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Sunday, November 17, 2019


“Let’s face facts … everybody is gonna be Donny at some point!”

I know what most of you are thinking, but before I even get to that, let me simply
say “you got no choice in the matter but to know “IT”, or “IT” leaves your ass
behind like somebody who shoes horses for a living”! … I know most of you have
no idea what “crypto”, “block chain”, “hash tags & hash cubes”, “atomic swaps”,
and/or “smart contracts” are or how they’re used … you wouldn’t know a coal
miner from a Bitcoin miner, and all of this crypto stuff makes your head dizzy … I
get that.

What you need to “get” is that the world is moving at light speed towards crypto,
in all areas that make up life, AND cover most professions … do you know what
a “DAPP” is, or a “DAPP programmer? … right now, it’s the hottest thing in the
world job wise, and it’s the development of biz savvy programs that reside on the
block chain, that are super secret, private, anonymous, and 100% secure
… “crypto” is not just speculating on coins like they’re stocks, although the
different coins have different application purposes and were created by developer
teams that are privacy & libertarian focused … that means anti government, and
the bullshit that government always brings to the equation when they go hustling
for dollars to feed their ever growing bureaucracy of horseshit … and as the
world’s population figures out every frickin’ day, the government is NOT your
friend, but your enemy, especially to your wealth & savings.

You should have enough brains to figure out that if the government says it’s
“bad”, says it could cause financial instability, or says it only benefits criminals &
terrorists, then it’s a very good thing for you. As I’ve said many times, using
government logic, then I guess we should ban food & water cuz criminals eat and
drink … right? … no? … then obviously you support criminals & terrorists, it’s as
simple as that. Directly below, a link from an article on ZH on Friday, where Spicoli
over at the faculty lounge has got his “big girl panties” bunched up over
“Stablecoins”, those crypto coins that keep ‘stable” at $1, 1 EURO, or 1 GBP.

Of course, what’s not written here is more important … the FED knows they’re
losing control to a world that views them with disdain, skepticism, and outright
hostility [I’m in this camp] to their elitist policies that favor the global 0.001%, and
essentially fuck the middle class of America … their track record in doing this is
impeccable … over 106 years, they’ve never been right once about anything
… they don’t help economic expansions, and they’ve created recessions with
idiotic policy … in the process, they’ve devalued your wealth & currency by over
98%+ since 1913, and today they’re involved in QE, but don’t say QE, where
they’re printing money like crazy to prop the stock market … yes, this will all end
well I’m sure of it … gulp!

And people are responding to this idiocy, in part, by investing in crypto coins that
have value … value? … where’s the value you say, it’s digital? … I love this “straw
man” argument, that gets thrown out cuz you need the internet and computers to
hold, spend, & invest coins … you really think we’re going back to the 1950’s
technology wise? … well, the whole world isn’t, even if the U.S. bans everything
and makes it illegal … sure, let ‘em do it, and the entire population becomes felons
overnight as people say “fuck you” to government bans & regulations … how you
gonna stop it? … meanwhile, everywhere else it grows and grows … who here are
the idiots?

I have stated previously about the large drop in trading volumes in the FX market
… it’s nowhere where it used to be 10 years ago for 2 reasons; 1) central bank
manipulation of FX, reducing volatility and ranges and in the process killing retail
specs, and 2) traders have moved on to crypto … this is where the “hot money” of
the world is at, and where the action is likely to be the most volatile … no longer
interested in FX, gold, silver, & traditional commodities, there are ONLY 3 arenas of
trading activity today … 1) stock indices, 2) crude oil, and 3) crypto … it is what it is

Directly below, our focused markets 20 Day Range MA’s for the upcoming week.

click on any chart to enlarge

And as you can see, VIX continues to take a beating in the stock indices, where
the DAX30 is on 2 year lows, right along with the DOW30 & SP500 … this is no
accident, this is by design.

I’m also announcing today, that probably by the end of next weekend, I’ll be
adding a new chapter to the “Traders Course” [TC] that is dedicated solely
towards WTI Crude Oil … specifically, the M1 Scalpers Algorithm. As the 2 most
potentially consistent volatile markets out of the 10 we focus on, these 2 deserve
their own special chapters. In addition, that won’t be the only upgrade in the days
and weeks ahead in the TC either, cuz I’m also working on some crypto pairs
[e.g., BTC, ETH, LTC, & XRP] to add to the course material … and while I know I
probably should, I’m not going to raise the price of the TC for 2 reasons; 1) back
when I first started my trading career, everything traded related cost a fortune,
and a lot of it was pure, unadulterated shit … these were from guys who could
care less whether you made any money or not, they simply played on your greed
via hype, and hype is what you got, and 2) I’m interested in people who want to
make money … shiploads of money …  and need a reliable, statistically proven
way to do it … where to start, where to focus, what market(s) to trade, what’s
important and what’s bullshit … all presented before them in a logical manner
based on their style of trading, whether it’s scalping or positions … either way, I
show you how to do it … I’m not interested in “tire kickers” and dreamers … the
TC, in plain English, is a metaphorical license to a casino … you wanna be the
guy playing craps, fine go do that and win occasionally while losing consistently
… you’ll be dead broke in no time! … thanks, I’ll own the casino and make
consistent profits. And that’s what the TC does … so, by the time I’m finished,
the course will be jammed packed … Oh, and did I mention there’s chat support
M-F? … I’m not selling this to get your $60 and then running off to the cabin to
sit in my trailer and swig moonshine [although after last week’s DOW30 action it
does sound pretty good, I’ll admit].

There’s other crypto news I’ll be laying out here on the blog this upcoming week,
so stay tuned … until tomorrow mi amigos … Onward & Upward!!

Have a great rest of your weekend everybody! 


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