“Which way do you go!?”
Thanks to government, standing at the corner of “Success” & “Failure” has
become a complete Ponzi scheme, akin to arranging the deck chairs in first class
on the Titanic, so you can get good seats while the orchestra plays … never mind
the entire boat is going down, cuz you’re too busy focusing on choice of seats,
blissfully unaware of the risks of the catastrophic failure about to happen … and
so, your supposed “choice” here, between “success” of getting a good seat
versus “failure” of getting a bad seat towards the rear, is a false construct.
Granted, the picture I’ve painted here is absurd, but the best way to point out
absurdity is to be completely absurd! … I drive the point home to be obvious
… nobody could be that stupid! … and yet, in real time as the ship was sinking
the orchestra played on!
And what I’m saying to you is that the financial community plays with you
constantly, offering you choices that are in reality “non-choices” … in other
words, just cuz you took the step towards “success” when reading the road
sign, doesn’t mean your going to encounter “success” as you start walking
down the road … and that’s cuz you’re down the rabbit hole, where the only rule
is, there are no frickin’ rules! … and so, under the rubric of government
observation, government rules, and finally government permission, you’re
allowed the illusion of success, when in reality there’s nothing but bad choices
and which one makes the most sense under less than than ideal circumstances
… and while on the surface it may appear that all of your moves were
successful, do you realize you’re on a chessboard where you can’t see all of the
moves that hurt you, by a player who most definitely doesn’t have your best
interests at heart?
I’m going to pose to you a simple question: “what’s happened in the world
financially since the end of 2014”? … of course, if I ask 100 people, I’ll get 120
different answers, but I would be surprised if any spoke of crypto as a game
changer … excluding QE inflated stocks in the U.S., what have other, more
traditional asset classes delivered? Gold at the end of 2014 was at about $1200,
today it’s at about $1475, a gain of a little over 20% … crude oil at the end of
2014 was at about $54 per barrel, today it’s at about $58 per barrel, a single digit
gain over approximately 5 years.
Where was Bitcoin at the end of 2014? … Bueller? …. Bueller? … well, it was at
approximately $110 per 1 BTC, today it’s over $7,000 per coin … strip away
miners BTC for mining the “proof of work” now and into the future, and
excluding coins that are lost forever, there remains a “float” of about 16,000,000
BTC’s in existence, and there can’t be anymore … how much sovereign debt is
held at negative interest rates worldwide? … approximately $17 trillion! … why
the hell would anybody enter into a lending agreement and guarantee
themselves a loss?
The premise behind John McAfee’s prediction of $1 million dollars per BTC in a
couple of years, is that all of the idiotic money in negative yeilding debt will flow
into crypto, and viola!, $1 million bucks per coin … by the same token, where is
Apple, Google, & Amazon gonna go from their inflated QE stock price? … and
while most might raise an eyebrow at my analysis, remember, “we’re all down the
rabbit hole now, and there ain’t no rules … it’s anything goes, and if you think the
predictable is what’s gonna happen, I’ll take the alternative approach and bet the
farm it won’t be”!
The “game changer” here with crypto, especially trading it via PRIMEXBT [or a
similar venue], is that it never closes, can’t be manipulated by government, and
millions of people worldwide trade it 24/7/365, where there is NO central exchange
to be fucked with … all with anonymity, privacy, security, and the ability to move
money in seconds to wherever you want it so you can spend it, invest it, or trade
it! … in other words, “fear & greed” are the primary factors in trading it, just like
in the roaring 80’s, when pits ruled the world … here, though, the entire world is
the pit, with no centralized bully who can change the rules at a whim, or take
away your money cuz they have the authority to do it … so, if you’re wondering
why over the last 5+ years why volumes & liquidity of EVERYTHING TRADED VIA
wonder no more, cuz the world’s “hot money” and the world’s biggest traders
have left the building and told interest rate markets, stock indices markets, &
commodity markets to go pound sand!
Anybody but me remember how volatile the USDJPY pair used to be prior to
2014? … remember those heady days where it looked like FX VIX would always
be high? … remember USDJPY having 200 - 400 PIP ranges, with intraday moves
that made your eyes water? … “well, where the fuck is that now Skippy”?!!
… when’s the last time USDJPY had a 100+ PIP range for the day? … how many in
the last 6 months? … “Hoover Dam” few, that’s how many … so where did all
those Asian session traders go? … EASY PEEZEE: they’re all trading crypto now
24/7, and making/losing a fortune … right along with every hot dollar that’s
underground and can’t be shown to government, for fear of confiscation via
taxes … and you know what? … that’s a shipload of money Skippy! … you’re
gonna need a bigger group of ships!
Turning to today’s manipulated mess in the DJPI30 [Dow Jones Propaganda
Index 30] … “trade deal optimism” [please be patient while on hold, your operator
is laughing his ass off and will resume his duties shortly] … OK, how many
fucking times have I seen this shit over the last year? … I’m guessing about 200,
but it could be more, each time good for multiple 100+ point bursts in the
propaganda index … as long as it keeps working, don’t expect the Apparatchiks
or the HFT’s to stop using it to prop stocks ever skyward, in the greatest hyped
Ponzi scheme ever to hit the world … “but no worries, CNBC says everything is
fine … and the FED says everything is fine … remember back in 2007, when
Greenspan & every government Apparatchik in the world said everything was
fine? … remember Bawney Fwank, who said there could never be a housing
crisis? … head … sand … no worries, right”? If only Goebbels were alive to see
this, he’d shake his head in disbelief.
Late morning in Gotham, and if you think this is an honest market, I got some
beachfront property to sell you in Kansas … cheap! … another complete “circus
shitshow” of price manipulation in the DOW30, where the “Plunge Protection
Team” [PPT], other central banks [hello SNB], and the scam known as corporate
buybacks, all place bids protecting price, then cancel said bids [price drops for a
couple of minutes], then the bids come back, shorts panic and we scoot higher
in seconds … in other words, just another “protect & defend” the QE bullshit that
happened overnight on “vapors”, and launder the gains … nice work if you can
get it, all backed and propped up by a corrupt FED.
Crypto sort of slow today, in comparison with yesterday’s torrid pace … crude oil
again today dead meat walking, so nothing there as well … nope, just stocks
meandering around like Zombies with a bias slightly higher at the moment
… intraday VIX just completely pathetic … you got more trading activity in corn
spreads than this shit today so far.
But, speaking of crypto and BTC in particular, again today you see a range that
makes everything else on the board look pathetic by comparison … this is a
market that has 80’s & 90’s market volatility baked into the cake, where you can
expect to see 3% - 5%+ daily moves … however, 2 important items here; 1) this
market never closes, so there’s no bullshit with opens and closes affecting price,
and 2) there’s no central exchange, like the corrupt CME, where you’re forced
into things you don’t want to be forced into … nope, this is a market that is
global, decentralized, and has millions upon millions of players, where
government is at a total loss at how to control it, reign it in, and try and get their
grubby fingers on it to fuck it up beyond all recognition … trust me, the global
elites are terrified of this shit, and how the world’s population in droves is
migrating to it faster than they can ever imagine … a world completely devoid of
government bullshit and the flow of money … now that’s something I’m truly
excited about!
Mid to late afternoon, and this day has been a waste of time from a trading
perspective … 6 hours of bullshit inside about a 40 index point range, with the
usual assortment of spikes from hell, both up/down to make things uncomfortable
for anyone who enters into any trade, no matter long or short … in this kind of
environment only the scumbag banks win … so, I sit and wait patiently for an
algorithm signal to trade … won’t come today, that’s for sure … until tomorrow
mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!
Have a great day everybody!
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