But for a handful of PIPS today in USDJPY, we would have seen a TRIPLE
REVERSAL … from a practical perspective, what’s the difference? … and while
we’ve been under the 20 Day Range MA all day so far, the whipsaw panic on both
sides of the ball is off the charts … and it brings home in spades, and has for
decades, why I firmly believe the way to anybody’s fortune in FX is via scaping
… the shifting sands of “big money” and how they view the musings of their
central bank Apparatchik Overlords … cuz when the sands shift, your house
built on a particular sand dune goes down with it!
And while the ECB & BOE are filled to the brim with Morons & Idiot “yes men”, the
one constant in the world are the truly insane bunch of Dopes over at the BOJ
… even still, they’re so steadfast in their dogma & propaganda, they aren’t gonna
change policy unless they are forced to … that leaves EVERYTHING to Spicoli and
the other Lounge Lizards at the FED to save Japan from becoming Venezuela
… and it’s why VIX is so high in USDJPY right now, cuz everything is either
dependent on the “Spoos” [“risk on / risk off” (RORO)] or the 10 YR. Treasury
rate, with this last week seeing USDJPY trade almost tick-for-tick with the 10 Yr.
With economic data coming in soft, the 10 YR. is diving below 3% today, thus
cratering USDJPY in the last hours of the Asian session … “Asia flies, the rest of
the world dies!” … Europe actually had a pulse for a change, seeing USDJY rally
off the lows almost back up ti the high of the day … then the sun came up in New
York and we moved lower to within a couple of PIPS of the low before once again
rallying … on you guessed it, the 10 Yr. yield rallying some … this is the Friday
before the 4th of July Holiday in the U.S. … volumes and liquidity have been light,
and I’m being kind here … actually, they stink.
I’ve had the chance now for 2 solid weeks to put the algorithm to the test in
USDJPY … we’ve pretty much seen it all, from FOMO panic on the upside, to
panic selling, to I think I’m gonna fall asleep … and unless something significantly
changes, like going back to daily ranges of 50 PIPS or something like it, which I
don’t foresee, the algorithm is SOLID GOLD … volumes & number of trades will be
going up significantly once the Monday Holiday is over and out of the way, and the
PAMM isn’t experiencing any of the trade bullshit it used to when we were on the
regular MT4 platform … so, time to kick it in into full motion.
One algorithm buy signal today in USDJPY … TURNKEY PAMM UP
FRACTIONALLY … entry was not very good and we suffered more slippage
than I expected … after that, we had the U.S. ISM numbers which showed
weakness, and thus we saw USDJPY go lower … now we’re into the New York
afternoon, and I want no part of this clusterfark going into a 3 day weekend
… guaranteed “scumbaggery & fuckery” by JPM, Squid, and the other rats of Wall
Street … dunno about the spread, but slippage could be a big issue … you won’t
really know until you get hosed, but by then you’re stuck with it … I’ve never,
ever liked these trading scenarios and I avoid them.
The Mrs. & my newest protege, which is my niece who suffered the broken leg
over Memorial Day and is staying with us indefinitely through recovery and rehab
[physical therapy], both like trading EURUSD instead of USDJPY … both of ‘em go
BOTH LONG & SHORT ON SIGNALS off the 15s, and on the upcoming Sunday
blog, I’ll show you how they decide which side to take … until Sunday.
… outta here … “The future’s so bright I need 2 pairs of sunglasses 😎😎, and my
own Brinks armored truck” 💓!! … Onward & Upward!!
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