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Wednesday, July 13, 2022


“Coming home after a day of FX trading! … you can just feel the love!”

Inside the circus tent, who knew there was an ECB Plunge Protection Team

[ECBPPT] for EURUSD? … and while everybody in the world says they should be

short EURUSD, from where I sit only bad shit has happened, usually “el quicko

rapido”, from those on the short side of things … and those price gamma ray

bursts higher leave burn marks not soon forgotten, and quite frankly that’s the

point of the PPT doing there thing … it’s simply to punish!

I’ve been writing about this forever … “speed of light … crickets” … WTF do you

do with this, cuz again today the entire day’s range in EURUSD [so far] put in, not

in minutes, but seconds … and then nothing but bank “chop city” bullshit as

pretty much everything goes into the “loser formation” … order books shredded

to pieces on both sides … this isn’t trading, this is a “war zone” … you get a

slingshot, the scumbag banks get nuclear weapons.

And speaking of nuclear weapons, who’s up for a DOUBLE REVERSAL slingshot

right into the London Fix? … gosh, nothing suspicious here, amirite or amirite?

… more bullshit than stockyards can hold in Kansas, on display every day in FX

majors … first the CPI blows up the longs in microseconds, then later after hours

of NADA going sideways, here comes FOMO panic to the upside, just in time for

the scumbag banks to “fix” corporate & institutional orders at the high of the day

… and from which it’s straight down from there … even Vito Corleone would blush

at this “scumbaggery & fuckery” … what can I say? … simply more “speed of

light … crickets”, where banks are the only winners … markets moving so fast,

your only choice is to buy the rally [sell the break] if you want to participate, and

then pray there’s a bigger Dope than you for buying a rally [selling a break] who

you can sell to [buy from], so that you can bank some coin … and when you buy

the top [sell the bottom], and you were the last Dope, what then? … sure, find

that comfortable average that will make it really painful … you’d be surprised at

how many actually do this.

All week long I’ve also been watching Cable [GBPUSD] … trades better cuz it

doesn’t have 1) nearly as big of energy problems as Europe, and 2) it isn’t near a

huge psychological parity level like EURUSD … spread is slightly higher, but

given the way it moves that’s not the impediment it could be … USDJPY spread is

now bigger than both EURUSD & Cable at Turnkey, and is pricing itself into

obscurity … quite frankly, EURUSD is pissing me off greatly with its price action

… basket of retarded kittens on meth describes EURUSD rather perfectly

… everything is either exploding or sleeping … 1) either can’t get in … 2) it’s

sleeping and won’t wake up … or 3) directional parameters for trade signals can’t

move with the speed of the market when it’s moving, so both parameters are

“pink” for the rallies and sky blue for the breaks, AND IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE

THE OTHER WAY AROUND … and this phenomena highlights the vicious and

abrupt change of trend, followed by panic, followed by bouts of EURUSD drifting

like a raft in the ocean going nowhere … and if you happen to get caught in one

of these blitzkriegs the wrong way, well good luck making it back anytime soon,

cuz that’s why VIX gets crushed like a bug on a windshield going 90 mph, as the



COMING NEXT … the circus was always fun when I was a kid and got to go

… this is financial evil on a scale the world has never seen before.

I’m gonna switch over to Cable trading for the PAMM starting tonight, for the very

simple reason that it’s easier for that pair to exhibit the necessary VIX for signal

generation, versus what I’m seeing in EURUSD … Cable just has more signals cuz

it moves somewhat better … with BoJo gone [thankfully, what a tube steak that

guy was], the Tories have a chance to kickstart the economy and get things going

again … the same can’t be said for the hapless EURUSD … I sat here all day

watching my blood pressure grow, hoping beyond hope that EURUSD could

move AFTER THE LIGHTNING STRIKES … what a joke … it can’t cuz it doesn’t

have the dynamic either YEN or Cable have … quite frankly, every time I step into

EURUSD, it disappoints me greatly with its action … and from what I’ve seen lately

over the last weeks as it’s been ground down from 1.10 to 1.05, then to 1.03, then

the break to 1.00, is that no other pair has VIX INCONSISTENCY WORSE THAN

EURUSD … meaning, it’s great when it moves and lets you in, but that happens

far fewer times than in Cable or YEN, and spends an inordinate amount of time

DYING, where VIX collapses and you can’t even get out of a trade past the

bid/offer when it’s a paltry 0.3 PIPS … talk about frustrating, I’ve had some of

those trades and it burns me to a crisp, it pisses me off so much! … YEN has

been great, but it’s becoming a “one trick pony” of interest rate differentials, and

we’re already seeing Q1 futures for RATE CUTS take off … and it’s why for the

foreseeable future, I think USDJPY is somewhat “dead money”, while at the same

time its 20 Day Range MA starts to go lower … and finally, add in the fact that the

bid/offer spread in USDJPY is now higher than Cable at Turnkey, and it makes me

want to be trading Cable rather than USDJPY.

No trades today, cuz gee can you figure out why? … post CPI numbers, it’s

straight down … then sideways … then straight up for the DOUBLE REVERSAL

that went nowhere [which is the M.O. for double reversals and why you should

never chase them] into and after the London Fix … before that a somewhat dead

market awaiting CPI figures … I thought coming into today, that it would be a very

good trading action day … little did I or anybody know the entire day

encapsulated into a double group of C4 explosions, that resulted in a panic low,

followed by a panic FOMO high, followed by NADA … and for most of the day,

the trading algorithm was the dog chasing the car down the street, and it just

couldn’t catch up.

Now into the New York afternoon, where markets go to get shot in the head from

scumbag Wall Street banks [JPM, Squid, Citi, etc.] … almost never a good idea

to venture into this part of the day … so, onto tomorrow.

… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎, and

my own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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