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Tuesday, August 4, 2020


“Government only produces NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES!”

Some days, if you don’t laugh at these asshats, you’d be crying your eyes out
that people can actually be this stupid … the latest incarnation comes courtesy
of ZH, and well follow the link below to get a good laugh.

But sure, go ahead and buy MOAR! Worthless, overvalued NASDAQ junk cuz if
we’re all dead or living in spacesuits, SkyNet will make sure these stocks will go
up to infinity … and when I say “these stocks” I’m talking about the SP5 … no,
not the SP500, the SP5, where over the last 10 - 20 years ALL OF THE STOCK
Google, Facebook, and Amazon … everything else dead as a bump on a log.

Before the Wall Street prop traders [those running/trading the illegal offshore
accounts of banks] even get to their screens this morning, already Cable has had
another “double reversal” … granted, ranges are rather tiny, but it’s still above the
50 PIPS level that separates statistical significance … in any event, with the
complete lunacy of BoJo’s “flip flop” Tory government to deal with the hoax
pandemic, and changing the rules every 5 minutes while pissing off every Brit on
the planet, how does Cable stay above 1.30? … everybody and their brother
already knows there is going to be “no deal” with the E.U. over BREXIT, and even
if there is one, it’ll only be a “face saving” piece of junk meaning absolutely ZERO
… given the nature of modern day government to adopt every fringe activists
Marxist tendencies, is it any wonder most of Europe is in complete revolt over
what governments are trying to do to their freedoms? … but it’s all relative when
it comes to FX, cuz as we all know, when it comes to complete stupidity, lunacy,
overall corruption, influence peddling, and POL graft, nobody beats the U.S.

Only one decent algorithm signal today in GBPUSD … TURNKEY PAMM / MAM

Today we’re back to straight up, straight down, then die when Europe closes …
another “double reversal” range day, which used to be quite rare, but nowadays
is simply among the mix of strange extremely low probability events that are
popping up with regularity … but no matter, it simply is what it is and I deal with
it. Thursday morning at 7 AM EST the BOE has an interest rate decision, followed
45 minutes later with a presser … so trading tomorrow could be light and
uneventful ahead of this … a somewhat better range today, but it’s deceptive cuz
of the nature of the markets IVIX, which was far worse today than yesterday.

… outta here … until tomorrow … Onward & Upward!!


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