“OH look, it’s lunch time at the FED!”
They created the financial bubble problems along with inflation, now have no idea
how to get rid of ‘em, except raise rates that will kill middle class America … the
financial system of the world is about to go Sri Lanka, if they go ahead and drop
the 100 bps rate hike coming up later this month … these people should be
arrested, tried, and hopefully convicted of corruption, bribery, theft, sedition, and
treason … they won’t be of course, but they should be … evil scum the world has
seen too much of these last 109 years, as they have successfully debased the U.S.
Dollar some 98%+, unleashed historic inflation, and are about to inflict the world
with a depression that they eagerly agree needs to happen.
FX markets today a complete train wreck … “crickets” in EURUSD & GBPUSD,
“speed of light” panic in USDJPY … oh, the manipulators have had a busy day so
far … USDJPY making me look like an idiot, but that’s OK, it won’t be the first or
last time! … as it goes parabolic, just remember what ALWAYS HAPPENS TO
MARKETS THAT GO PARABOLIC … ALWAYS! … and the upcoming crash as the
world enters a DEPRESSION will be one ugly event … it’s not a question of “IF”,
it’s a question of “WHEN”!
Now after the London Fix, and wasn’t that a nice little “gift” to strapped bank
longs from FED PIE HOLE Waller RIGHT AT THE FIX? … no doubt somebody got
a phone call for help to stop the FX bleeding and dollar strength … no problem
the PIE HOLE says, maybe that 100 bps rate hike is a little premature … and it took
all of 1 microsecond for both EURUSD & GBPUSD to GO SUPERNOVA and
explode higher … “yes, being short with the entire rest of the world for that “easy
money” sure is fun isn’t it? … and I’m guessin’ that buy stop didn’t help much
did it? … yea, I know without knowing, it got filled at the tippy top”.
FX is so fractured, it’s like there are 3 markets wrapped up into a day … 1) Asia,
which doesn’t give a shit but for what the ChiComs say … 2) Europe, which is
almost totally useless for anything except chop & drift … 3) anything after the
London Fix [11 AM EST], cuz with Europe closed, it’s now the virus scum of Wall
Street calling the shots … reversals, double reversals, triple reversals, it’s all in
the mix now … today sees EURUSD putting in a TRIPLE REVERSAL from Asia
… seriously, WTF is next? … we get the usual “speed of light … crickets”
bullshit today, which helps nobody but the scumbag banks … meanwhile
USDJPY just says “Fuck It”, we’re going straight up 2 handles to almost 140,
who’s gonna stop us? … well, apparently nobody!
The only good thing about today, is that the “parity” level in EURUSD got taken
out, and so now life can move on from an artificial level that doesn’t mean Mr.
Jack Squat … until Friday 7/22, I want nothing to do with EURUSD … that’s the
day Vlad decides whether or not Germany gets Natty Gas turned back on or not
… until then price is definitely capped, and regardless of today’s turnaround on
FED PIE HOLE help, I don’t think EURUSD is going anywhere … for the entirety of
the day, I was watching and waiting in Cable … and in 11 hours+, we had about a
little less than 3 hours of “sky blue” UP trend on the MT4, and a little more than
8+ hours of “pink” DOWN TREND on the MT4 … problem was, none of the
uptrends produced diddly squat in terms of price movement … I kept waiting for
buy signals PLUS confirmation breakout, and got exactly NADA! … and it was like
that all the way to the London Fix … and then the FED PIE HOLE from central
casting shows up and blows the shit out of the market in less than a second
… when all else fails, and banks are long and trying to get a market to rally so
they can sell to spec Chumps, but it’s not rallying, all it takes is a call to the FED
for help, and here comes today’s “du jour help” Apparatchik with some timely
words … what a frickin’ scam!
Quite frankly, I’m no longer willing to attempt “bottom picking” in any of these
markets, for the simple reason that there are no rules anymore in trading … NONE
… and any of these markets can continue on their merry way killing you all the way
to the bottom, where you will puke hard before it bounces smartly … “how much
salt do you want rubbed into your stab wounds”? … you have to have some kind
of “wind at your back” [a/k/a trend] for trades or they will carry you out … and if
there ain’t no wind, then there ain’t no trading, simple as that … and for me right
now, I absolutely refuse to be short EURUSD UNDER 1.02 & GBPUSD UNDER 1.20,
cuz 1) the consequences of rapid reversals are very high, 2) they are both
extremely oversold on every technical metric known to mankind and the entire
world is short them, and 3) the consequences of both going lower still portend a
worldwide DEPRESSION, and I don’t think any central bank wants to see that, so
“Plunge Protection Teams” [PPT] I think are at the ready to intervene heavily if
things get more stupid … having said that, if Vlad decides to not turn the Natty
Gas back on, for whatever reason on 7/22, all bets are off the table and both pairs
could see substantially lower quotes rather quickly … until then though, no.
I will remind readers again of the central premise of the trading algorithm
… 1) first priority is to stay the Hell outta trouble … 2) identify a trend that can last
for some scalp trades, thus we use the m5 with the 2 indicators [HEMA & HEIKEN
ASHI SMOOTHED] to accomplish this … when both indicators are “sky blue” trend
is up, and when both are “pink” the trend is down … 3) when trend is up on the M5,
ONLY DO SHORT TRADES … 4) having identified trend, using a split screen of a
15s chart via Netdania with 2 indicators [TEMA [yellow line] & ALMA [white line] ]
… 5) TEMA OVER ALMA BUY … TEMA UNDER ALMA SELL … with appropriate
trend of course … and that’s it, there are your very high probability scalp trades.
As I just said, I’m not interested in being short Cable when/if it’s under 1.20 given
circumstances in effect right now, so the short trades are for the moment off the
table … and so today, like many a day lately, we get some kind of gamma burst of
buying, that when it ends, doesn’t come back and then go higher … we simply get
a gamma burst UP, then followed by drifting down, until it races towards the
bottom … rinse / repeat for again like the millionth time inside this POS “Flying
Wedge of Death” [FWD], and you got a lot of traders simply getting mauled to
death with CHOP … the banks know it, they start it, and then they end it … and
then they just keep on doing it to you, cuz they got order flow info [bids/offers]
and we don’t.
I fully realize I’m passing on some short trades that will be profitable in either
EURUSD and/or GBPUSD, but I also fully realize what’s at stake for the world’s
financial system with major pairs at 20+ year lows, and growing with each day
sense to understand some adult somewhere in charge isn’t gonna let it happen,
and the PPT gets unleashed and shorts get burned … and today left some burn
marks, no doubt … as for the YEN, it’s a basket case where some day the entire
system over there is gonna blow the Hell up … I don’t really want to be in USDJPY
right now either, cuz it’s dangerous as Hell, and more importantly Turnkey has
blown the spread out past where Cable trades … what the Hell is that all about?
So, if major pairs wanna go to ZERO, and the MT4 trend stays “pink” for a good
majority of the time, then let them go to ZERO, I don’t care … like I said, though,
7/22 WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING with Vlad and Natty Gas … Vlad holds all the
cards, thanks to idiot POLS … does he play nice, or does he take ‘em to the mat?
… dunno, we’ll find out a week from tomorrow!
Amazing as it seems, cuz quite frankly we should be getting at least 5 - 10 good
trades per day, there were no trades today in GBPUSD for the PAMM … and the
reason is simple, simply no good buy signals when the MT4 was “sky blue” … if
it’s “pink”, I’m not interested cuz I’m peeing into the wind and hoping not to get
hit … good luck with that. And while it’s kind of frustrating, what’s more frustrating
is buying rallies and selling breaks and losing money … sorry, I don’t do that, and
if you follow the algorithm that’s not gonna happen … so, onto tomorrow … it can’t
go lower and stay lower every day can it?
… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎, and my
own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!
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