“If it looks & quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck!!”
As if it’s not bad enough that markets are bags of flaming dog shit, what with
terribly low ranges, VIX, and horrendous trading action, along comes discovery
that is disturbing to say the least … there isn’t any way to sugar coat this
… when people decide to go to the “dark side” in this business, it impacts
everybody to some extent … I believe, IQCENT IS A SCAM BROKERAGE HOUSE
NOW! … Do not open an account here, nor put any funds here, cuz you are likely
not to get them back anytime soon via a withdrawal.
From my perspective, “The Syndicate” never had much with IQCENT, and what
we did have got pulled last fall when they tried unsuccessfully to get me to put
more funds with them … so from “”The Syndicate” perspective, the loss isn’t
even a rounding error … personally, I had about 6 months profits that are
“buh bye” to the scam, and I don’t think I’ll ever see those profits appear … Miss
Gimpy & “The Mrs.” took slightly bigger hits, but in the scheme of things it’s
mostly lost profits and time … that doesn’t make it any easier to stomach,
knowing they went from OK to rogue scammers in about 3- 4 months, it just
simply means “live and learn” from this business … good houses go bad, bad
houses become good, ownership changes, nobody really knows for sure what
goes on behind the scenes from day-to-day … all anybody can do is go by history
and prior willingness to do the “right thing”, and when they decide to go rogue
and stop sending people their withdrawals, to pay attention to the internet.
Quite frankly, I don’t know what it is they hope to gain from stealing peoples
crypto withdrawals … their e-wallet addresses will be flagged by analytics
agencies, law enforcement will enter the picture, and what good does BTC in a
cold wallet do you sitting there that can never be moved or turned into fiat? As
scammers the world over have found out, it doesn’t matter how long you wait for
the heat to blow over, your wallet addresses are flagged, and the second you try
and spend the crypto, the authorities will be all over you like white on rice … so
what’s the point?
One thing I have already done, is contact the legal department of Thompson
Reuters, the LP that clears trades for IQCENT. Do they know that they are
clearing trades for a scam brokerage house, that is cheating clients? They are
required to “Know their customers”, which clearly in this case they don’t
…. Quite frankly, they are accessories to this “crime” … we’ll see in the days /
weeks ahead if I get any response from their legal department … and in the
days ahead, I’ll be contacting bitcoin.org to see what they can do, as well as
other venues that may or may not be able to help … this is now personal!
I’ll be moving “The Syndicate” over to Coinexx, and starting tomorrow I’ll be
trading the PAMM monies in BTC … Coinexx may be slippage whores, but they
aren’t crooks & thieves in the traditional sense of stealing customer funds by
not doing withdrawals … I haven’t ever had a problem with Coinexx for a
withdrawal, but by the same token I never had a problem with IQCENT either
up until now … you just always have to be vigilant in this biz, and even then it
might not be enough … 12 years ago, I lost about $1200 to a scam broker
called “Forex-Metal” … this was right before crypto and many people used
Liberty Reserve to make withdrawals … they simply stopped withdrawals and
disappeared … [and Liberty Reserve got shut down by the FEDS and they
disappeared as well very soon thereafter.]
It’s a sad day in this industry when shit like this happens, but it isn’t markets
fault, it isn’t cryptos fault, it is the evil intent of individuals … for the PAMM,
now that “The Syndicate” has joined the party, look for much more increased
trading in Bitcoin [maybe Ethereum, but we’ll see] … if VIX can give us half-way
decent ranges and trading action, the costs to trade [while higher] are still low
enough at Coinexx that we have an advantage over those trading at Binance or
Phemex … we’re only still in January, and the year has a very long way to go,
but rest assured I’ll be looking to POWER UP TRADING RESULTS and bring
returns to the PAMM going forward … time for me to get to work!
I’ll have range MA’s and MEDIANS next week … I got a corrupted file problem
with my Google Sheets that needs to be fixed … onto the week.
… OUTTA HERE … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎,
and my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!