on more news about the “China trade deal” and that yes,
the U.S. would cave to reduce tariffs if a deal was struck … wait ‘till tomorrow
when the Chicoms ask for more, or change their mind … and the scam rolls on.

Afternoon in Gotham, and outside of the scam mystery spikes, it’s a bucket of
shit for trading conditions … Sven’s tweet above from a couple of days ago, right
on the money again, as the trade has devolved into a casino atmosphere where
it’s like playing roulette … no action until the HFT algos can manipulate shit higher
or lower on “news” … whether that news is positive or negative is immaterial
… what matters is that YOU REACT like Pavlov’s dog to the whistle, and that’s
where they get you. By all accounts, we should be getting algorithm buy signals
given the range … we aren’t getting any cuz that range has been severely
distorted by misinformation and news leaks, that come and go like farts in the
wind … and once they come and go, price settles down into “sleepytime”
… rinse, repeat, you get the picture … all I can do is wait, cuz anything else is
either giving money away or a coin flip … I’m not here to flip coins!

Which brings me to the nature of markets today and those participating … gone
are the days of free markets, cuz we’re smack dab in the FED’s control 24/7
… more than ever before, you need discipline & patience to make consistent
money trading  … even though it’s free, most people don’t have it or seem to
want to be able to develop it … they can’t follow directions, even when it’s spelled
out for ‘em in “black & white”, and after all the evidence is in, they run off and
chase some other Unicorn looking for the “Holy Grail” that doesn’t exist
… everything is supposed to be “EASY PEEZEE” I want it now, and with 5
minutes of effort, I should be able to figure it out … been hearing this for over
40+ years from people who couldn’t trade their way out of a fucking wet paper
bag with a gun at their head … bottom line is they make excuses and have ZERO
discipline and even less patience … OK, go work for a living, see how that turns
out for you … the TC algorithms are here for the duration, they’re not here to
make you 100% on your money every 5 minutes … the algorithms are
statistically tested by me, so if you’re here for future riches, that’s great … if
you’re here looking to make every day “casino night”, then you got the wrong
guy … I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear, I’m here to tell you the

The DOW30 is up 9 out of the last 10 days, vaporizing higher about 1000 index
points, on FED QE pablum … in that time, including today, the new FX CHOICE
PAMM / MAM is up about 1%, and that’s considering we have not had ideal
trading conditions whatsoever … and so, what’s to apologize about? … oh right,
I’m not up 38,000% being leveraged 200X with all the chips in the middle of the
table … keep this in mind next time you get “ants in your pants” about sitting.

And quite frankly, this action in the DOW30 will only bring a nastier correction
when it comes … unless you think it will never correct again … that only means
better trades for us when it does come, along with higher returns … in case you
haven’t figured it out yet, there’s a “game plan” in effect here in the algorithms
… follow them and get rich … try and change them or worse, ignore them, and
then do “stupid shit” like trying to short an “88/6/6” stock indices market, and
my ears will simply close cuz you haven’t paid attention.

And here @ 2:44 EST, here we go again, as stops get wiped out on the downside
via another Reuters report suggesting the White House faces “opposition” to
tariff cuts for the Chicoms … and what I have feared all day long is happening,
which is the trap door opening and anybody who is long gets slaughtered in
seconds … that’s what happens when you buy rallies … we don’t buy rallies!

The way the day is ending, tomorrow should see some good algorithm buy
signals in the DOW30 … and with any good fortune, overnight will see some
action as well … dunno yet of course, but it looks promising. We’ll see … until
tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great day everybody!  


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