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Sunday, July 17, 2022



“Trading! … what can possibly go wrong!?”

One of the things that can go horribly wrong, is not recognizing that volatilities

and trading personalities across pairs can be totally distinct and different … and

just when you think it’s safe to go into the water, it ain’t … what I’ve outlined in

the trading algorithm so far pertains to dollar pairs, and if you use the very same

criteria in crosses, prepare to be unpleasantly surprised … I’m finished with the

version 3 trading algorithm for dollar pairs, but as a bonus I’m adding FX crosses,

specifically YEN crosses cuz they have the lowest spreads … right now, leading

the pack are EURJPY & AUDJPY, [maybe NZDJPY if your at a house with a good

spread] as GBPJPY has fallen off the wagon with dramatically increased bid/offer

spreads at Turnkey … from less than 1 PIP to over 2 PIPS, and that ain’t

gonna cut it.

However, it can be any cross, so long as the spread is at or below about 1.3 PIPS

… go any higher than that, and the “Trading Ratio” [TR] is going to be impacted

severely, and your profitability goes down the drain … looking at the spectrum of

markets on the MT4, it ain’t a pretty picture for scalpers … “Stock Bellies”, crude

oil, precious metals, and most FX crosses literally STINK when it comes to

bid/offer spreads, not to mention the all too familiar HORRENDOUS SLIPPAGE

cuz they can, and most if not all of these markets become untradeable

rather quickly.

Given the “lay of the land” going forward, it’s gonna be hard for GBPJPY to get

back under 1 PIP … I don’t see it happening anytime soon, so I’m not expecting

to trade it … as far as 20 Day Range MA’s go, EURJPY = 167.9 PIPS,

AUDJPY = 134.8 PIPS, & NZDJPY = 102.4 … FOR BOTH the AUD & NZD crosses,

it really depends on what your cost to trade it is, otherwise EURJPY is the clear

VIX winner … this is quite the week for EURUSD, as Friday is “D-Day” for the

E.U., especially Germany & France, as we’ll see if Vlad turns the Natty Gas back

on via Nordstream 1, or finds a reason not to … Friday could be one for the

record books in terms of VIX and range for EURJPY, not to mention the fact that

the day before the Morons at the ECB give their interest rate decision, which is

highly likely to see rates rise … wouldn’t it be something if they raise rates, and

then within 24 hours Vlad decides, “nah, you don’t get shit”! … what now ECB


Quite frankly, I am not at all happy with the way dollar pairs are being traded,

and I don’t mean just for a day or two, but for weeks now … it’s like there’s 3

separate markets, divided between the world’s 3 trading sessions, and it’s

becoming increasingly uncomfortable to see the onslaught of DOUBLE &

TRIPLE REVERSALS becoming a popular mainstay, with the attendant “speed of

light … crickets” bullshit instituted by the scumbag LP banks … and the problem

is, if you get caught in one of these, there’s almost no way they let you make it

back cuz the dollar pair goes “sleepytime” … that’s not something you see on

the charts of the crosses.

We have two potentially explosive pairs in EURJPY … certainly USDJPY has seen

heightened VIX these last months, and I don’t expect that to subside materially

anytime soon … then there’s EURUSD with it’s 1) fragmentation problems with

the PIGS [Portugal, Italy, Greece, & Spain] and their bond yields, and

2) geopolitical problems tied to energy, specifically Natty Gas & the Ruskies

… throw into the mix the ongoing, never ending Proxy war of Russia / Ukraine,

and the bullshit emanating from that clusterfark and its effect on European

economies, and I don’t see how anyone can think EURUSD is gonna go into a

“VIX Shell” and stay there … mix it all up, and it’s one Helluva FX cocktail of VIX

staring us in the face … so, I’m going back to EURJPY for the PAMM.

Yes, I’m somewhat concerned about conditions, but I’m also concerned about

sitting here twiddling my thumbs watching paint dry in EURUSD, only to see any

explosion I can’t capture cuz it happens like a lightning strike … AS I SAID

BEFORE, different pairs have different attendant trading styles & personalities,

and you can’t take the dollar pair algorithm over into the cross or bad things are

gonna happen … they may happen anyway, but you don’t need to add to the

problem! … there are different parameters and guidelines for the YEN crosses

[the only ones that have the proper spread requirements for trading], and I’ll be

explaining those in next Sunday’s blog update when I release version 3.0 of the

trading algorithm … so, if you wanna trade crosses, keep your big girl panties

on and the manual will be here come next Sunday.

As for those who may be trading dollar pairs and using Netdania, sometimes

“simpler” is better, and I’m changing the 15s EURUSD [or other pairs] indicators

to ONLY TEMA [7, 0.09], AND EMA [40, CLOSE] … quite frankly, ALMA at lower

TR levels is “disappointing”, with too many “false positives” for my liking … just

the simple crossover of TEMA OVER EMA to get long at the appropriate time is

excellent … “I’d normally know this, but you have to remember we don’t have

history with the sub M1 chart times, so I have to study and analyze this stuff in

real time to get proper parameter settings”.

YEN has the potential to be a very big problem in the cross [meaning the

spread + slippage could get out of hand], circa a lot like 2008, but the difference

now versus then, is that interest rate differentials are a lot smaller AND the YEN

carry trades outstanding are far lower … so that’s gonna mute any big

“Thelma & Louise” slide over the quarry cliff into the bottomless pit below [if it

happens] from the world’s spec community … only a worldwide depression can

save the YEN and get it to rally with any legs, otherwise there’s no end to the

upside in the pair over the short / medium / and especially long term … Japan is

a basket case of fiscal irresponsibility on steroids [not that the ECB is that much


Directly below, this week’s 20 Day Range MA’s for selected pairs.

click on table to enlarge

So, onto the wild week at hand … this one is gonna be interesting … outta here

… “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎, and my own Brinks

armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!


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